
Monday, May 16, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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13.5 days of school left!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I don't feel bad about counting down. That's how tough work has been lately.


Friday started off horribly. I hate to complain, but I will. I got my period right before I went to bed on Thursday evening. I woke up at 1am with bad back pain, cramps, and the feeling like I had to go to the bathroom... but I couldn't go to the bathroom. I was back and forth between my bed and the bathroom for two hours. It was absolutely horrible and I was sick tired. But there was no way I could call off work the next day. My fourth grade chorus was participating in a concert with the entire district's music department on Friday morning. I had to be there.

When my alarm went off at 5:30, I went out and ran the six miles on my training calendar before I had a chance to convince myself not to. I did my normal stretching and headed for work.

It was rough. I felt like a zombie. The only thing that gave me comfort was sitting down and putting my head in my hands. Due to feeling so horrible, it was hard to enjoy the concert. When the performance was finally over, I took the rest of the day as a sick day and went home.

When I got home, I laid in bed for over two hours. I didn't fall asleep but I just laid there with my eyes closed. Both kitties cuddled with me. Finally, my stomach was rumbling so much that I simply had to get up and have something to eat. I had two bowls of generic Lucky Charms and with that, I felt like a new woman.

I had some mild nausea for the rest of the day, but we were able to do some major grocery shopping. Boy did it feel good to get that crossed off the list.

We took it easy for the rest of the night. I got a rotisserie chicken, which I love, but I make Paul rip the pieces off for me because it looks so much like a... well, a chicken, that it makes me sad.

I ran six uneventful miles. Hey, I'll take it! I did lift a little back as well. Then I house cleaned the bathroom. It was a productive morning!

Chair Asst. Pull Ups- 5x20
Row- 4x10x20lb
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 53 total... in various sets!

Most of the afternoon was spent at my brother and SIL's house celebrating my SIL's birthday! It was a great family day!

Happy Birthday, Debby!!!!

Clementine, Might FINE!!!


Julian, Megan, and Tyler

I love my family!

Ellie and Trump Tower. Don't ask.
Clementine and her pins!

Tyler, Paul, and Julian in a chess game.

I drove up to my parent's house to run with my brother! I had 8 miles on the schedule. We ran up and down a mountain and did a little bit of trail as well as road. It was great to run with my bro!

Then I headed to my cousin's bridal shower where I got to hang out with my mom, cousin, and aunts. It is always nice to see family!

The bride and her handsome groom!

Top Row: Cousin Stephanie, Me, Auntie Eileen, 
Bottom Row: Aunt Patti, Aunt Betty, and my Momma!

Oh, this weekend we got to cat sit for our pals. You can never have too many kitties in your life!!!

Me and Pierre. I love him.

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!

Does anyone else have horrible period pain on the first day? (I used to not, but in the past year or so it has gotten worse.)


  1. You have a beautiful family! What a super fun weekend. Sorry you are having such issues with your period. I used to get terrible cramps that would make me sick--it's awful. My weekend was spent doing a lot of shopping which I don't love but I feel much more prepared for whenever Colorado decides to give us some decent sunny weather!

    1. What kind of shopping did you do?

      Yah it definitely sucks being a woman! I mean, if I had to take 1 sick day per month there would go all my sick days just from my dumb period!!

    2. I got 5 new pair of summer jeans and 6 new tops! Oh, and a new necklace which is super cute and I couldn't pass up. Yeah, periods suck. Especially for those of us that never wanted kids to begin with. It's like "what's the point?!?". I am so glad to take a mini pill every single day so I never have to deal with that nonsense.

    3. Hmmm maybe I should look into that next time I go to the gyno!

      Yay you got a lot of nice summer stuff! And I know you don't like to shop.

    4. I would look into it. For me, it was life changing but I know many of my friends hate being on the pill. Have you ever been on it? Ah, yes, I do hate shopping but it was in Boulder (yay) at my favorite jean store so that made it all better! Plus, I was basically the only one in the store so I had three young girls helping me try to look hip!

    5. I bet they had so much fun helping you shop! :) I was on the pill a long time ago. When I took it I didn't get my period!

  2. It looks like you had a fun weekend! I'm counting down school days, too. We get out on June 13 (kids end June 10) but all of June I'm in DC/have half days/have the 8th grade there's no teaching going on that month at all. I just have to get through May!

    1. The time with kids at this point is the tough part! We are soon done!!!

  3. You did 153 pullups during your workout?! No wonder I'm so bad at pullups, I'm only doing 5x10, and the first two sets are "warmups" with more assist. Do you always do 5x20? Should I do 5x20?!

    Awww Pierre is so cute! At the pet store yesterday I made the mistake of petting one of the kittens available for adoption and now I can't stop thinking about him!

    1. The only reason I did 5x20 is because I used a chair to assist me. I wasn't lifting anywhere NEAR my body weight. I just wanted to do something light and quick.

      The 53 were band asst. and neutral grip. I did them in sets of like 6 or 8. I just wanted to feel the PUMP since I didn't have a lot of time and the next time I will be able to lift is Friday because dumb Hansons doesn't know I need to get SWOLE.

    2. Hahahha!

      When you were working up to pull-ups with no assist what did you do? Still the same kind of thing?

    3. Usually I do them with only band asst. because the band doesn't assist me a whole lot- it gives me about 10lbs of asst. I think. So I would do 5x6 with the band and that kept me strong enough to a couple unassisted ones.

  4. Aww looks like great family time! Did the bride to be wear her wedding dress to the bridal shower?

    1. No she had on sort of a tu tu like Carrie wears in the opening of SATC!

  5. I used to have horrible periods. Horrible. About 8 years ago I had a partial hysterectomy because I had a huge fibroid. I don't miss my periods at all. In fact, my quality of life improved dramatically after that surgery. Not that I'd recommend it but for me it was great.

    1. Wow I am glad that worked for you! I would love to not get my period.

  6. Pierre is such a cute name for a cat! I'm sorry you had such a crappy sleep with all those stomach cramps. I haven't had too many issues with that before, but I do get really uncomfortable during ovulation (I get cysts). Bah. Still better than having a penis though!

    1. Eww I hear cysts are painful. :( Yah I am glad no penis!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to your SIL! and Congratulations to the bride and groom! You have a gorgeous family!

    Ouch on the painful periods! that really sucks! do you ever use a heating bad for the cramps? After giving birth, my period has taken a mind of its own. Some months it feels like my insides are being torn apart, others I have no pain. Weird.

    My son's school is wrapping up the year, I have a calendar full of end of year events!

    I ate my weight in food this weekend... and it was amazing!

    1. Thank you, Ana!! :) What grade is your son in?

  8. I can't wait to read about your half!!! :) I saw the pic of you on FB but didn't get around to reading blogs yet today.

  9. Oh my those girlies are so darn cute! Glad you got to enjoy some family time. I did the same at my nephew's 9th birthday party. The youngest on my side of the family is 4 already. No babies anymore!

    1. Aw thanks Marcia! I think so but then again I am pretty sure I am biased!

  10. Thanks for the shout out!!! Pierre is adorable. I kind of love the look of fright he has while you squeeze him. Haha!!

    I had such a great weekend. I can't wait to tell you all about it!! :-)

    1. I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!!!! Seriously, I have no idea how to contact you other than through your blog. But I wanted to text you a billion congratulations on Sunday! I was following you. I mean, FOLLOWING YOU. I was singing you songs!!!! I was telling you to grab the marathon by the BALLS!!!

  11. Sorry you had a rough night on Friday! Some months I had terrible pain and want to stay home from work, but I never do. Glad you were able to enjoy the weekend!

    1. Yeah it's definitely a new thing for me. I think if it hadn't kept me up at night I could have powered through!

  12. It's so nice to see your lovely family make an appearance on the blog! Sounds like you had a good weekend. The Lucky Charms seemed to have been a good turning point. :)

    1. Thank ya! I see my family a lot but we always forget to take pictures. :)
