
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Meg Go Keurig! (VLOG)

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Yesterday was my 34th birthday and Paul surprised me with a Keurig!!! 

Warning: I pretty much sound drunk in this video as I had literally just woke up after only getting 4 hours of sleep!

Have a great day!
Do you have a Keurig?
What's your favorite coffee order?
Is 34 middle aged? My friend Karen says it is...


  1. Happy birthday!! I hope you love your Keurig! I don't think I could ever go back to making regular pots of coffee.

    1. I think I will feel the same way! It's a whole new world up in here!!! :)

  2. if 34 is middle aged, then I am really old! Happy b-day! Kristen
    PS - it's NOT - you are still very young!

    1. LOL thanks Kristen! I didn't think so either!!! :)

  3. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift! Great job, Paul. I know it will be used and loved every day. I thought about getting a Keurig but I drink a lot of (decaf) coffee and I feel it would be super expensive. I drink my coffee w/ almond milk (sometimes I use vanilla flavor but lately I have been using chocolate and I am not ashamed to say it's been somewhat life changing!) and a bit of stevia. 34 is middle aged if you plan to live to 68. I plan to live to about 90 so I will officially be middle aged next year :) I hope your Birthday festivities last the entire weekend.

    1. It will def be expensive to have this Keurig unless I can find some good deals on K-cups! They have them pretty cheap at Aldi so I think that will be the main spot I get them, but I have students who get me dunkin and starbucks gcs so maybe I will get some with those too. We will see! I think we are going to go hog wild at first...

    2. I don't think 34 is middle aged! To be honest, I think of 50-60 as middle aged so I guess I am planning to live a long ass time!

      You can buy reusable rubber k-cups that allow you to fill it up with your favorite ground up coffee. It helps with cost savings and also the environment. From what I understand all of the plastic k-cups are causing issues in landfills, so much so that the founder of the k-cups said he wishes he had never invented them. I looooooove my keurig and am so glad that it was invented but I try to cycle between using the reusable k-cup and the plastic ones. I don't think the flavor is quite the same from the reusable cup but it's not bad either!

    3. I was thinking about looking into the reusable ones not only to save money but help the environment. Thanks, you just sealed the deal for me!

  4. Happy birthday! When people say "middle aged" I think it just means you are old enough to know

  5. Happy Birthday !! I hope you had an awesome day !!

    1. It was my best bday in a long time, thank you Ana! :)

  6. Well happy 34th b-day to you!! Very thoughtful gift Paul!! We don't have a coffee maker. I'm the clueless coworker who has to ask people in my office how to operate it!!
    Comment on yesterday's post - while I was sweating to death doing my "long" run yesterday I thought "if the marathon weather is like this, it will be my first DNF for sure. I'd just stop mid race." haha! The power of positive thinking right there :) Hope the rest of your training goes well. We still have time! (and that's what I'm going to keep telling myself all the way until mid August. haha)

    1. LOL okay I think I will adopt your mantra too about still having time. :) I mean, we certainly do. I would like to talk to someone who did Hansons and see how THEY felt at this point in training. Today I am supposed to do 8 and tomorrow 15. But I don't think I will do 15 tomorrow. I am thinking of trying to do 8 miles today and 12 tomorrow.

  7. Happy Birthday! I love my keurig- I got one for my birthday in 2011 and have been using it ever since. Almost 5 years and it's still going strong. I like the hazelnut flavor k-cups... my tip is to find coupons for the smaller boxes and buy at the grocery store. Try a few flavors to see what you like before buying in bulk, but if you do buy in bulk, Costco has great deals. Walmart has a brand of k-cups now that's not bad either.

    A couple of bloggers I know have done Hansons... Allison and Suzi, I think you follow them? Maybe seek out their advice? Or, if you're in the Hansons facebook group, ask there because sometimes Luke himself will answer questions from members.

    1. That is good to know your Keurig is lasting you a good long time! Thanks for the tips on cheap K-cups! I will definitely be looking into that.

      I do follow Suzy and Allison. I really need to hit up Allison and see what she thinks. I am a member of that group but I hid it from my FB feed because I was sick of seeing it lol!!! It's like, okay, I think about this damn training all the time, I don't need to see it in my FB feed too! I am sure I will unhide it again at some point but you know how you go through spurts and you hide something because you are a little sick of it? I hid Bernie Sanders from my FB feed even though I like him. It was just him posting every 5 min and I couldn't take it anymore lol!

    2. Just type it in and go to the group and ask the question- you'll automatically receive notifications when someone replies since you started the thread. Not only Luke but others there are also pretty insightful.

      I will say this though, it is a Hanson's Facebook group so everyone there is a fan of the plan. If they did not like it they'd leave the group.

      If you go online to FellRNR, you can read more mixed results (

    3. Oh my gosh thank you for that link!

  8. Happy birthday, friend! I wanted a Keurig as a "yay you got promoted gift" but Matt talked me out of it because he likes when I make a big pot and put the leftover cover in the fridge for him to drink cold haha.

    34 isn't middle aged! I think 40 is!

    1. We normally do iced coffee too! What did you end up getting as a promotion gift??

    2. Keurig makes cups big enough to fill a coffee pot! When Adam got me a new Keurig last year (I think for my bday) he bought the kind that can make individual cups or the pot! I'm pretty sure it's basically the same price as most of the other Keurig machines too. The coffee pot cups are a little more expensive but I think maybe you save money in the long run since you are getting several cups out of it.


    What a great gift! I'm pretty sure Adam got me a new Keurig last year for my birthday too - the guys think alike :) Starbucks is great - and Cafe Bustelo Espresso k-cups are also really good!

    1. Thanks for the recs!!! :) We indeed have great guys! And they must know us. Caffeine = happy wife, and happy wife = happy life. ;)

  10. I think that is what I will end up doing too- just getting a reusable cup!
