
Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday 5! (Okay, 6!)

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Today's Friday 5 theme is FAVORITES! (per the rules of the Friday 5 Link Up).

We had so much fun on vacation but we were so thankful to come home! Even though we were having fun, we were getting pretty homesick by Day 4 of our visit to Colorado. It's just our nature. On our hike, we talked about some of the normal, mundane, "boring" things we missed while we were at home!

1. Paul says he missed: Eating shredded wheat and watching The Office in the basement.

2. Meg says she missed: Fiddling on my computer while drinking iced coffee in the morning.

3. Paul says he missed: Laundry.

4. Meg says she missed: Colbert.

5. Paul says he missed: Mowing the lawn.

6. Meg says she missed: Podcasts.

Ever since we got home, I've been randomly shouting, "We're hooooooome!!!" to no one in particular. It feels so good to sleep in my own bed. I am so thankful we are able to take vacations, but even more thankful we have a home we love so much!
What "normal", mundane things do you miss when you are not at home?

Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5!


  1. I totally get missing mundane things. I miss my bed a lot on vacation! I love climbing back into it the first night home after vacation. I also miss a structured daily routine, haha. Vacationing is fun but Adam and I always end up arguing at least once because I find it hard to just go with the flow even on vacation!

    1. Omg Paul and I argue on vaycay too, and it's normally my fault!!!

  2. I always miss my bed and just having a separate living area from the bedroom because I get so up early. Normally at home, I just close the bedroom door and don't worry about waking Rick up. In a hotel, I am trying to tip toe around in the dark, make coffee and eat something before I sneak out for a run or whatever. It's stressful! I also miss my morning bowl of oatmeal because I make it "special" and one time in Mexico I was missing peanut butter so much and could not find any that now I actually pack it! And of course, goes without saying how much I miss Macy -- we end up talking about her while we are gone. It's a little over the top--LOL. Love to travel, love to come home!

    1. It have to be sneaky like that in hotel rooms too, Susan! Not to mention the horrible weak "coffee water" you have to make in a hotel room.

      What do you do with Macy when you go away?

    2. The coffee is awful and the mugs are WAY too small. Seriously, two gulps and you're done. Sheesh. My dad watches Macy -- we call it "Camp Joey" (my dad's name is Joe but Joey sounds cuter). When we went to CA in April, my dad went too so the gal that cleans our house came to stay with her which was AWESOME. Jenny knows my house inside and out, Macy knows Jenny very well and Macy got to stay at home. It was a big relief to know she can be our Plan B if my dad can't watch her.

    3. Wow I am glad you have such a nice set up for your Macy Girl! :) She is a lucky pup.

    4. It might sound crazy but if we couldn't find someone to watch her, we wouldn't go cuz we won't kennel her. Not that there is anything wrong w/ kenneling but just a choice we have made.

    5. Doesn't sound crazy at all to me!

    6. That doesn't sound crazy at all. I would never board Cecil either! What if he thought we abandoned him like in homeward bound! Before my mom moved here, we hired a cat sitter to come and be with him while we went on vacay. The first time I was really nervous when interviewing potential cat sitters - they were all licensed and insured, but them stealing from me was the least of my concerns! I just wanted to know they would be kind to Cecil. The woman we eventually hired was so wonderful. I knew from the moment she walked in that she was going to be a good fit. I'm glad that my mom can babysit him now though.

      A luxury cat hotel recently opened up near me. I know it sounds totally crazy... each cat gets their own private suite, a TV that plays videos of birds and other animals, filtered water etc. That sounds nice but I still wouldn't leave Cecil anywhere but home! :)

    7. WOW a luxury cat resort??? That is so interesting! But I agree, my kitties wouldn't be happy anywhere but at home. We hire a friend of a friend to cat/house sit. She is not insured or anything like that. I know this sounds weird, but I trust her more knowing that she has cats and she is very good friends with a friend of mine. Does that make sense? She texts us every morning and sends us a couple pictures each day. :)

    8. I agree completely with both of you! It's just that important for us to have Macy feel OK while we are gone. When we first got her and she was still a puppy we planned our vacation around being able to take her with us. We wound up in Custer, SD renting a cabin on a huge plot of land. It was absolutely amazing and we didn't mind at all planning around the new little girl that had come into our lives :)

  3. I always miss sleeping in my own bed while I am on vacation. I met Belle too. I bet you two missed your cats.

    1. Yes even though the mattresses on vacation are usually better than our mattresses, there is something about your own bed that is so nice. Oh and we missed the cats so much- that goes without saying!

  4. Paul missed Laundry! That's awesome!

    I always miss my bed the most! Nothing like one's own bed for the best sleep, and my shower. I hate trying to figure out new showers.

    1. I know, and it is even funnier that I am the one that folds all the laundry. He simply puts it in the washer and dryer, which you know is very hard to do. ;)

      SHOWERS! GOOD ONE! I hate figuring them out too! With my own, I know exactly how to get it the temp. I want.

  5. Awe, you guys are too cute. WE are going to Mexico next week for 11 days and I'm scared. I'm not scared of flying, I'm scared of being away from home. I love home. The familiarity of it all: the smells, the knowing where everything is, the private poos, stuff like that.

    1. I completely understand. I get homesick before vacation even starts. I have always been this way. I don't know how I made it through being away from home for 4.5 years during college!

      I hope you are having so much fun in Mexico that the homesickness barely creeps in at all! :)
