
Monday, August 1, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Today was a big day! Not only did I have to complete an 8 mile tempo run, but I was driving to the Shenandoah Mountains to finally meet Karen for a hike!

My alarm went off at 5:30, which is the earliest I have gotten up all summer besides when we were on vacation. The kitties were certainly confused by the early wake up call.

I nailed my tempo run and had just enough time to stretch and eat before I left for Virginia. On the way down, I talked to Paul on the phone (he was on vacation with his family so I hadn't seen him all week) and listened to a bunch of podcasts. The drive down flew by! Even though I drove through 4 states!

Meeting Karen was awesome! I wrote more about our meetup here. But the short story is, we hiked 8 miles and I was pooped by the time we were done.

The drive home was long. My knee hurt and I was all sweaty and tired. Boy was I excited to get home!

The rest of the night I relaxed with the kitties. Paul got home around 11:00. He literally spent the entire day in the car traveling! Poor guy.

I slept hard and am too ashamed to tell you what time I woke up. Okay, it was close to 11:00.

My plan was to run 8 miles but it was so freaking humid that I called it a day after 6 miles. You would think a good sweat session would put me in a good mood, but for some reason it put me in a bad mood. Seriously, for some reason, I was mad, sad, and tired the whole day.

I did run a couple errands. I bought sugar. Can you tell I was feeling emotional?

Go big or go home.

I decided to try reading the Harry Potter series. My friend Bree ultimately convinced me. I was hoping I would like it because it would be fun to have books and movie to look forward to...

...Except I finally called it quits on page 70. I couldn't take it anymore. Not for me. Oh well, I gave it a shot!

The rest of the day I was mopey. I did jack crap. And it wasn't fun. I was just like BLAH all freaking day for no reason. It was seriously a shitty, shitty day.

I ran 10 miles in the morning and it sucked. I even stopped around mile 8 and cried while I stretched in the grass. I made myself finish the last 2 miles. When I got home I looked at my training schedule and saw that I was supposed to run 8 miles the next day. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK??? WHEN IN THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO RECOVER FROM MY 10 MILER TODAY????

I spent the rest of the day reconsidering the marathon and being mad about the entire situation I got myself into. 

Paul and I went to Burlington Coat Factory to putz around before dinner at Empire Asian Bistro where they have half priced sushi on Sundays.

When they seated us at the sushi place, it was right in front of a tank of crabs. I couldn't take it. I got up and left and poor Paul followed me out. I was just already in a bad mood and couldn't take sitting in front of that tank of crabs.

So instead I got KFC. Because no animals were harmed for this meal, am I right????

As you can tell from this CRAZY behavior from me I am not happy and I am not myself. More on that tomorrow I guess? I don't feel very sane right now, which may be a little EMO but I am seriously just trying to type this wrap up out so it can get posted in the morning.

The horrible, daunting marathon kept weighing on my mind.

After a post in the Hansons FB group and crying about the overwhelming shitty replies,  I consulted with my life coach, Kristina and decided that I am so over this training and I am done. I am so unhappy. More on that tomorrow..

Could you get into Harry Potter?
Ever go to Shenandoah National Park?
How was your weekend???


  1. You already know how I feel about the marathon training so we won't go there...

    I read the first Harry Potter book when I worked at the public library in college. It wasn't a bad book, but the series had been out for a long time then and was so popular, and I guess I expected more because of how much everyone loved it? I just didn't love it.

    I'm kinda jealous of your peanut M&Ms in the pic. I'd take those over sushi right now... love M&Ms.

    1. I read Megan's blog as much for the comments as the content. I would like to know your thoughts about the marathon training if you want to share!

    2. GO GET M AND MS!!! You deserve them!! As long as you are not allergic to peanuts! :) I actually think they are a really great snack for the afternoon as long as I can manage to only pick up a small handful and not go crazy.

  2. So sorry you are frustrated with your training. Interested to read what you post about tomorrow. Hopefully you are feeling better!
    I love reading Harry Potter, and now I really like watching the movies. But I can see how it's not for everyone!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! We will see if I can get my shit together for a post about it tomorrow. It may not happen until Wed.

      I WANT to like Harry Potter. It would be fun to have all the books and movies to enjoy! I might try again. I didn't take it back to the library yet.

  3. Oh the crabs! I totally understand. I don't know how people can pick out the lobsters they want to eat at lobster restaurants. If restaurants had cows and chickens running around the property I am sure I would never eat them again. Especially because I think cows look like cats when they're laying on the ground with their arms tucked in.

    Without you even saying anything I knew those replies in the group were just frustrating and wrong. If you had posted that same question to your blog you would have gotten such different replies because we know what your training is like, what your running history is like and how you've been feeling on a daily basis!

    1. Yeah I know it was stupid of me to think a group of strangers would say the right thing, but one or two people finally actually did. I think my question was valid- how do you know it's cumulative fatigue or that it's not good for your body and it's never going to be? VALID question considering Hansons is all about getting right to the line of injury but not crossing it lol. Yeah those first couple responses I read before we went out for sushi so add the crabs in there and then I just headed for KFC.

    2. Exactly!!! I saw that a few people came through with reasonable responses, but I just couldn't believe how many people were so quick to say "never ever quit unless you die" without asking for more info. I mean you said you were using the advanced plan which means you're probably a pretty experienced runner. I can't believe anyone would say just keep going without asking more questions to help you determine if it was cumulative fatigue or something else. I wish they had because I would have loved to know since I am constantly tired 24/7! hah!

  4. I loved the Harry Potter books, and started reading them the summer of 2000 after the 4th book was out. My parents had to take those books away in order to get me to do my summer reading. But I'm already reading!!

    1. I bet it was fun to catch up on all 4 of those books. :)

  5. I am so sorry you are not feeling so great right now. It gives me the sads. I am hoping you can find a way to get back to the joy of running, because (at least to me) if something is not enjoyable, then why do it?!? Hugs my friend.

    1. Exactly! I feel like i have been waiting way too long for this unhappy feeling to pass.

  6. Ok I felt the need to comment and while I read your blog, I rarely take the time too. It's mainly on the hanson's thing. So I coach one on one with the author, Luke - lol in fact I see most of the Hanson's runners all the time BUT THATS NOT THE POINT. The whole idea of that plan is to get people used to running on tired legs all the time with the specific paces and the longer back to back runs. I know people who do well on it and I know great runners who hated it. I think you just need to tweak it and find the parts that work for you, take an extra cross training day in place of a recovery run. I marathon trained specifically with Luke and we did not even follow that plan - just saying

    I KNOW YOU WILL BE FINE, though why you cannot get on the harry potter band wagon.. missing out

    1. I definitely understand their philosophy of running on tired legs, but I feel like I am on the brink of injury since I am so run down. And since I just can't hit that high of mileage, I don't think the plan "as is" can work for me. I am getting hot spots in places I don't normally get them and I just know my body. This isn't just TIRED, this is "something bad is going to happen". I feel like I am being run into the ground and I am not even hitting the mileage they want!

      I read the book and loved it. I followed bloggers who did the plan and hung on every word. I so wanted it to work for me but right now it is not. I think I overestimated how my body would handle going from 5 days of running per week to 6 days of running per week.

      If I had to do it all over again, I would take the plan as a framework and only run 5 days per week and see how things went.

    2. Totally understand - it is one that I get can lead to the burn out. It is hard to sustain training like that all the time. But you have time now to adjust and get back in the groove- maybe not as much time as you'd like BUT TIME

  7. I'm still so jealous you got to meet Karen AND go to Shenandoah Park!

    That is A LOT OF SUGAR! wow!! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm jealous of the KitKat bars. I bought a pack of kitkat bites, and left them on the dinner table, when I came home they were gone. Roger ate them all!

    Have you ever seen any of the Harry Potter movies? I saw the first movie in 200... whatever year it was the movie came out. The first time I saw the movie, I had no idea what was happening! Then I read the book in 2012 and was HOOKED! I listed to the rest of the books... Jim Dale does a fantastic job at reading them, he is the main reason I love listening to them. and also for me, the book becomes more of "how will Hermione save Harry's ass this time?"

    What didn't you like about the book? I have the movies, you can borrow them if you'd like.

    I'm sorry that you are having a bad few days! I think all the hard work you have put into this training will pay off for you at the end. Did you find a race for August yet?

    1. I know I thought it was hilarious how much junk I got! So far I ate about 8 oreos in one sitting and then one day I had a small handful of m&ms. The oreos were soooooooooooo good. I love oreos.

      I have never seen the HP movies, but that was another reason I thought it would be fun to read and enjoy the books because I love when they turn books into movies!

      I didn't look for an Aug race yet. I am currently reconsidering EVERYTHING.

  8. The only other people that I have heard use the term EMO are my teenagers when they point out the sulking, all black-wearing, greasy chain-smoking pasty kids leaning up against trees in groups of misery. They're like, "there's the EMOs." LOL. But anyway, I'm sorry to hear you're struggling so much with this marathon training gig. We only live once, and we never know for how long (by the looks of your sugar stash, you could be tapping out early HA HA HA!) so don't spend time doing things you don't want to do. If it is making you miserable and it's not helping you or anyone else then quit, and do something that makes you happy! <3

    1. That's funny! Paul and I say emo all the time.

      HAHA I know that's a lot of sugar. So far I only dug into the oreos and the m&ms. :)

      I am leaning towards quitting. But before I decide that, I am taking a couple days off running. Just got back from lifting.

  9. Thanks Karen! I am currently reconsidering absolutely everything. I'm totally okay with quitting because I don't even feel like it IS quitting. I have been unhappy for a long time and pushed through. There has to be a point where the shit hits the fan!

  10. Just catching up... so sorry to hear you are not happy with the training plan :( Did you already sign up for the race? I know the feeling- how the heck am I going to make it through a whole marathon?? My week on vacation was supposed to be a lot of rest, but in reality it was a lot of running short distances each day because I wanted to. Hopefully it did give me a break so I'll feel like getting back at it and making some progress.
    We read the Harry Potter books as a family (outloud). It took us years. No exaggeration. Some of the words were really hard! (no kidding) I had a hard time following the events because we spent so much time on it, but we all really enjoyed the movies afterwards.

    1. Wow I can't believe you guys read them OUT LOUD!!!! Mad props.

  11. I'm so behind on your blog--sorry to hear about your Hanson struggles :( And did I read that right? You slept til 11?? JEALOUS :)

    Hope you feel better!

  12. Okay, I found you on the Hanson's page. I agree with that long post and with your decision to stop the plan. You should not be miserable. This is supposed to be fun!! I hope you're able to find something that works and if not, know that it's TOTALLY okay to scrap the marathon plans and wait for when the time is right. <3

  13. I saw your post on the Hanson's page this morning and I was a little worried. I definitely agree with Kristina, a lot of those people were saying stuff that is just ridiculous. I felt pretty beat down by the Hanson's plan too, and may abandon it in the next few weeks (I am not REALLY following it now, either). For me, it was the exact paces that I was expected to hit. If I didn't hit them, I felt like that meant that I couldn't reach my goal and caused me to loose a lot of confidence as a runner. I think Rocky Mountain helped with that a bit, but I'm not totally sure that I'm back to my 100% self again. I really appreciated your help when I texted you a week ago. It was nice to reach out a little.

    Sorry that I just totally made that about myself... anyways, you should stop the plan if you really feel unhappy. There is nothing wrong with quitting. If this plan is making you feel that bad, screw it and do something that makes you happy. Are you still thinking about running the marathon? You could just dump the Hanson's plan and just see how things go on race day... although marathons are hard and probably not fun when you're overtrained. I hope you feel better soon!!
