
Monday, June 20, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Hey, it's my first official weekend wrap up since school left out! Here's what we were up to!

Chrissy woke me up with facial exfoliation. If you have a cat, you know exactly what I mean by that!

I drank my iced coffee, fiddled on my computer, and then read the last fifteen pages of The Girl on the Train. I really wanted to finish it the night before, but I could not keep my eyes open. Guys, this book was so good!!!! Have you read it? You should read it. It is being released as a movie in a few months! I can't wait! I love when they turn books into movies.

Then I had a chiro appointment. Dr. Olivetti does ART on my PF. Hot damn does that hurt! But anything to make it go away faster.

I ran a couple errands... I got some DVDs at the library and went food shopping at Aldi.

I've seen every episode of Weeds and Will & Grace but I want Paul to get into these series too so we have something to watch together. Shameless is just something I heard was good...

Oh, look what came in the mail for me today from my dear friend, Maren! She is a trip!

Since I was taking another rest day from running (to help my PF go away completely) and my upper body was super sore from lifting two days in a row, there wasn't much for me to do on the workout front. So I stretched and did hip/glute/core work. I really didn't feel like it. All I wanted to do was run. But I figured if I couldn't run, I may as well do something else good for my body.

We watched one episode of Shameless. It was... okay. I am not hooked, but I will try another episode or two before I make a solid opinion. My takeaway is that it was trying to be shocking, but it wasn't shocking at all. Maybe I am immune to shock?

Then we watched 6 episodes of Will & Grace! Paul loves it! I have seen the entire series already, but am more than happy to watch it again. It's actually kind of funny seeing all the old technology and cultural references in the show- especially because we started with season one.

I spent much of the evening catching up on OJ: Made in America. I have read a lot about the OJ case and I didn't think there could be anything else for me to learn... but I was wrong. Loving this documentary.

I stayed up really late on Friday night so I slept until 11:30 on Saturday! Dang! I am already in this horrible cycle of staying up late and sleeping in. Usually it takes me well into July for this cycle to really start but clearly this summer I didn't waste any time. I blame vacation. My sleeping is all screwed up and it's Colorado's fault!

Today was RUN DAY! My first run since the very ugly run in Boulder a week ago. The sun was shining, it was 80 degrees, and I couldn't wait to get my sweat on! I felt very out of sorts when I started this run. I was wobbly and slooooow. I didn't feel like I was in control until after 2 miles. I did six total and my feet didn't hurt at all. I kept waiting for the shoe to drop throughout the day... but it didn't. My arches were a little tender but I could tell that was from ART the day before. That was the area my chiro ANNIHILATED.

So I was hopeful... very hopeful. And of course, thankful for every step of my run. I freaking love to run.

Then I took Paul to the gym to lift while I stretched, did a bunch of hip/glute/core stuff, and gave my feet a little extra TLC.

We were supposed to go out that night but we weren't feeling it! We were tired and felt like homebodies. So we stayed in and did the usual... watched Will & Grace, did some puzz puzz, ate macaroni salad...

Sunday was another RUN DAY! My right foot felt totally fine. My left was feeling it a tiny bit at the arch. I decided to risk it and run. I did 6 miles in the scorching heat. I averaged about an 8:30 pace. It was difficult. I definitely don't have my mo jo back. How have I lost so much mo jo in one week???

Then I went to visit my Daddio at work to wish him a happy Father's Day! We sat and chatted for awhile. I was glad I got to see him on this special day because he is a great dad!

That afternoon we took a pizza over to Paul's parent's house to celebrate Father's Day with them. We talked, we laughed, we looked at Colorado photos, we debated politics... all in all, a great visit.

I wish I had taken more photos today because I know that really enhances a blog post. But I was too busy living life! Instead, here's some kitty porn you are sure to love!

Can I just say I am very happy I have a blog in which I can force my readers to look at pictures of my beautiful Jelly boy? He is smart too.

Do you like when they turn books into movies?
Are you a Weeds, Shameless, or Will & Grace fan?
Tell me what you did this weekend!


  1. I'm glad you're back to running and there's not a lot of pain! So thankful you didn't have to miss much training and it happened very early on (plus you still lifted so it's not like you just sat around). I've never heard of that OJ show but I want to watch it now!

    1. I'm happy it's early but I'm also worried because I missed a lot of runs! Now is the tough part of trying to ease back into running 6 days a week without letting the nasty PF come back.

  2. Yay for running w/ no pain! I have no doubt you are going to come back even stronger. Sounds like a super fun weekend. We watched Weeds together--loved it. I watched Will and Grace when it was on TV but we have so many shows on our list to start watching I won't go back and re-watch them. What a fun weekend you had. We took a ride/picnic into the mountains and had dinner out w/ friends on Saturday. Sunday I had a breakfast date w/ a friend and we also had a pizza party w/ my dad at Lake Loveland. Gosh, I love summer!

    1. You guys sure live it up on the weekends! Where into the mountains did you drive?

    2. I know. I love cramming in as much fun as we can! We are really boring during the week except for beach BBQs so by the weekend I am like "let's go". Luckily, Rick is up for most of what I plan :) We went up into the Buckhorn Canyon and down the Poudre Canyon. It's one of our favorite rides!

    3. Cool, I wanted to Googlemap it to see where you crazy kids go. :)

  3. The OJ documentary is so good. After watching the FX series I am finding all the real footage fascinating. I also can't believe what an amazing job FX did with casting, hair and makeup because the actors looks so much like the real life people. One thing I will say is that the real images they use from the crime scene are just horrifying. I had never seen them before, and I generally avoid looking at such images, but when they popped up on screen I literally couldn't look away I was so horrified. Even Adam yelped a little when they first came on. Maybe you will be desensitized to them a little bit though since you are used to reading and learning about true crime stories.

    I am glad you were able to get in a couple of pain free runs! :) :) I bet it wasn't even really your loss of fitness that caused you to feel slow. It was probably the HEAT!

    Jelly is beautiful and smart, and I am proud of him!

    1. LOL thank you for the Jelly affirmations!!!! :) I won't tell Cecil, it will be our secret. :)

      Yes, the crime scene pics are extremely sad an horrifying. And to think his children were RIGHT UPSTAIRS and he left that carnage they could possibly find. It is so hard to understand how a human being could do that to two other human beings. I can't imagine how someone could be sick sick with rage. Classic case of domestic violence escalating to murder.

      I had seen those pictures before, but it was a little jarring to see them on television. I am kind of weird in that I do look up crime scene and autopsy photos. The last time a crime scene photo really made me gasp was when I was looking up photos from the Jodi Arias case and there was a picture of the victim, Travis Alexander, from an autopsy and his face was partially decomposed. When I saw it, I felt like a got punched in the stomach. I know I may sound weird and gross for looking that stuff up but I don't do it because I find JOY in looking at the pictures. It's more like I want to understand the crime and appreciate what the victim went through. That sounds weird but do you know what I mean? Because as a sane person, you probably never imagined how horrible the OJ crime scene was or what Nicole and Ron went through until you actually saw the pictures.

      Okay I am rambling about crime scene and autopsy photos. Only on Meg Go Run!!!!!

      One other thing... What did you think of the two jurors they interviewed???? It was shocking. I would be interested in hearing longer, uncut interviews from them.

      I think the series did a really good job of explaining race relations in LA during the 90s and why African Americans and whites were so DIVIDED. I did not understand that huge aspect of the case at the time but now I do understand as an adult. I was crying when they were showing footage of the different reactions to the verdict- African Americans cheering and white looking sick to their stomach and shocked. What made me cry is not that he was found innocent, but that African Americans were treated (and still are!!!) treated so horribly by the the criminal justice system that they were at the point where they did not CARE if he was guilty or not, they wanted to see the system work FOR a black man, not against him.

      OH one new thing I heard from the series that shocked me was after the Bronco chase and the police took OJ from his home to the station, there were tons of African Americans in his neighborhood cheering for him and he said to someone in the car, "Why are all these n-words in Brentwood?" I GASPED!!! They very community that was supporting him so blindly he was just sooooo disassociated from. Wow I could talk about this forever!!! Sorry!!!!

      Do you remember when this case was going on? I remember my parents watching the Bronco chase on the news and I remember seeing it. I remember when the verdict came in. It was between classes and I was in middle school. I was leaving science class and we had 3 minutes to move to our next class and that's when everyone heard the news. I was SHOCKED!

    2. The series did an amazing job with getting the point across about how bad race relations were during that time period. I had never seen the Rodney King video footage before and was shocked and disgusted. Given how bad things were, I can definitely understand why there were riots. To tear down your own neighborhood and to hurt innocent people would mean you were just literally pushed over the edge.

      I don't remember when the case was going on. I remember watching the Bronco chase on TV at my grandparents house, but after that I don't remember anything about the trial.

      I've only made it up to part 3 so far. I need to watch the final two eps asap!

  4. My sister started reading The girl on the train an I thought it sounded interesting from what little she told me. THEN I saw the movie preview the other week when I went to see ME before You and now I am convinced I néed to read the book and then see the movie.

    I have been on a boat for 5 days so I am SO ready to take myself for a run. I know my legs are going to feel completely heavy but i'm looking forward to just getting out there!
    Ps. Always love looking at pet pictures!

    1. Yes, you need to read the book! I think you would love it.

      Ooh you're on a boat!! Where are you at?

  5. I love watching the old shows, but it makes me feel old. I was watching Scrubs season 4, and Dr. Cox references the 2016 Olympics. Wait, that's THIS year!!

    1. Yeah they do make one feel old! Just everything about it. The clothes, hair styles, makeup coloring, the cell phones... IN one ep of Will and Grace Will said he'd go out only if he took his cell phone. Like it was SPECIAL that he was taking his cell phone with him!!

      Omg I loved Scrubs!! I stopped watching before the series was over... I forget why. I think I got busy and it was before the days of DVR so it wasn't as easy to keep up with shows.

  6. I read Girl On The Train, it was a good book! I have to admit that I saw the twist at the end coming all along, but I love stories with unreliable narrators! A similar book was The Husband Secret, did you read that one? That one had me hooked!

    I used to love watching Will and Grace with my friend Kevin in college, we were awful! we used to do the whole "Who's your daddy?" line from Karen and Jack, we loved those two! I never finished it, Grace's character was a little more annoying than what I could take.

    I love your new shirt!!

    thanks for the cat pictures, I was starting to wonder where those were!

    1. "unreliable narrator" <---- That's what I like too! I am reading a book now called He'a Gone where a woman wakes up one morning and her husband is GONE! Wallet and phone gone but no bank cards or cell was used since he went missing. I find her unreliable though! I think she had something to do with it!

      I did not read The Husband Secret but I will look it up. You always recommend good books to me. :)

  7. "He's smart too." HA HA HA! I love the fur that pokes out between kitty paws!!! It's my favourite.

    1. I thought that would make some people laugh. :)

  8. Yay for your feet feeling good! Fingers and toes crossed they continue to be happy. Love the kitty porn! So snuggly and cute.

  9. I've been watching Will & Grace on TV during the day on WE. It has aged pretty well, all things considered, but some of it is so cringe-worthy now!

    I love Shameless! It's so good and gritty.

    I'm glad your feet are feeling better!!!

    1. Does Shameless get better or is it just more of the same?

  10. Nice weekend! I totally know what you mean by exfoliation. Elly likes to exfoliate my eyelids, which is a surprisingly sensitive part of your face. It hurts like crazy.

    I'm glad your feet are better!

    1. It does hurt!!! Chrissy has done that to me before. And it makes my eyes water which makes me wonder if I am semi allergic? Or maybe just everyone is allergic when it comes to animal tongues + eyelids. Hehe. Oh boy do we love our cats. :)

  11. These photos are nice! Certainly, there is a interesting. ^^
