
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I'm not cut out for this whole "menstruating" thing

Yesterday was weird, and it really wasn't the greatest day.

First of all, I got my period that morning, and on the first day of my period I basically feel like I have the flu. Tired, back ache, other aches, light headed... It's not fun. I went to the gym to lift anyway. Not a good idea. I felt very apprehensive and "fluttery" as I was lifting. I think from now on, unless I'm dying to go for a run or something, I'm not going to workout at all on the first day of my period. It is just not enjoyable.

I was all proud of myself because last week I stocked up on lots of toiletries so that I could keep the things I need to shower in my gym bag. Sounds nice, right? Except I forgot to pack one of the most important things... UNDERWEAR. I was not going to work in a skirt without underwear, so I had to quick go home after the gym to grab a pair. I only ended up being two minutes late for work since I saved some time by not putting on makeup. Don't worry, I put it on at school. I didn't want to be scaring students on the very first day!

There was just enough time to drink a cup of coffee before my first class arrived. As I was assigning seats, we got an announcement from our principal that all teachers were to check their emails for an important message. It turns out that our students were going to be dismissed at 10am (one hour into the school day) due to an "air quality control" issue. School would be closed Wednesday as well.


Teachers were allowed to either stay in the building or go to another building in our district and do work. I wasn't really sure what work I'd be able to do in another building, so I just stayed in my room. Apparently we were "safe" as long as we don't have allergies or some sort of immunodeficiency.

So I spent the afternoon picking out chorus music and making copies. Definitely not what I thought I'd be doing on the second day of school! I was so tired though. Sleepy tired. All I wanted to do was lay my head down on my desk and take a nap.

After school I taught piano lessons, but as soon as I was done, I ate two bowls of Honey Nut Oaty O's (generic Honey Nut Cheerios) and went to bed when it was still light out.

My period really kicked me in the ass.

Does mold freak you out?
Did you ever forget underwear?
Does your period kick you in the ass?


  1. I would have left because I have terrible allergies--I have done 6 years of shots and still take 2 Rx every day. When we had fires in the mtns. in Colorado, the air was quite hazy and I really struggled w/ that. I have forgotten my underwear and unless I am wearing a skirt, I don't worry about it! My period used to really kick my ass but as you know, I take the pill year round so no more dealing w/ that nonsense.

    1. There are certain people in our building that don't have allergies all year long and then when they spend time in their classroom they get allergy type symptoms! Our HVAC is all screwed up apparently. You would have definitely needed to leave!

  2. Wow, thats crazy that school closed so early and is closed again today!
    I don't think I have ever forgotten underwear when getting ready at the gym. But when I would workout after work I would always forget something like socks or a sports bra.

    1. Ew I think forgetting socks may be worse than forgetting underwear!

  3. Oh gosh, an air quality issue sucks. What a treat for the kids to be able to go home! My nextdoor neighbor has such bad allergies she rarely comes outside and runs the AC all year. I have forgotten underwear. Ugh!

    1. I think the kids were super confused! And parents were pissed... which I completely understand!

  4. Huh! That is interesting about the air quality. When I went to my office yesterday it smelled moldy. Ewww. They are doing some construction and I think that triggered something. But apparently I was the only one who noticed it. Today I don't notice it, so maybe I just go used to it! (extra ewww) My period was so light this month I felt like I was wasting pads! Odd.

    1. The thought of mold grosses me out! I hope it's not in your office!

  5. I forget my sports bra more often than I care to admit. I actually haven't been to the gym the entire month of August, though, so I'm not sure I even remember how to change in the locker room.

    I'm right there with you on the period front. The two days before and the day of I feel like crap. And I have totally mild periods. I can't even imagine having bad ones! Those women are super heroes!

    1. I know, I feel bad even complaining about it since some people get like STABBING PAIN!

  6. I heard about the school being closed! My co-worker was telling me about her daughters being excited to be off. She was not impressed!

    Periods are no fun! I find it so stressful and exhausting! Does anything help you deal with it? I hate that when I have my period I crave all the cholate and cakes... normally don't like chocolate. It also makes me hate men, I don't know why. I find anything that Roger and my brothers say infuriating and irritating, things that normally don't bother me at all. Like when they say good morning, or how are you today ? I just want to scream at them.

    I have to admit that I am notorious for forgetting my underwear! Do you keep any extra underwear in your gym bag? when you get home, pack three just in case.

    1. I would not be impressed either if my child's school was closed down during the first week!

      I take Midol to help with the back pain but it doesn't work too well. I get very hungry but not for anything specific. Just sort of a bottomless pit on that first day. I don't get irritable but I am a baby and complain about it to Paul.. and blogland. :)

      I need to start packing extra underwear or keep some at work!

  7. I never understand why kids aren't allowed to stay, but teachers can. I have awful allergies in Texas, and we don't really have an off-season. I use nasal spray to keep the sinus headaches away.

    1. Well our admin basically said we are adults and we could either go to a different building and do work or stay. I decided to stay because I don't have allergies and I seriously couldn't think of a single thing to do in another building. All my work is in my classroom!

  8. I am laughing SO HARD at that meme at the end. We got our periods on the exact same day! Don't you feel close to me right now?

  9. I don't miss my periods at all. They were bad all my menstruating life. I was promised good periods after I had kids but that didn't happen. In my 40s, I developed a fibroid and had a partial hysterectomy to have it removed. It was THE BEST thing that ever could have happened. Seriously life changing. I credit my improved running to the removal of the offending organ. I'm not telling you to go to that extreme, but I sure know how you feel.

    1. I am glad you went for the partial hysterectomy and that it helped you immensely!!! I suppose my first step would maybe be get on the pill so I don't have periods and maybe that would help. I just don't really want to mess with my body with hormones. However, maybe it will be worth it to not have one day each month where I just want to lay in bed all day.

  10. Ugh periods suck. It's just crazy that women are expected to act like they're not being ripped to shreds inside and continue on like it's a normal day when so many of us deal with debilitating period pain.

    That said, I also think uteruses are freaking awesome. Evolution and biology is so COOL. I mean, it sucks, but it's cool when you stop to think about it.

    1. I think uteruses are gross... I wish I could just rip mine out since I'm not going to use it!
