
Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Day In The Life

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Howdy, readers! I haven't done a DITL post lately, so that's what you have coming at you today! I love reading DITL posts because I am super nosy about people's habits and schedules. I know that sounds creepy! Well, this day I am documenting was this past Tuesday, April 26th. Enjoy!!!

My day started earlier than I wanted it to. The alarm was set for 5:45, but at 5:00, I woke up with searing eye pain. This happens about twice a month ever since I scratched my cornea about a year and a half ago. I have self diagnosed my ailment as recurrent corneal erosion. Normally I can just close my eyes and fall back asleep, but this morning it hurt too bad to shut it. At 5:09, I admitted defeat and got up. At least I would have a little extra time to mess around on the internet and drink coffee before my run. The pain went away almost immediately, but I am going to make an appointment with the eye doctor!

I drank iced coffee and internet-ed for awhile. Then I got dressed for my run. It was warm out, so I was excited to wear shorts and a t-shirt.

This is my "I'm excited to run" face.

It was my first run since the race, so I wasn't sure how I would feel. My legs felt light and fresh at the beginning but faded quickly. Towards the end of my run, I swung by my polling station to vote. Yay, voting!

Look at the yard sign I saw on my run... UGH!

Then it was home to foam roll my ass and stretch. 

I get transfixed by the Today Show.

I showered and got ready for work.

I eat breakfast in the car. After a run, it's always cereal.
I was on a Raisin Bran kick for awhile but I got sick of it. Now I'm on Bran Flakes, which is sort of the same but oh so different!

It was an in-service day, so there were no students I always love random days like this because I can get a lot done.

Mid morning snack!

During my hour long lunch (YESSSSS!) I ran to Wal-Mart to pick up a couple random things we needed. Like brand new tupperware. Paul recently went bat shit crazy when he realized none of our tupperware containers have matching lids. He decided he wanted to throw them all out and get new ones. Well my love, your wish has been granted!

I also got myself this cute summer purse!

It was definitely an impulse buy, but I love it and it was less than $10. It's made from fabric, in case you can't tell.

Oh, I ate my lunch in the car. It was this yummy mayo free chicken salad with two pieces of wheat bread. It was a lot and I was full!

Nothing interesting happened at work, except for one thing, which deserves a post all on it's on! Is your interest piqued? Good! Look for it in an upcoming HOT TOPIC post!

Now is a good time to show you the cute ring I wore to work. My friend's husband has a 3-D printer and he makes these cute cat rings (among other things) with it. Don't you love it???

I left work at 3:40 and got home at 4pm for an evening of piano lessons. I had 3 students, a half hour break, then 3 more students. I got done at 7:30pm. Tuesdays are looooong but it's worth it for the extra money. We would not be able to take fun summer vacations if I didn't teach piano lessons!

I know what you're thinking... A Day In The Life post and there are no cat pictures yet?? How could this be?? Well actually there already is a sneaky one you might have noticed, but here are some obligatory photos of Chrissy.

 Pile of PJs, Christmas, and a stability ball.
What do you keep on your guestroom bed?

That is Jelly. 
And this photo properly depicts why I want to EAT HIM!
Isn't he just so cute you want to eat him!!!???

After piano lessons, it was finally time to eat. I had wine in my new stemless wine glass and a huge salad with potatoes on top. 

I forgot to take a picture of the salad but I did take a picture of the most important thing.
Note: The wine glass was much more full at one point.

I ate dinner while watching Samantha Bee with Paul.

Samantha Bee is an AMAZING show! If you are not watching it yet, I highly recommend you start! Or listen to her interview on Fresh Air with Terry Gross!

I had dessert around 9pm. So late. I wanted ice cream and I had it.

I eat right out of the carton, which is living on the edge!

Then I had a date in bed with... my Mary Higgins Clark book. 

And that, dear readers, was my Tuesday!

I hope the week is treating you well!
Have you seen Full Frontal yet?
Ice cream out of the carton, bowl, or cone?
Do you flip out when your tupperware doesn't match?


  1. Your "excited to run" face is basically my "up at 5:45am" face. I got up at 5am today and I'm struggling and it's only 5:53!

    I had a similar moment to Paul recently! I didn't throw all of our tupperware out but I put it on the list to buy new tupperware because our lids are mismatched and some are just plain missing! The other morning I went to pack my lunch and had to put tin foil over the top because I couldn't find the right lid!

    1. Wow you are up early! IT IS TIIIIIIIIMEEEEE!

      Why is it that Tupperware can so enrage us?

      Ciao!!! :)

  2. Is your shirt that you ran in from the Baltimore Marathon in 2009? If so, I HAVE IT TOO :)

    I'm jealz that you had an in-service. We have zero in-service days from February through the end of the year. Those hour long lunches are CLUTCHHHHH.

    1. lol YES it is. :) One of my favorite shirts ever because it is my only short sleeve that I like. It stinks so bad though. It's one of those ones the smell is never going to come out of.

      Oh my word that is a very long time without in-service days.

  3. Here is how I get new plastic containers--Order Italian to go from a local place that serves up the meal in handy containers...Oh, and I tell Dave we need the small size too for lunches, so we have to get dessert!
    It's a piano lesson day for me too... :)

    1. Wow well your plastic container plan is WAY better than mine. You need to publish that in a life hacked article. :)

  4. Been there with the tupperware!!!!
    I have to laugh because just last night I was watching a Big Bang episode where Howard bought a 3-D printer for $5000 and I was wondering if it was a real thing. Now I know..haha.

    I am jealous of all the time you have before work. But I guess if I got up as early I could make better use of my morning!

    1. It is a real thing! It does not cost 5,000 though and you know what you can print with your 3-d printer? PARTS for your 3-d printer!!! Did I just blow your mind? I hope so.

      LOL yes, get up at 5am and you will have tons of before work time! :) Really it's just a preference... get up early and go to bed early, or go to bed late and get up late. To Each their own! In the summer I def don't get up at 5.

    2. In the summer time is when I DO get up early...haha. I think it's a sunlight thing. I hate getting up when it is still dark but in the summer I have no problem getting up for a run at 6 am!

  5. That is a BIG glass though. It looks small but it is huge! So I fill it 1/4 of the way and then do it again... and again... maybe again? :)

    I do use yogurt in the chicken salad. This is the recipe:

  6. I hope you take care of your eye soon!! that sound awfully painful!

    I admire morning runners! I simply don't have it in me to be up that early! What time do you go to bed to be up at 5?

    The other day I saw a house with Trump signs during my run, I crossed the street.... very disappointed in PA!

    That car ring is very cute!

    I switched out all my plastic containers to glass ones about 4 years ago, and they improved my life! first, their lids are harder to lose, bc they have different sizes for each size. and when I only have 6 containers, I have less lids and containers to worry about.

    Those kitties are so cute!

    I need wine in my life! I haven't had wine in a while.

    Have not seen her show yet, but this clip on the Trump supported had me both, laughing and very scared.
    ( The guy singing at the end, "can we stop the Mexicans?" total Troll)

    Last night I had three bites of tiramisu right out of the container!

    1. Oh I can't wait to watch that Samantha Bee clip tonight. :)

      You are so smart to invest in something long lasting like glass containers. I will keep that in mind the next time we realize nothing matches and we are missing lids and containers. :)

      Ideally, I am in bed reading sometime between 8-9pm. Sometimes it's more like 9-10pm.

  7. I am loving the ring! I haven't seen Full Frontal, yet. I hardly watch any TV and when I do it's sports, news and then Anthony Bourdain. We also are slowly watching Orange is the New Black. I switched over to all glass storage like Ana did. I did it about 5 years ago and have never looked back. I love them! I am jealz of your shorts/t shirt running weather. Monday was the first time I ran with nothing on my head to keep it warm but then on Wednesday it was back to 31 degrees. Still doing long tights and gloves :( And we are supposed to get rain/snow tomorrow. Good thing I have a swim planned.

    1. I need to grow up and but good containers like you and Ana! I can't believe you are still getting rain and snow. Colorado is still awesome though. :)

    2. I know, I kind of like my state, too! The "snow" is very wet, barely white rain. It's like a thick rain if that makes any sense. I am OK w/ this weather for now. It is making everything so green (we will have rain this entire weekend).

  8. Yay for voting! I sent my absentee ballet in a while ago since I am still a Florida voter, even though I live in Kansas. I expect (and hope) that Kansas is only temporary, so I am reluctant to give up my Florida vote. I kind of love the bag you got. It looks like half of the bags that are in my closet. I love those cloth, slouchy bags. I have one that I've been using since high school and it is still great.

    1. This is my first fabric slouchy bag but it was exactly what I wanted! It will be perfect for bopping around in the summer. That's what I do in the summer... just bop around. :)

  9. That cat ring is adorable. But not as cute as Chrissy and Jelly. That is the firs Trump yard sign I seen. Ever!

    1. I did not see any Trump signs up until just a few days before our primary. I know PA is a blue state but I live in the middle where there is a lot of red. :(

  10. I loooove reading Day in the Life posts!! That really sucks about your eye pain. NOT COOL. I hope you can get that fixed!

    1. I hope so too! I love DITL posts as well. Sometimes when I do them, it sparks others do do them... so this is just one of my sneaky tactics to get people to write them. :)

  11. I LOVE Samantha Bee!!!

    I would've pulled that sign out on my return and brought it home to throw out. Because I have no respect for other people's property hahaha

    1. LOL could you just imagine if you and I were on a run together and saw it? You would have went to throw it out and I would not have stopped you!!

    2. At Cape Coral there was a Trump sign around mile 19 or so, and at that point Kristin was running with me a little bit. She pointed at the sign and said "Doesn't seeing that make you want to run faster?!"

    3. Remember I was going to read you Trump tweets to make you run faster????

  12. Mismatched tupperware is so annoying! I actually got a whole new set a few months ago. We had a coupon for bed bath and beyond. That is terrible that you have that eye pain! I went to the eye dr on Wednesday after work and had my eyes dilated which I hate. I couldnt read anything for hours!!

    1. Getting your eyes dilated is so uncomfortable! I only had that done once and I didn't really know what it did. Somehow I had to drive home and teach piano lessons right after that. I was young and dumb.

  13. Have you tried doing chamomile compresses to your eye? Do your research first, but generally it could help with inflammation. xo

    #FBF: Barcelona, Spain – The City Of Dreams (Part 1):

    1. I have not. I think it is the scar tissue in my eye ripping off from my eye becoming dry in the middle of the night.
