
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fun Runner Survey- VLOG!

First of all, thank you everyone for your comments on yesterday's post. I didn't reply to any because I don't have any answers yet, but I have been thinking a lot, and I REALLY APPRECIATE your insight.

Second.... I have been quite negative in my last couple posts SO now it's time for something fun!!! I have a Vlog for you that I promise I recorded before I got into my little EMO FUNK. Hope you enjoy!!!!
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Last week, Kristina did a Fun Running Survey vlog. Have I mentioned how much I love Kristina's Vlogs? She urged other bloggers to take the survey as well, so of course I did!Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

Please excuse the pjs, no make up, and overall lack of energy in this one!

Here are the questions:

1. Describe your first race.
2. What was your favorite race?
3. Pace group or no pace group?
4. What is your dream race?
5. Who is your favorite runner/who motivates you?
Please answer one of the questions in the comments!

If you have a blog, feel free to steal! And do it as a video. I love seeing other bloggers IN THE FLESH.


  1. Awe!! All vlogs should be done with a kitty on your lap! I might have to steal this, although I kind of hate seeing myself in video. So, my dream race is definitely the Western States 100. It will likely never happen, but every summer I dream of one day heading out to Squaw and trying my hand at that course. If I do run it, you will certainly have to crew or pace me. :-)

    Also... I didn't get to bed until like midnight last night because I stayed up too late talking to you and not eating dinner! Haha! It was totally worth it though.

    1. I had so much fun talking to you! :) I had a quick dinner then went straight to bed to read. If you ever do Western States I would love to crew for you, and judging by the way we can yap, maybe pace you too as having good conversation is KEY to tick away those miles in an ultra!

  2. I will have to try to do this on my blog! As most people do, I think my voice sounds odd. Fun fact, someone in my office thinks my voice is OK because I recorded all of the prompts for our phone system. Or maybe it's because I'm the Tech person.... hmmm.
    I didn't get a chance to leave a msg for you yesterday, but I think the days off running will give you some clarity. I certainly don't have any sage advice for you because I threaten to stop running *every* week, and make myself look silly because I actually say it out loud to other people! And yep, then I'm back at it.

    1. Do it! Yes everyone thinks their voice doesn't sound right. I sound 16, who cares???

      But wait... if you are the one they chose to record voice prompts for your office phones, your voice is probably perfect!!!!

      Thanks, I appreciate your advice! Today is my third day in a row of no running. And I don't feel like running at all lol.

  3. Aww, I may have said this before (or maybe I was just thinking it) but I think Jelly may be the Cat version of same color and everything!

    Like you, I don't follow famous runners either!

    1. Jelly says he is honored to be compared to your darling Baylee. I look at Jelly and I just think he is so delicate. Total opposite of Chrissy.

  4. Love when you vlog--bonus footage of Jelly is making me smile. I have only run one race: a 5K when I was 11. It was super fun but my desire to run another one has never compelled me enough to register for a race. I love, love, love to follow along w/ others that are training and racing. But for me it's all about a few 3-4 miles runs each week, all my myself, in the dark. P.S. I think how you say "on" is adorable!

    1. OMG Susan, when I was in college, I was a vocal major in the voice department and my voice teacher told me that if he said "on" the way I said "on" and talked the way I talked, he would never speak again until he learned how to talk correctly. WHAT A DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. What a jerk. Seriously?! First of all RUDE and second of all I think your slight east coast accent is adorable. My mom had a very heavy east coast accent so any little bit I hear reminds me of her.

    1. I am not sure what an east coast accent is! What else do I say different from Coloradoians??

  6. If I did a vlog, I know Allie would join me. The computer comes out and so does she.
    My first race was a Disney World 5k so I could do the distance without any problem, and soak up the start line atmosphere, to see if this what something I wanted to do.

  7. I need to say this first... I am so jealous of wearing PJs, laying in the couch being comfy... I have been up since 6, wearing dress pants and a jacket since 7 and have my "business" hair, as in I dried it and styled it... Boo to me! But I am wearing my sports bra way under all of that.

    My very first "race" was when I was in middle school in Mexico. As part of our "Student Day" festivities the school organized a 5K first thing in the morning, followed by a lunch, a parade and a dance at the end of the day. The 5K was very low key, we had to make our own bibs, and we all had to wear a white tshirt. Most people just wrote their numbers on their shirt. I ran it with my two best friends.

    1. Did everyone have to participate in the 5k? So you have been a runner for a long time! I hated physical activity in MS.

    2. It wasn't mandatory, we just wanted to do it... because the entire school was invited. We had two shifts for school, and my friend wanted to see if the boy she liked from the morning shift was going to run... I don't remember if he did.

      But no, I was not a runner then, wasn't for a long time. But In Mexico we walk everywhere! it was common for us to walk 2-5 miles per day just running everyday errands.

    3. I wish our infrastructure was designed more for walking and biking!

  8. OMG I love your vlog!!! The entire time I was watching Lola was sleeping by my feet LOL. I totally understand how you got teary-eyed when you were talking about your race that is happened to me before as well when I've been explaining something to someone about a great race. You were so right about friends motivating you. I understand that famous runners are obviously inspirational on their own level but what really pushes me to get out the door when things are feeling exhausting or tough are my actual real life friends and when I know they've been out running or push through something tough it really motivates me as well. I can't wait to hear what your decision is about your marathon I know that it is a big thought process so as long as you do what your gut tells you I think you will be happy :-)

    1. Thank you for watching! I hope Lola is feeling better. :) I think it's so much easier to be inspired by "every day" runners because I relate to them so much more. I can't relate to an elite runner at all.

  9. Thank you, I love Jelly so much. He is pretty. :)

    I think my first race was just uneventful. And it was like 11 years ago or something!

  10. MEG GO VLOG! I love it! Awww I totally get being emotional about race experiences. When I was running the Miami half this year and I hit a specific point at mile 11 where the previous year I had just known I was going to PR I started crying. Even though this year I was way off my PR time, just remembering the previous year made me legit cry in the middle of the race!

    I can't believe Jelly just lays there and lets you rub his belly like that for so long! Cecil hates having his belly touched. He'll lay on his back but if you touch his belly for more than 2 seconds he'll flip around and run away! He loves getting his back and ears rubbed though :).

    1. My cats are SO WEIRD in that they love us to rub their bellies! :)

      I remember your Mile 11 story!!! I think 11 should be your lucky number.

  11. YOU ARE SO CUTE. "I have cat hair in my mouth, and I'm all teary-eyed." I couldn't watch the video this morning because I read blogs beside Callum while he sleeps but I came back and watched it now. I WANT JELLY ON MY LAP.

    1. JELLY WANTS TO BE ON YOUR LAP. :) How is Callum's little scratch? I hope he is okay. Jelly would never scratch him.
