
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

It's time to stop saying "atheist" as if it is some horrible thing.

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This is NOT a post about the DNC, presidential candidates, or the 2016 election. But it was inspired by this weekend's news item in which some DNC emails were hacked. 

Among the thousands of leaked emails, there was one from chief financial officer Brad Marshall in which he suggested that it would be beneficial in the primaries to insinuate that Bernie Sanders was a "possible atheist with Jewish heritage". Please, read the full story.

What I don't understand... Why is someone's religion or lack thereof important?

The fact that the word atheist has a negative connotation has been bothering me for awhile and I have to get some things off my chest.

I judge people on their character.

I judge people on their actions.

I judge people on their kindness and their humanity.

I judge people on how they treat others.

I don't judge people on their religious beliefs.

Hell, I don't even know what religious beliefs some of my friends hold. And I don't care! What I care about is what kind of person they are. This may be influenced by their religion, their parents, their teachers, any number of things or a combination of several. My point is, whatever has contributed to making someone the wonderful person they are, it doesn't matter to me. A loving person is a loving person.

Friends, I am an atheist. I have been my whole life. I am steadfast in my personal belief and I am comfortable sharing it with you.

What I hate is when the term "atheist" is thrown around as if it is a bad thing. Because anyone who knows me knows I am not a bad person. I am a loving, kind, person... who happens to be an atheist.

There are many atheists in this world. You probably know a lot of them, even if you don't think you do! You probably like and respect many atheists. If you like me a little less or think negatively of me after learning this fact, I would urge you to look within yourself and figure out why that is. Because that would have more to do with you than it has to do with me.

I have no questions today, but I am happy to answer any of YOUR questions. The reason I say this is because I realize not many people understand atheists, and I think the more we can understand each other, the more accepting and loving we can be!


  1. Adam is an atheist as well. I'm with you, how a person behaves is much more important to me than what their religion is.

    1. Yah! There are all kinds of shitty people. If I'm being shitty, it has nothing to do with being an atheist and more to do with just me being shitty at the moment lol.

  2. I'm not an atheist, although I'm not extremely religious. I don't know why the president's religion, or lack thereof, matters so much. Same with any political candidate. If I'm going to hire a housekeeper or a handyman, or a contractor, or realtor- or if I were a manager hiring a support rep or technical writer, I would not care about their religion. Either they can do the job, or they can't.

    1. We think alike! When I look at a presidential candidate I just want to make sure they don't make laws that put their religious beliefs on the American people. For instance, HRC's VP pick Tim Kaine is a devout Catholic and personally opposes abortion... BUT he is steadfast that repealing Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional and will defend that. It is refreshing to see a politician who is able to distinguish their personal beliefs from what should actually be put upon the entire counrt.

  3. It definitely is a personal thing. I know religion is a very important part of many people's lives and I am so thankful we live in a country where everyone is allowed to freely express their religious beliefs or no beliefs!

    Obviously you know me so you know that I am a huge feminist and would never be able to get behind any kind of thinking (religious or otherwise) where women and men were not treated equally!

  4. I'm between an agnostic and atheist. I didn't grow up on religion, but I read Greek mythology. I enjoyed that way more.

    1. I remember reading Greek mythology in HS and I wasn't interested in it because... that's just how I was in HS! I wasn't a very curious person. Now I love to learn! Boy I wish I had cared more about learning when I was in HS...

  5. I agree with you, religion or no religion is not an indicator of the person.

    I find it that most often those who claim to be religious are often the crueler, meaner, ruder... and they hide behind their religion as their reason for being that way. Like the people who claim that it is against their beliefs to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. because it's gay marriage is against their religion!! how ridiculous is that!? maybe it's not always a cake, but you get what I'm saying.

    My best friend from Middle School used to tell me she was an atheist, and we together used to question things our parents said to us about religion. Now she is very religious and THAT is weirder to me, because I don't remember her that way.

    I'm going to ask dumb questions... as an atheist, how do you feel about atheist who protest Christmas? That is the only thing I have ever wanted to ask an atheist... sorry if it's offensive.

    1. That is an interesting story about your friend!

      It's not a dumb question and I am not offended. I don't understand why someone would protest someone's religious holiday. Live and let live! However, I also don't think there is a WAR on Christmas. That is ridiculous.

      Although maybe I am not the one you should be asking because I FREAKING LOVE CHRISTMAS so much that I named my cat Christmas. Seriously, Christmas is my favorite time of year.

    2. I shouldn't say it's weird... it feels judgmental. But I get so frustrated to see so many religious themed pictures on my FB feed that are from her.

      Christmas is the best! what is not to like? Food, family, music! Bring it all on!

      There is no war on Christmas... only people who refused to acknowledge that there are holidays other than their own.

  6. How come you don't wear Marylin Manson makeup and drape vials of goat blood around your neck? Ha ha ha. I LOVE YOU!!!! XOXOX I wish we didn't even have to write posts like this. I have a friend who is a vegan and she's constantly preaching at me about eating animals. I HATE IT. I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO EFF OFF. Let's just let everyone BE. Drives me fracking crazy!!!!

    1. Q: How do you know someone is a vegan? A: Don't worry, they'll tell you.


  7. Is this the sangria post?..hehe
    I clicked on the link but for some reason I could not read the story but I did watch the brief video on Newsy and I don't understand why people are coming to that conclusion about Sanders. I truly believe that people are just scared of what they don't know and anything that is out of "society's norm" raise a red flag so to speak. I have to believe that the USA is primarily a Christian nation so that is why this "red flag" is raised. I agree people should not judge.

    1. Yes it is the sangria post! Ding ding ding!

      No I don't think people are coming to that conclusion about Sanders, just in someone's email they mentioned maybe they could insinuate he was an atheist so he would lose votes.

      Yes people are more likely to be scared of what they don't know.

  8. As I walk through my life, I really try to not judge people for anything other than their character and their integrity. Don't believe in God..fine; don't want to eat meat...great; want an open relationship with your significant other...go for it; want to not shave your pits...OK, but please don't show me--LOL! All I expect would be the same acceptance from others for how I choose to live my life. As far as religion goes, Rick and I are very spiritual people and our faith is really the center of our relationship. I love that we have that to share (in addition to loving going to sporting events together...HA). I always say "there are many paths that lead us to the same place" so I am totally accepting of any belief that allows someone to live a fulfilling, meaningful life. With my faith, I take what works for me and leave the rest. Maybe that isn't the right way to do it but it's how I choose to live. I have 2 questions for you: when you are going through a struggle how do you hope for a good outcome (I always pray so wondering if there is anything you do) and also, what do you feel happens when we die? Do you think we come back or the end is the end? I obviously believe in heaven, but I am very vocal about saying "who knows, it could just be the end and if it is, then we won't know any better so it does not upset me. Or we could totally reincarnate and come back and that is OK with me too". That makes some people that are Christian cringe, but it truly is how I feel. Great discussion, Megan! Thank you for creating a place we can all share safely and without judgement.

    1. Now come on, I draw the line on the pit shaving. EVERYONE SHOULD SHAVE THEIR PITS. Just kidding. :)

      So when I go through a struggle, how do I hope for a good outcome? Well, I talk to Paul, or I'll talk to my family. Running really helps to give me time to think through my thoughts and put things in perspective. Of course I try to control what I can control but there are some things that are just out of my control! I probably do all the things anyone else does when they go through a struggle except that I don't pray about it.

      I don't believe in heaven. I think when we die we die.

    2. Truth--shaving pits should be mandatory! I know you don't believe in heaven...wasn't sure if you believed in reincarnation but maybe that is a general "rule" that atheists do not believe in that. I didn't know.

    3. Hmmm I don't know if it is a rule about what atheists believe about possible life after death or reincarnation. I don't know many atheists so I don't know what they believe about that.

  9. Megan - I was just reading something about humanists yesterday, funny that you should write this today : ). Many humanists consider themselves atheists - I consider myself an agnostic. I was raised in the church, but also raised in a very liberal household. My parents are religious, but are open-minded and accept everyone for who they are. I agree with you - how you behave and how you treat people is the true measure of the person you are. Who said that kindness is my religion? The Dalai Lama? Have a great day! Kristen

    1. "kindness is my religion" <--- Whoever said that is smart because I think that's what pretty much every religion teaches anyway! Thanks for sharing your back story. :)

  10. I am just tired of all of the judgment. Judgment judgment judgment. I'm tired of people judging and shaming and making the world hell for others just because they don't freaking agree with them. Well, I don't like certain foods. That doesn't mean I find it shameful that other people do! I'm just so tired of politics and the way that people handle them.I respect everyone's right to have an opinion.
    And I love the idea that kindness is my religion. That is a religion that I think we should all buy into.

  11. Hi! I promise I still read your blog, I just usually do it at a time that I am unable to comment easily or my comment would take too long. The more I read, the more I realize we'd be great friends if we didn't live 3,000 miles apart. I don't label myself as an atheist because I can't prove it either way and when I'm in nature, I know there's something bigger and more powerful than myself. A man in the sky with a big beard who can hear and see everything I'm doing? No. But an energy that is bigger than all of us. Thank you for this post Megan! Now go put on your gothic make up and sacrifice something! ;-)

    1. Heyyyyyy! Long time no chat! I'm glad you're still reading! When someone comments and says we could be friends, I take that as the highest compliment! Thanks for sharing your views with us.
