
Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

Sorry for all the pictures in this wrap up!!!

It was a wonderful but tiring weekend!

My morning started with a 4 miler around my hood. I had an awesome pod cast but my knee hurt from the very first step. Eff.

Then we had to take Jelly to the vet. The day before, we noticed he was having some trouble with his back legs when trying to jump on the couch. He wouldn't try to jump on anything higher than the couch and was being very dainty going up the steps. We were a little (okay a lot) concerned so we made an appointment.

Jelly was a champ. He doesn't like the vet, but he doesn't hiss and growl like Chrissy does. He basically looks mad and annoyed the whole time, but he tolerates it. And that little baby DIDN'T EVEN FLINCH when they stuck the thermometer up his bum. I'm so proud of him! Maybe he liked it?

The vet thinks Jelly probably just hurt his back a bit, so they gave us 3 doses of anti inflammatory meds and sent us on our way.

Good job, Jelly!

I love you too, Chrissy!

When I got home, my friend JK-L was waiting for me. We went to the AT at Boiling Springs and did a very short trail run/walk. Then we went to the Boiling Springs pool. I saw FOUR STUDENTS THERE. What the heck?

That afternoon I was dead set on getting my ears pierced but when I called the place, the piercing guy wasn't in. So instead I stocked up on sangria. I got carded again, so I pretty much felt like THE SHIT for the rest of the evening.

That evening we watched Big Brother's Battle Back special. We set up a bracket and Paul won! Darn him!

Funny story: Just as I was about to take a picture of my beautiful dinner, it fell on the floor. "Get the spatula!" I shouted to Paul. I spatula-ed that shit up off the floor, threw it on my plate, and ate it. Judge away. I don't care.

It looked better before it fell on the floor...

I woke up early to get in a 7 miler. It got very hot by the time I was done. At 10am, it was already 95 degrees! No wonder I lost some steam at the end!

Paul and I had plans that fell through... aka, Paul didn't want to spend the day outside when the real feel was over 100 degrees. I can't say I blame him, but I was sad because I was really looking forward to hanging with friends. Plus, part of the reason I got up early was to get my run in before we left! I hate getting up early if I have to...

But the good part was I got to hang out with my family instead. We went to my brother's house to celebrate his birthday. A good time was had by all! I carbed up for my 16 miler the next day via pizza, sub, pork fried rice, and shrimp lo mein!

What's more annoying than a three year old playing the recorder...
A three year old playing TWO RECORDERS! BWAAAHAHAHA!

I think my brother Julian plays the piano better than I do.
Maybe it's the shorts?

Oh Clementine, why are you so beautiful?

My beautiful SIL, Debby, and baby Clark.

Clark: The party animal.

Ellie politely asked to use my camera and took the following photos:

Auntie Megan

Uncle Julian




My day started EARLY because I had to do my first dreaded 16 miler! The real feel was going to get up to 100, so I started my run around 7:00am.

I ran the first 5.6 miles around my hood. I felt pretty good. Since it was cooler, my pace hung around an 8:30. That made me feel great. During all of my training, I have felt like I am slower than normal, yet I fail to remind myself of the effect that the heat can have on my paces! 

After about 45 minutes on my own, I met my brother and he finished the last 10+ miles of the run with me. These miles were HILLY. I mean, there was one hill I was running up that I was averaging a 15 minute mile. Basically, I could have walked up a lot of the hills at the same pace I ran up them. But I made myself run because I wanted to RUN 16. 

And I did!!! 

My achilles felt a little tight once or twice, but it went away. My knee started to hurt a little around mile 11 but it wasn't too bad!

I did finish with some pretty epic chaffing...

Later on that afternoon, my brother and I met Bree to try SUP for the first time! We rented the boards and went for a little paddle around City Island. It took us about an hour and a half! I wish I had some pictures for you but we didn't take any.

I was surprised at how easy it was to balance, but also how tiring it was on my legs and arms. I know I wasn't paddling totally correctly. I am pretty sure there was a way more energy efficient way to do it, but I was a newb, so I just did the best I could.

Final Verdict: SUP on the Susquehanna was super fun and I hope to do it again! Preferably not on the same day I run 16 miles!

We were all completely exhausted by the time we were done and my brother and I were starved! We got some fried chicken and took it to my parent's how to stuff our faces. His girlfriend ate with us too. It was a great time!

The evening ended the same way every Sunday night this summer ends... with BIG Brother!

How was your weekend?
Was it super duper hot in your neck of the woods?
Would you eat your dinner if it fell on the floor?
Have you tried SUP?


  1. What a fun weekend! SUP is super fun, isn't it? I wish I had a chance to go more often! Way to get the training in and hitting 50 miles. You got this! We were gone Thursday - Saturday in Southern Colorado so Saturday and Sunday were filled with doing some house projects, seeing the Infiltrator and finishing our weekend with a BBQ at Lake Loveland! It has been 90-95 but it cools down SO much overnight. It is only around 58-60 degrees during my training. And by 11 am it's usually only around 70 or so. It's lovely. But I have winter training to content with which I dread just thinking about...

    1. Yes, whenever I am worried about the heat I remind myself it's WAY better than what winter throws our way!

      Hey I am glad you had an awesome weekend!!! Where do you SUP? Lakes, rivers?

    2. My brother in law lives on a lake! But they just got jetskis (moved to a different lake that allows them)so no one really uses the SUPs anymore :( If I had to choose between the heat and the bitter cold, I would choose the cold (as long as the roads are clear). I know I am going to go slow in both cases but the heat makes me feel awful. The cold is actually invigorating once you are done!

  2. Glad your 16 mile run went well! That says a LOT about your recovery and is a good sign for the marathon.

    I tried SUP last year and could hardly paddle the board. It just wasn't for me. I could balance very well (hello core), it was just hard to move. It was a windy and tough day, though. I never could get into Big Brother this year so I've basically quit watching it. I normally watch it every summer, just haven't liked it the last year or two :(.

    1. The wind can certainly affect things! When we paddled to the other side of the island, we had to paddle into the wind, which made it harder. I was EXHAUSTED. If I owned a SUP board and didn't have to worry about the hourly rate, it would have been fun to just paddle into the middle of the river and just sit or lay on the board and CHILL. :)

      How long have you been watching BB? Who are your favorite players from past seasons? Last year I didn't like it basically because I could no STAND Vanessa. This year, there is barely anyone I like. :( I am basically rooting against people at this point!

  3. It's official, everyone in the world has SUP'd now except for me. I really want to try it but I am so nervous. I lack very basic balancing skills!

    Poor Jelly, I hope that he's feeling back to his usual self soon. I can't believe he let the vet take his temp, what a champ. Cecil hasn't had his temperature taken since he was 2 months old. He gets VIOLENT when they try to do it and because it stresses him out so much I now just tell them not to.

    Way to go on all of that running outdoors. I was such a wimp opting for treadmill runs! But also it's just so much more convenient to run on the treadmill on the days that I also need to lift!

    1. The fact that this girl from PA has SUP'ed before you means yes, you need to try it! Listen, it was not hard to balance AT ALL. I think you would be fine. You have strong legs. I don't do yoga or do any sort o balancing practice and I was convinced I was going to fall off. But I didn't. Didn't even come CLOSE.

      I don't blame Cecil for not liking the temp taking. I wouldn't get my temp taken either if it meant putting something in my butt. :)

      If I had a treadmill very handy I may hop on it more often. But driving 2 miles to the gym (oh the horror) means it is easier to just go outside.

  4. O my, what is the chafing from? Was it originally a sun burn? That looks so bad. I hope it's not too painful.

    Oh I hear ya on running those hills. There are times during a long run when I think I could certainly be faster if I

    My sister does SUP often but I don't. We are going to the Lake House next week and I may see if I can get Baylee to lay on the board with me!

    1. Chaffing was from my hydration pack. Even though I had a shirt on that covered me back, I got chafed through my shirt! When I got in the shower I screamed bloody murder. It was horrrrrrrrible.

      Ooh if you get Baylee on a SUP I want a picture of that!!! :)

  5. Yay on your 16 miler! That is awesome that your brother came to run with you! When I ran my 16 miler, I needed someone around mile 12. I wanted to give up so bad but everyone I called I was busy and couldn't meet me to run the last 4 took me forever but I did it! I want to try SUP. It looks so fun!

    1. It is so nice to have someone to motivate you! I would have run those last 4 with you!!! :)

  6. I'd totes eat my dinner spatula'd from the floor. I hope Jelly's ok. Yay for being so good at the vet. Glad the 16 went well but yikes on that chafe. Yes, so darn hot everywhere!

    1. Thanks Marcia!

      Glad to see I am not the only one who would not eat the food off the floor. :)

  7. "Maybe he liked it..." BWUAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious. I love that you ate your dinner off the floor. I'd do the same thing; I wouldn't waste all that work! Nice job on your 16 miler! That chaffing looks AWFUL though. OUCH.

    1. Yah I mean nothing bad is going to happen to eat a little bit of chicken and broccoli off the floor. :)

  8. I eat food if it calls on my floor. I clean them regularly so why not?

  9. He does seem better. He is still cautious when jumping but not *as* cautious and it's definitely not getting worse. He is eating, drinking, fighting with Christmas, using the litterbox, laying on my lap, and doing all his other normal things. Whew. It worries me so much when one of my kitties isn't feeling well.

  10. I love all the #Ellieselfies!! kids take the best selfies!

    I hope Jelly is feeling better!

    A lot of people go to Boiling Springs pool! I didn't even know it existed until last year! I hope you enjoyed your time there !

    I gotta try SUP! Roger has been wanting to try it since he lived in Florida... and now he has to try it here!

    1. I am sure it would be more beautiful to SUP in FL than in the Susquehanna River!!! :)

  11. Glad to hear your 16 miles went well! That chafing looks rough though!

  12. Great job on that 16, especially in the heat! Wow! Wicked chafing, though. That looks horrible. What kind of pack are you using?

    1. Thank you! It didn't get super hot until maybe the last 3 miles thanks to starting early! I have been slowly conditioning myself this summer...
