
Thursday, July 21, 2016

About yesterday's post... AND SOME MEG GO RUN NUMBERS!

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...First of all, about yesterday's post... It always fascinates me what sort of posts get a lot of attention! On Tuesday afternoon I had nothing scheduled for Wednesday and decided to write about our pool trip and Humping Umbrella Boy on a whim. Then whaddaya know, the post gets more comments than normal and 215 views within the first 24 hours alone!Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

Also, if you type "Hampden Pool" into Google, yesterday's blog post is the third link listed!!! Who knew this is what it took to make it big!?

Guys, my blog is itty bitty. I don't get 197 views on a single post normally. I usually get less than 100. If it's a training update, it's less than 50!

I know I actually had a good title, so that helped. Having a profanity always helps to bait people to click on the link. But this also confirms what I thought for awhile... Most people who read my blog don't read it because it is a running blog. I think they read it more for the other random shit I decide to post about!

Now, I have lots of interactions with children (I am a teacher!!!!) but normally I can't write about them because I don't think it would be appropriate. The only reason I was able to write about Humping Umbrella Boy was because I didn't know him at all.

If only I could tell you actual stories about the students at school. You would be rolling. But obviously I can't do that! Most of those stories I will have to take to my grave!

Since I am talking shop in this post (as in, I am talking blog stuff in my actual blog), I thought I would also share some blog numbers with you...

Meg Go Run By The Numbers!

I have 18,900 comments total... half of those are me replying to comments because I reply to every single one. If I don't reply, chances are 99.9% of the reason is probably I forgot!

I literally just realized (when looking at my numbers for this post) that I have 1474 spam comments. I just deleted all of them and plan to check up on the spam comments more regularly. Maybe when my blog eats your comment that is where it goes? I am sorry!!!!

Meg Go Run has 1145 posts. I have posted every day since I started my blog. One day, I posted twice by accident.

338,131 = number of page views on my blog. Considering all the spam comments I got, I bet a lot of that is from spammers!

Top countries in order that read my blog the most: United States, Canada, France, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, Ukraine, China, Japan.

I have one ad on the side of my blog, and so far I have earned $67.31 from my blog! That's almost 6 cents per day! I am not sure how to cash in on that money. I will have to look into adsense and see how that works because Paul and I could go out for sushi like TWICE with that kind of money!

Hope ya all are enjoying your week!
Bloggers, talk some blog shop with me! About how many page views do you get a day? Any other numbers you want to share?

Non bloggers... are you more into reading running related posts or just my random every day life type of posts?


  1. Love your blog! I enjoy both the running and random posts so I am glad you won't give up reporting on running & training! It's a perfect combination and I look forward to reading it every morning!

    1. Thank you or being one of my most loyal readers! I always joke that only my mom and g-ma read my blog every day, but I should really throw Susan in there too! ;)

  2. Isn't it funny the posts that get alot of attention? I have to check my spam comments every day because real ones always get lost in there.

  3. I think your blog posts are balanced really well between running and non-running stuff. I think running is the initial thing I have in common with my favorite bloggers, but there's always something else because it's so hard to ONLY read/comment about running. It would be like trying to have a friendship with a colleague and only talking about work all the time - ZzzZzzzz!

    1. YES same here- I come for the running but stay for all the other stuff I like about the blogger. I also have to like their writing style.

  4. I shared your post with two people yesterday! So, I definitely helped LOL jk

  5. I continue to be amazed that you blog every single day! Do you use Google analytics? If not, you should, it is more accurate than the Blogger stats. Also it's pretty cool to see where all your traffic is coming from. I haven't taken a look at mine in several months but I remember being intrigued with all the number stuff! Oh, and I enjoy reading all your posts, running or not. It's like having a conversation over coffee!

    1. I do not use Google analytics but I will look into that! Does it cost money? I guess I could google and find out!

      I am glad you enjoy even my non running posts! Those are sometimes my favorite to write!

    2. No, Google analytics does not cost anything. You really can do and see so much about your blog with that (more than what I know how to do or would even have the need to do). But it is still fun to look at if you are a numbers person. Like I said, I hadn't pulled it up in a very long time so I really don't even remember how to use it except to see what's on the home

    3. No, Google analytics does not cost anything. You really can do and see so much about your blog with that (more than what I know how to do or would even have the need to do). But it is still fun to look at if you are a numbers person. Like I said, I hadn't pulled it up in a very long time so I really don't even remember how to use it except to see what's on the home

  6. I'm still waiting for the day that Newton running, Athleta and Target C9 stop by and read my blog because I am certain they would want me as a paid product endorser!! ;) I was looking, but did not see your ad. I think my ad blocker must stop it because I never noticed it. Sorry, denying you of sushi money :(

    1. It's normally just chilling on the right hand side, nothing big. It is okay to deny me of sushi money hahaha! I hope those companies stop by your blog soon. ;)

  7. I should really put up an ad but I don't know how. I get about 7000 page views per month but day to day fluctuates so much. I SO WISH you could tell stories about your students! Most of my friends are teachers and so I hear quite a few crazy ones. WOW.

    1. Well it took me over 3 years to earn $67 which I think is funny! I am sure there are many more ways to make money on ads, but I hate ads that are in your face on blogs. Ones that pop up or videos that automatically play bug me. Plus, my lap top is sooooo slooooow and there have literally been blogs I stopped reading because it took forever for the blog to load due to the ads.

      I will tell student stories in real life (with names changed to protect the innocent, of course!) but I just can't publish them on the internet!

  8. I'm amazed that you find time to blog every day. I would write more but I write for a living (technical writer) so I don't always want to write on my days off. Personally, I read your blog for the running and I love the training updates but I do love your personality and how you made your blog posts about you. I'd like to do more of that but I'm not sure what people would read and I am very conscious that I can be a bit snarky and don't want that to come up for employment issues in the future.

    I love that your post made it to #3 on Google. Just think- it's going to come up for all the parents who search for that pool's admissions costs or information now, lol.

    1. I definitely understand sometimes not wanting to write on your days off! I am a music teacher and I rarely listen to music during the school year. By the end of my work day, I just want the noise to STOP.

      Thank you for reading my blog! I am glad you enjoy the training updates. People's training updates are actually my least favorite thing to read (there are a few outliers who I love though!) but still for some reason I write my updates. :)

      I love snark!! But of course understand worrying about how it could come off to potential employers.

      OMG I KNOW EVERYONE IS GOING TO SEE MEG GO RUN HAHAHA!! SO funny. I wonder if the pool is going to care?

  9. How cool! top 3 searches for Hampden pool! So, we can start saying you are Huge in Europe?

    I hope you can get your sushi money!

    I personally love your blog because 1. you post everyday 2. you keep it all honest, real, and it's about more than just running. Thank you for that!!

    the most views I've had on one day was 50, and I'm completely ok with that.

    1. Thank you! I try to keep it honest, post about the good, the bad, and the gross.

      How long have you had your blog??

    2. I Started the blog in 2006, and took a 10 year break. (I deleted most of anything from 2006) I've been regularly posting since Spring of last year.

    3. Wow you were blogging back when blogging was NEW!

  10. I look at my stats every once in a while, but not often. It's fun though to see a post show up on Google. It seems random which ones show up, but I'll take it :)

    1. Yeah I don't look at stats often either. Sometimes for a particular post I will.

  11. I sometimes feel like starting an anonymous teacher blog would be totally worth it because the stories are just nuts and non-teachers wouldn't believe what happens sometimes!

    I never check the stats on my blog, but I've realized that 1) having some consistency with posting and 2) publishing more reflective posts get the most comments. Promotional posts or reviews rarely get many comments (and when other bloggers write them I usually skip them too!), but I like to write them once in awhile because I like testing out new things.

    Go cash in on that ad money!! I have one affiliate link on my blog to Skirt Sports but I have no idea if it's made me any money or how to cash in on it haha!

    1. That is a great idea! The only way to do it would be anonymously for sure. I wonder if there are blogs like that out there?

      I normally skip promotional posts as well! I just don't have very much interest in them. I also skip posts when people talk about shoes because shoes is one of my least favorite things to talk about. Also, I don't know much about the subject of shoes anyway so I am not sure what I could add to the convo in a thoughtful comment.

      I am you made some money with the affiliate link!

  12. Wow so your employer doesn't want you to say where you work? Or you are just doing that to be super careful?

    Now put it into perspective: one ad for three years = $67 lol!

    The only people that solicit me are robots. Or people that want me to write about their company but they CLEARLY have never read my blog before and probably use the same outreach email I got for lots and lots of other bloggers.

  13. So I get more views than you but you've made more money than me! LOL! This blogging thing is cray cray!

    And the spammer comments are kind of amusing...

    1. They are amusing!

      I made about 5 cents a day on my blog. I won't quit my day job!

  14. Hi Megan. Long-time follower here from New Zealand. I am also a runner, so enjoy your running posts, but also love reading your random stuff too!

  15. Oh man you're right that is not free speech!
