
Monday, August 15, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up! (Short and sweet!)

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Most of the weekend was spent in my pjs...

I did do a lot of grocery shopping and school shopping in efforts to be ready to go back to work on Tuesday. Boohoo...

Sangria makes things better.

The highlight of my weekend was spending Saturday morning at Pinchot Park with my family.

I got to kayak for the first time ever. I even swam in a lake for the first time in 16 years. Honestly, the only reasons I got in the lake was because the real feel was 110 degrees and then of course I wanted to play with my SMART, FUN, BEAUTIFUL NIECES!

Family drum circle!

I did some running and some lifting. It was so hot out! I'm sure wherever you are, you are experiencing this crazy heat wave!

Like I said, not much to report, so that makes today's wrap up short and sweet! If you need me, I'll be rolled up over here in a ball, mourning the last day of my summer vacation!

Do you swim in lakes?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. I typically wouldn't swim in a lake but with how hot its been I may have had to go in! I can't believe its almost time for school to start up again!

    1. Yeah I would not have gotten in if it wasn't super hot and my nieces weren't there!

  2. Sounds like fun! I've got to visit that park. Do they have a boat dock? That may be a reason to convince Scott to come with me if they do. Boo for going back to school on Tuesday. We normally don't go back till September but this year we go a day early because we have off Friday thru Monday for Labor day. That's the first time we've had this long weekend!

    1. Hmmm I am not sure if they have a boat dock. I am assuming they do because I have seen sailboats and stuff there! It is called Gifford Pinchot State Park if you want to look it up.

      We have off Fri-Mon for Labor Day too! That long weekend right off the bat is NICE.

  3. Did you like kayaking? I would like to get out there one more time before summer comes to an end.

    1. I think I would like it more if we were in a creek. In the lake the sun was just SCORCHING and there was like nowhere to go. It was pretty cool just sitting in the middle of a huge lake, though!

  4. Looks like a good weekend! I want to go kayaking now, I haven't been in years!

    I love the pic of you on the couch drinking sangria through a straw. The first day of school pics have already started here, good luck with getting ready and heading back.

    1. LOL thanks. That picture pretty my depicts my lack of readiness to go back to work!

      My teacher friend from FL has gone back already too. I guess yas all start earlier in the south. We normally start 2 weeks before Labor day and end the first or second week of June... depending on how many snow days we have! (We have to make those up.)

  5. I would love to kayak! What an awesome upper body workout. Your day with family looks amazing! We had a packed weekend--movie, dinner, concert, picnic at the park. You know me, I cram it in so much by Sunday night we both go to bed so early! I hope you can enjoy your last day of summer vacation. How is this possible?!? Summer flies by, and winter drags by! Sigh...

    1. Kayaking was sooooo hard. My arms were extremely tired. I found SUP to be easier.

      You do cram a lot into a weekend!

      This weekend I was thinking about how cool it would be to live somewhere where it was summer for 4 months, fall for 3 months, spring for 3 months, and winter for 2 months. And the seasons wouldn't blend into each other. Like after 4 months of summer, fall begins and it's automatically 50 degrees and the leaves are changing, etc.

    2. Love when my upper body gets sore because with all the lower body work I do I really need the balance! I want it to be summer for 5 months, fall for 4 months, spring for 2 months and winter for 1 month (December only, please). That is not too much to ask, is it?!?

  6. Lakes kinda freak me out, to be totally honest. We have a lake close by and people get swimmers itch from it all the time. I made the mistake of googling it and now you won't see me even sticking my big toe in that water. I'm glad you had such a fun time!!! You look so happy in the vacation pics!!!

    1. Ew what is swimmers itch? I do have a spot on my foot that itches pretty but but I was assuming I brushed some poison ivy? Maybe it is LAKE RASH!

  7. I haven't swam in a lake in years. You don't want to swim in Dallas lakes either. I'm sure there are gators in some of the lakes and reservoirs because of dumb people.

  8. That looks like a fun relaxing weekend! how was the kayaking at Pinchot?

    I like how you are sipping your sangria while comfortably laying on the couch!

    Do you get to prepare your classroom this week? or is it all meetings?

    1. Kayaking was HARD. My arms were so tired. I needed lots of breaks.

      We have three prof. development days this week. I would say half the time is meetings and half is getting room ready. Although as of now, tomorrow they are using my room all day for a meeting which means I can't be in there... so not sure what the hell I will do tomorrow if they don't find another place for the meeting.

  9. It is sad. I am mourning. Are you excited to soon have some more life back in your building?

  10. I hope your last day of vacation was amazing and included lots of time with the kitties. They are going to miss having their mom home with them! Do you feel ready to get back into a routine or wish the summer was a lot longer? Usually after a week of vacation I'm ready to get back into my normal routine so I can't even imagine having a couple of months off. I guess after that long you probably develop a new routine!

    1. I had a great last day! We went to the gym, ran a couple errands, watched Big Brother... I caught up on CNN and blogs and laid around and drank sangria.... great, great day!

      Yes, I definitely develop a new routine in the summer! And I know this sounds bad, but I wouldn't mind never working again. But I suppose I didn't get a masters in education for nothing and I better go back to work and feed my cats. :)
