
Monday, July 18, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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This weekend sure made up for a yucky week!

I hope ya all had fun this weekend. Here's what we were up to...

I did a whole Day In My Life post for Friday! If you don't feel like checking it out, the short story is:

1. I got my car back!
2. I had an awesome tempo run!
4. I finally met my new nephew, Clark!

Are you ready for this? I GOT UP AT 6AM!!!! I know, what the hell got me out of bed that early? A run with my good friend, Donna, who I haven't seen in years. Donna and I used to put in a lot of miles together. In fact, we ran Boston together in 2009. Today, we ran for about an hour on the AT starting in Boiling Springs. Donna is someone I could talk to for hours! No wonder we have always been such good running buddies!

It was weird being all stretched, showered, and back in my jammies by 9:30AM, but that's what happened! I was pretty tired and Paul wasn't even up yet, so I spent the next couple hours watching TV, blogging, and catching up on all the tragic world events.

It was Jelly's birthday, so he celebrated like a champ!

That afternoon, I rode up to Millersburg with my brother and his family. Both of my brothers were playing in an alumni soccer game, so my SIL Debby, her little baby Clark, and I went to the game to cheer them on. My oldest brother even scored a goal! I was so proud of him. 

Honestly, I didn't watch much of the game because I was having too much fun talking to my SIL and cooing over baby Clark!

Little bro Tyler.

Little bro Tyler in white and Cousin John in maroon.

Older brother Julian on the right.

We had a little bit of family time after the game. How cute are my nieces and nephew!?

 Little baby Clark!


 Ellie, Nanny, & Clementine

I slept until 10:30... dang, I have been sleeping so much these past couple weeks! That meant my 8 miler was going to be pretty hot. It actually wasn't as bad as Friday's run as the real feel today was only 84. 84 is totally doable as long as I have water.

The rest of the day I pretty much just did house stuff and chilled. We watched the movie Election, which definitely stands the test o time and is still hilarious!!!!

How was your weekend?
Any movies you think stand the test of time?


  1. The sleeping is understandable- marathon training is tiring! Heck, I'm not even marathon training and I'm always tired. It's just the joy of training and running. Plus you had a busy weekend for life too! Glad you got to spend time with friends and family and love the pics of the kiddos!

    1. Thanks Amy! It was a great weekend. I am hoping to get back on track with my sleeping. I was up until 3:30 last night! But got up at 9:15 this morning, so hopefully that will enable me to go to bed at a decent time tonight because I *do* have to get up at a semi reasonable hour tomorrow... like 7 or something! It's so funny how fast I slide into just staying up super late and sleeping in during the summer. When I start work again it will be back to 8pm bedtime and 5am wakeup! I am just so extreme either way.

  2. Awww look at Clark! And all those sweet kiddos. What a fun weekend. Glad things turned around for you. Happy Birthday to Jelly!

  3. I have my alarm set for 6 am everyday in the summer (which is earlier than the school year), but I've had a hard time getting up lately!

    1. WOW! Is it so you get up early and run before it's super hot?

  4. I ran on the treadmill both days this weekend because I slept in too late and didn't have time to run in the evenings. Sunday's long run on the mill wasn't as bad as I was expecting thanks to a lot of youtube videos for entertainment!

    Did your team win the soccer game?!

    1. Nah they did not win. They divided older alumni against younger alumni. My bros were both on the older team. My little brother (32) was trash talking one of the younger players on the other tear that just graduated a year or two ago by saying, "I think I used to baby-sit you." haha. "Fuck you!" the younger guy replied. Hahahaha!

      Good job getting the runs done despite the treadmill! I bet sleeping in felt great!

  5. Sounds like a great weekend! Glad you got that early morning run done. And yay for a baby!

    1. Normally I don't care much for babies but for some reason when it's a niece or nephew I care. :)

  6. What a fun weekend!!Happy Birthday to Jelly! Do you give them something special for their birthday? I used to give my Cordy (my dog) a burger patty with can cheese on top. She would inhale it!

    Congratulations on the baby nephew!

    1. Oh man I bet Cordy loooooooved that! Normally we only do 1 session of treats per day but on Jelly's bday we did 3 sessions!!!! He also got a "Jeller boy smogasboard" which is when he gets 1/2 his meal in dry food and 1/2 in a fresh can of WET FOOD! He is a little prince and only really likes wet if it is a FRESH can.

  7. I'm impressed by your hot-weather running! My new school starts at 7:15, which means morning runs are probably going to be a no-go once school starts, so I will be channeling your heat-running abilities every afternoon in August!

    1. You can do it! It definitely helps to just get acclimated you know?? Our school starts at 7:55 but next year I think it is starting at 7:20 which suuuuuuuuucks. Getting up in the 4 o'clock hour is not going to be fun.

  8. I love that your family spends time together like that. Awesome. Newborns are the cutest! I wish I could hold one all the time (and then give them back). Tommy Boy stands the test of time for me. Chris Farley is in my heart forever.

    1. I love that we don't live too far from each other and can spend time together. Like you, I love to hold and look and play and then give back. :) I never saw Tommy Boy!!!!!! But I knew you liked Chris Farley!

  9. I wake up at 6 most mornings, even without an alarm. It helped Saturday so I could get to the grocery store and make what I was taking to the BBQ, but I refused to get up yesterday morning and went back to sleep. I didn't have any where to be, so no way I'm starting my day that early if I don't have to.

    1. That is awesome that you just have a natural rhythm for your body. During the school year, I still get up at a respectable time on the weekends. Anywhere between 7-9am. But during the summer when I have no agenda, I get into the bad habit of staying up LATE. Like, 3am late!

  10. I need to give you some of my early morning rising tendencies! I was up so early on Sunday it was basically the middle of the night (and so weird I saw kids playing Pokemon Go during my run at 4:30 am). Looks like you had a super fun weekend. Ours was BBQs, rides, and lots of friend time. Oh, movies--well, hard to pick one but we can watch The Breakfast Club anytime it's on! Another older movie I absolutely love is A Few Good Men. They have been showing it lately and I watch it every single time!!


    1. Megan MichaelJuly 18, 2016 at 6:35 PM
      Omg my OWN BLOG ATE MY OWN COMMENT. The struggle is real. Let's try this again. I know why you are up early, but why were all those kids up so early? Do you think they never went to bed? I never saw A Few Good Men but I used to watch Bfast Club alllll the time. It was on TBS on Sundays- always. I wonder if they will ever redo it?

    2. I do think they were probably playing all night--that was my guess. OMG, please watch A Few Good Men. Such a wonderful cast and a really good story. I hope they never redo The Breakfast Club. I wouldn't want to see it.

  11. Titanic is a great movie! You know I used to have a crush on Leo from that movie, but now when I watch it, I'm like ewwwww he's too young!!!!

  12. It is SO worth getting up super early to meet a good friend for a run!! Even if it means one less day to sleep in on the weekend :)

    Your new little nephew looks like a love bug! So cute!

    1. Yes, I always dread getting up early but in the end it is worth it! :) Clark is a sweetie pie!
