
Monday, August 8, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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This is sort of a long one! Grab a cup of coffee and hunker down OR scan through the pics. I won't be hatin'!

Or just check out Paul's weekend highlight... dancing to some FUNK with some ladies at the Fuzzy Few carnival in Hummelstown!

I was so tired all day because JELLY was a DICK all night long. Sometimes in the middle of the night, he gets so crazy that he does anything for food. He'll meow, scratch the closet door, knock stuff off Paul's bedside table... He'll sit on Paul while he is sleeping and just stare at him with those little "I'm hungry" daggers coming out of his eyes. He was relentless, so we didn't get a lot of sleep.

I love him, but he can be a dick.

In the morning, we went over to my SIL's house to hang out with her and the kiddos. We had a lot of fun talking, playing with the kids and WEEDING. Do you all know how much I love to weed? Well, Debby let me weed her garden! It was so satisfying. I am being serious. There's nothing like pulling a weed out and getting all the roots and stuff!

Ellie and Clark


That afternoon, I almost convinced Paul to skip the gym and take a nap with me instead (who am I!?) but he wanted to workout. Since I am his ride, I went along and ran in a local park across the street. The run was pretty crap-tastic. The endorphins weren't even worth the 55 minutes of crappiness that it took to run 6 miles.

But that evening we had something super fun to do! We went to our first carnival of the year! Paul and I love carnivals because it's a cheap way to have a lot of fun. This was the Fuzzy Few carnival in Hummelstown, PA (a suburb of Hershey).

First, we did a lap to people watch and check out the food. Then we set up our lawn chairs so we would have good seats to see Soul Solution, a Harrisburg Area funk band. We saw them perform before, so we knew how good they were!


At one point there were some older ladies dancing. I dared Paul to go dance with them for an entire song and he did! Here is the proof...

Paul's got the moves!!!!
There were about 150 people watching the band and only 5 dancers. :)

This was my first bra-less outing after declaring I don't wear bras anymore. It felt great! Eat your heart out, Hummelstown!

Unfortunately, I felt ill when I got home that night. I didn't notice a lot of smoke at the carnival but there was some. My throat hurt and my stomach was queasy. It was totally from the secondhand smoke. I am just not used to breathing that in anymore! I am so glad times have changed and there are laws about where you can smoke. I remember in college that all the smokers would stand outside the building where I had English class. So if I wanted to go in the building, I had to walk through a crowd of smokers. It's so different now and I love it! But then there are certain places where you still just have to smell it, which sucks.

That morning, I headed up to my hometown of Millersburg to spend the day with my family. First, I went on an awesome run with my brother. It was hot and sunny but we conquered the hills and I felt good! The run was hard, but it was supposed to be hard, so I felt accomplished.

Then my family and I went over town to see some of the bike races going on at the Tour De Millersburg. There were several different kinds of races over the course of Saturday and Sunday including time trials, crit races, and a road race. We got to see some of the crit races.

Midway through watching the races, I realized I was only about two blocks from my friend Emily's house. Emily and I have been friends since high school. I texted her to see if she wanted to walk down to hang out. She had just put her twins down for a nap so she said she'd come down. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I ran up to her house before she left. Well, by the time I got out of her bathroom, a very unexpected appointment came up that her and her husband had to jet off too, so I offered to watch the babies! I was glad to help my friend out. It was just one of those moments when the universe aligned and I showed up on their doorstep to use the bathroom at the exact moment they needed a baby-sitter.

Since the babies were sleeping, I just chilled in the a/c watching Dr. G Medical Examiner (autopsies!!!!!!) and made friends with their kitty, Bron.

When they got home, I walked back down to the bike race for a little and then headed home. We had  a GAME NIGHT to host!

In attendance: Bob, Rachel, Randy, Michael. We laughed so hard our bellies hurt. BEST GAME NIGHT EVER!!!

Wow, Sunday. Is anyone even reading this still? This wrap up is getting long! Okay, I will make Sunday short and sweet...

1. We lifted at the gym.

2. We cleaned the whole house, did the wash, tidied up the yard, and did an exhaustive cleaning of the "spots" Chrissy likes to pee in. It seems like it doesn't matter what we do, the house smells like pee!!!!

3. We watched a lot of Big Brother.

4. We ate carbs.

5. I chilled on the couch with Jelly.

Do you like weeding?
Does secondhand smoke make you feel sick?
Any good carnivals around here we need to hit up?


  1. I read all the way down, even Sunday! It looks like you had a really fun, exciting, and busy weekend between the carnival, concert, visiting family and friends, and working out. Really you guys lead a busy life!

    I hate second hand smoke and also had an experience with it this weekend at a local brewery when we were sitting outside. It bothered me a lot but no one else I was with seemed to care, which was odd since they're all fairly healthy-minded people. I was glad to get out of there honestly just to be away from the smokers...

    1. Yay thanks for reading the wordy post! It's sort of like it either rains or pours. We either have a day like Saturday, or I stay in my PJs all day. When I go back to work, it's going to be a rude awakening.

      That stinks that you had to smell smoke while you were at the brewery. It's an awkward situation if no one else minds it. The last time Paul and I were at the beach someone lit up a cigarette near us and the wind was blowing it right into us. It was so annoying because it's such a pain to get up and move everything, so do you just wait it out and hope they only smoke one cigarette or move?

    2. We were also outdoors all night. It's cooler in the evenings, but this is still South Carolina and we were not on the water- we were inland.

      When I left (early), I straight up told the girls I was with that I was leaving because I was hot, sweaty, and tired of smelling smoke, LOL.

  2. I have actually never weeded, but I don't think I would like it! Second hand smoke bothers me alot now. My mom used to smoke in the house when I was growing up and I guess I got used to it. She quit about 7 years ago but stopped smoking inside long before that. I cant believe how smoky bars and restaurants used to be!

    1. You have never weeded!? How did you get away with that? Okay up until Paul started having health problems I had never mowed the lawn since my dad and brothers did it while I was growing up and then I didn't have a yard until I had a husband.

      It is crazy how much it has changed! I never liked the smell of smoke, but it wouldn't make me feel sick. Now that I RARELY ever have to smell it, it bothers me a lot.

  3. Elly wakes me up in the night sometimes too! She can be relentless, tapping my feet with her claws, slapping me across the face and running away, jumping all over me... like seriously! She can't possibly be that hungry. I NEVER forget to feed her. It drives me up a wall.

    I hope you felt better after breathing in all that smoke. That usually upsets my stomach too. I hate it when I'm somewhere that I just can't get away from it.

    1. Haha okay judging by these comments from other cat owners, maybe Jelly ISN'T a dick, maybe he is just a cat and doing what cats do to their owners! :)

  4. Cecil is the same as Jelly, such an a-hole when he's hungry at night. He will sit on my chest and paw at my face until I get up and feed him at 3am. If I push him off of me and try to go back to sleep he'll stand in the doorway and meow at the top of his lungs nonstop until I finally get up. Now I just get up with the first paw swipe most nights. It's better to get up right away so I can get back to sleep asap.

    That's so funny that Paul got up and danced with the ladies, I bet they loved that!

    PS: When are we going to get together and play Cats Against Humanity?

    1. Omg Cats Against Humanity! We're ready when you're ready! No seriously, if Paul and I ever find ourselves in FL, we can play. After I kiss Cecil one million times.

  5. Paul dancing with the ladies = love. Probably made their year. Truth be told, I would have gotten up and danced. It is really hard for me not to when I hear great music. I have a hard time w/ secondhand smoke (and I used to smoke which always surprises people). I think Colorado was on the leading edge of the smoking ban and I think it's wonderful. Coming from a former (and very discreet) smoker, there are plenty of places to smoke where you are around NO ONE (believe me, I did it for years...). Weeding = love/hate. I like it for a bit but then get bored. Rick takes care of all outside works so all I have to do is pick veggies from our garden :) And, I would not have a clue how to get pee smell out of the house. In our 21 years of owning dogs, neither one has ever peed in the house! Perhaps baking soda on the area?!? What are some good game night games (that are easy since I struggle at too many rules once I start drinking!)

    1. Yes I could totally see you and Rick dancing there because you guys are FUN. I think I knew that you used to smoke! That is so crazy! I agree that smokers need to find somewhere to smoke where people who don't want to smell it aren't forced to. I am sure it is a bit inconvenient, but it is the considerate thing to do.

      Believe me, I have tried baking soda! I should own stock in baking soda and vinegar at this point. ;)

      Game nights, we often play: Catch Phrase, Buzzword, Cards Against Humanity, Smart Ass, Zero, The Game of Nasty Things, Bubble Talk, What Were You Thinking... we have A LOT OF GAMES.

    2. It is super crazy that I smoked and especially because I was running a lot during those years! I am sure my neighbors thought I was the weirdest ever! Oh, great ideas for games. Why can't you guys live closer?!? We are always up for games but darn if most of our friends have kids they need to always work around....

    3. Yes, freaking kids ruin game night friendships.

  6. My mom and I were having the discussion about cats. One of theirs constantly comes up with new tricks to get them up and feed him and the other cat. Mine prefers to snuggle above everything else and lets me sleep.

    1. They are *so smart* those kitties. Glad you have one that would rather snuggle than raise hell in the middle of the night! :)

  7. My little Bron Bron is a celebrity now!! Almost on par with Christmas and Jelly :) And thanks again for watching Cruz and Blanca...we totally owe you one!

    Also--I've never once found your house to smell like cat pee.

    1. I had him PURRING, he loved my loving as soon as he warmed up to me. :)

  8. What a super fun weekend expect for the pee cleaning!! :)

  9. Yay for Paul bustin a move with the ladies!
    That picture of your mom with the grandkids is so precious!

    You all sound like you have the best game night!

    1. I know I love that picture of my mom with her girls and guy! :)

  10. Megan - Your mom is so lovely - that is a beautiful pic of her and her grandchildren. and your husband is so cute!
    I enjoy weeding and yard work immensely - I find it very satisfying - after I mow, I always look at my handy work and am very pleased! I am a nerd, I know. have a good day! Kristen

    1. Thank you Kristen!

      I do not think you are a nerd. Yard work can be very satisfying!

  11. I've always just kept my cat's food bowl topped up so they can help themselves whenever they are hungry and then they don't bug me! Your boobs look fantastic. If I didn't wear a bra, they'd be rocks in socks. I have pancake boobies from all these damn kids. I could stuff them each with tobacco, roll them up and smoke them.

    1. We used to do that but then Christmas nearly reached 20lbs so we have to portion out his food. He would eat himself to death if we allowed him to!

  12. That Carnival looks like so much fun! I didn't know there was one there!

    Look at Paul dancing! He looks like he is having so much fun!

    That picture of Clementine is adorable! is she in a basket?

    I would have suggested Cochranville Carnival, but Saturday was their last day. Put it in your calendar for next year! its the last weekend in July and the first weekend in August. The food is so good! the rides are ok, but they always have good performers.

    1. She is! She is in a big hamper hehe.

      Thanks for the carnival tip! We should start a carnival blog that rates carnivals. ;)

  13. One of our cats is an "opportunity peer" as well. Such a frustrating problem. But we've tried every trick in the book so now I feel like I'm an unofficial expert in cleaning cat pee (what has my life come to...).

    We use a product called Nature's Miracle that works fairly well at really getting the scent out well, but if you don't want to buy some special fancy product, I've actually found that white vinegar works really well. Of course, that means you have to deal with the smell of vinegar but once it dries it doesn't smell anymore and it gets the pee smell out better than anything else I've tried. Good luck!

    1. Opportunity peer! That is funny. Christmas pees in retaliation. If he doesn't get fed when he wants to be fed (ahem, all the time) he pees. One time he stared us straight in the eyes and peed on our TV stand.

      Unfortunately I have used vinegar before and it doesn't help. Vinegar, baking soda... We have not used that other exact product you mentioned so maybe that will be our next shot!

  14. Haha I am not sure if they were cougars or not! He called them his aunts. :)

    I wish I could weed for you!

    Baking soda and vinegar is not helping at all. :( I am glad it helped some of your spots!

  15. I love that you give us permission to just scroll through and look at pictures!

    It looks like you had such a fun weekend. The carnival especially makes me wish I'd sometimes go to our carnival/fair when it's in town, but our weather is just so nasty that I never want to go!

    1. Well I know yas don't need my permission to do that but sometimes I feel bad when I have a super long post. I want people to know I don't EXPECT you to read all this nonsense!
