
Friday, July 29, 2016


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Today I am participating in Marcia's Runfession's link up! Be sure to visit her blog and check out some of the other bloggers who are Runfessing today!

Runfession #1: The band on my Garmin broke over a month ago. I STILL HAVEN'T BOUGHT  NEW BAND!!! Talk about procrastinating.

Runfession #2: Last week, I completed the very first 16 miler of my training plan. I finished strong, but not without some pretty painful chaffing!

Runfession #3: I kind of want to run a race soon and see if the past two months of marathon training has actually made me a better runner. Any suggestions on what distance I should race?

Runfession #4: My running/lifting shoes smell so bad they are making our entire guestroom smell. I know shoes are supposed to smell- that's nothing new. But normally they only smell if my nose gets close to them. Now it's like all I have to do is walk into the room and PHEEEEEEW STINKY!!!!

Do you have something you want to Runfess?


  1. But your stinky shoes look so innocent! Haha! I think you should race a half or even a 10k. I'll bet you'd crush it. Thanks for linking!

    1. Hahaha they do look innocent, don't they?? A 10k sounds "fun", as in the vomit inducing way a 10k is fun. :)

  2. So what are you using for tracking? Don't leave us hanging...

    1. Oh I just hold my Garmin. It's only the band that broke!

  3. I keep my running shoes in a closet in the basement and it smells pretty bad in there. I would say to do a half if it fits into your training plan! Would you "race"it though? I wouldn't want you to be disappointed if you didnt do well and make you think your training isn't working. I ran a half while using Hansons but ran it at my long run pace. I was tired from training so couldnt have raced it well anyway! I

    1. Yeah I can't see myself "racing" a half right now. Maybe a 10k? Or hell maybe I should just try the half and see what happens.

      That's nice you have a far away place for those shoes! I keep all my clothes in our guestroom and that's where I get dressed and stuff. We only have 2 bedrooms.

  4. My running shoes smell bad too! Since I bring a gym bag to work and keep my shoes in there all day, when I open the bag at the end of the day to change I'm like OMG.

    I don't want to sound like a walking advertisement, but honestly a company reached out to me a few weeks ago and sent me an amazing shoe spray. I'll blog about it on Monday. It's called Aurorae Foot & Shoe deodorizer. It's changed the game for me. Not just for my running shoes but also for some of the ballet flats that can get a little smelly!

    1. I have some work shoes that can get smelly too! I don't always read sponsored posts BUT I will look out for that one because I think I need something... Paul uses odor eaters but that just sounds a little old man-y to me. :)

  5. I bought shoe spray from my LRS, and I have those scent balls in my shoes too. I air out the inserts and use that spray after every run.

  6. I want those mizunos. But I don't want mine to sting ;)

    1. HAHAHAHAHA! Let me brag about those Mizunos and tell you they were between 50-60 bucks from!!!

  7. I think you should run a half! Seems like it would work perfectly into your plan. Are there any that are nearby in the next few weeks? My runfession is that my running shoes are up to 200 miles and I replace them at 300 miles and I cannot for the life of me find a discount on them. I don't want to pay $120 for a new pair so I will keep looking. Last night Rick said "you could try a different style/brand". I gave him "the look" and then went into a long explanation about WHY I can't even think about trying a new style/brand. Poor guy...totally listened to me even though I have seriously talked about this at least 1,000 times (and almost always unsolicited). How this non runner is so wonderful and supportive of my crazy habit is lost on me but I will take it. I have a shelf in my workout room where I keep all my running, walking, lifting, biking shoes and none of them stink. I actually smelled them after you posted this. Maybe because it is so dry in Colorado that they do completely dry out in between wears. I know when we travel to Mexico my running clothes stank somethin' nasty and that never happens to me here. Maybe we are such high elevation the germs can't even breath so they die! LOL.

    1. I am impressed your shoes don't stink!!!!!!

      I have been in your situation before- needing new shoes soon and none on sale. Next time you find them on sale you have to buy several pair! So yeah, obviously that is what I did and not I am on my last pair so I will need some new ones in 2-3 months buuuuut I can't find them! I will have to check every week. I don't wanna pay full price.

  8. Honestly, in this heat I say run the longest distance race you can find, but I know it's a challenge to find one longer than a 5K in the summer (at least, here it is). I think a half is the best tune-up for a marathon and will show your progress the best. Marathon training doesn't exactly get you into shape to PR a 1 mile or a 5K, haha. But a half might have encouraging results.

    So... how do you keep from getting shoes mixed up when you have 3 pair that look exactly alike? I have those same shoes but I'm not a Wave Rider fan anymore really... I'm pretty much converted to the New Balance Zante and the Brooks Launch. I miss the old Wave Riders (15/16).

    1. I have worn Wave Riders for probably about 10 years. Of course they change a bit each time they update them (why do they do that!?) I hated the 16s so freaking much. In fact, I kept buying 15s from Japan on ebay until I couldn't find them anymore. Those are 18s and I bought 3 pair at a time because I found them for about $50 at running warehouse. So I only run in one shoe at a time. Then when I have too many miles on them, they become lifting shoes and I get out a new pair of running shoes. So I was using two for awhile and it was easy to tell the difference because the lifting ones just looked more worn and the running ones cleaner and less worn down on the bottom. I recently got out my third pair and they only have like 30 miles on them so they look very fresh! The old running shoes are now my lifting shoes, and the old lifting shoes are DIRTY because I wore them on the trail. So I basically just see CLEAN, WORN, and DIRTY and I know which shoe is which.

  9. I hope you finally put some type of ointment on the running wounds! that looks painful!

    When do you want to run a race? I would say either a half marathon.

    1. I have no clue! I don't even know what is available in the dead of summer. Maybe I should hunt around.

  10. I have to keep my shoes on the back porch. They are completely soaked with sweat after every run. You only imagine what they smell like! My 2nd Fitbit quit syncing. So I quit Fitbit.

    1. Mine are soaked too! I guess that is why they suddenly smell so bad.

  11. There is a spray you can get for running shoes. When I get home I'll text you what it is. I've never used it yet, but I'm sure it will Funny how you have all the same mizunos!

    1. Thank you!

      I found a deal online and got a bunch at a time. :)

  12. Ouch! That is some serious chafing. :(

    Never run a marathon so I don't have advice for you there.

    1. It hurt like a mother effer when I took a shower. Now it is fine. :)

  13. Do you have three pairs of the same Mizunos? I know a lot of people work a race into their marathon training early on, or don't "race" a race and do it as a long run.

    1. I do! I find them online at a big discount and then just buy several pairs at one time. Usually it is the leftover color no one wants. :)

  14. Thanks! I didn't choose the color it was just the leftover color no one wanted. :)

    Oh dang I would have totally looked at your toes!!! I took a picture of my feet (crime scene) to show Suzy @ and I *might* actually post them on my next Runfession!! They are sooooooooooooooooo horrible though.
