
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Weekly Workout Recap!

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Hola! I am quite chipper right now because I am cautiously optimistic that my hamstring/glute saga has come to an end! The short story is that I ran 5 miles yesterday and nothing hurt before, during, or after. The long story is detailed in the post below! Thanks for all your comments on my post about it! I really appreciate it!

Saturday- Race pace run day! I hit my marks, but it sucked. I did 2 miles to warm up and cool down and 9 miles at race pace. This was my last race pace run before the Capitol 10 miler!

Sunday- It had been almost a week since I lifted, so I did an upper body workout at home. I did not have a lot of energy so I did a little lighter weights than normal. It's weird, two weeks ago I felt so strong, but today, I felt weak. I also did hip/glute/core work. Then I went for a leisurely 3.5 mile walk with my friend. For some reason, long runs energize me, but long walks make me so tired!

Monday- 6 mile neighborhood run. My mp3 player shit the bed right before my run, so unfortunately I had to run in silence. I have no clue what my pace was because my Garmin kept losing satellites. Nothing was working!

Tuesday- 8 mile neighborhood run. Again, I knew my Garmin was losing satellites because it said one of my miles clocked at 8:46 and I knew that was wrong. I ran until my Garmin said 8.0, then I went home and used mapped my run and confirmed I actually ran 8.25 miles.

Wednesday- My last speed session before my race!!! This treadmill workout felt good and it shouldn't have. I warmed up with 1.5 miles. I started out with an 8:34 pace but then I bumped it up to 8:00. The plan was 400s. I wasn't sure how many I was going to do or how long I was going to let myself recover in between. This is what I ended up with: 13x400 @ 6:22 pace!!!!

In between, I had 400 recovery @ 8:00 pace. When I got to 10, I didn't feel horrible, so I figured I could do two more. When I got to 12, I was still feeling strong, so I added one more for lucky number 13! I suppose if I was able to do 13 of these, maybe I wasn't going fast enough. Maybe I should have only done 10, but at a faster pace. But I seriously had no clue how I was going to feel by the end, and 6:22 is the fastest I have ever run that many 400s sooo... I guess I just never thought I'd be able to do that many!

I cooled down with 1.75 miles to make it an "even" 9.75 miles for the morning. The bad part is that after my cool down, I did some walking and my hamstring felt weird. By the time I got to work, I had a pain in my ass! I stretched a lot throughout the day and did some foam rolling. UGH. I felt great these past six weeks and now this!

Thursday- Lower body REST, thanks to the surprise pain in the ass from the day before. I'm not messing around. I stretched, foam rolled, and lifted upper body. The PITA was gone but I could feel the hammy faintly.

Friday- A run to test the waters and then a hike with Paul. I was very scared to run, so I started out easy. Every step made me nervous. I was hyper aware of every single niggle. It was no way to run. I told myself to just relax, forget about it, listen to my podcast, and if something hurt, my body would let me know. So that's what I did. As I approached mile 3, I was super excited that I felt fine. But then I thought about my speed session, and how I felt awesome until I was walking afterward. So after 3 miles, I made myself walk a quarter mile. Nothing. So I finished with 2 miles and walked another quarter mile. All good. Whew. I was cautiously optimistic. Later on, I went for a 5 mile hike with Paul. Everything was still ship shape. Let's hope it stays that way!
How were your workouts this week?


  1. Glad to hear things are going well (except for the Garmin and iPod issues. yuck!!!). Fingers crossed they stay that way!
    On my rest day today I'm heading out for a long walk with my former BRF. Sad that she's not running anymore, but it will be good to talk to her. Those long walks do feel tiring!! Maybe it's because you know how much faster it would have been done if you were running :)

    1. Have fun on your walk with your pal! I have no clue why walking is so tiring.

  2. Whew! Glad the wheels are back on the bus. Now you just need to get some tunes...

    1. I do sometimes listen to tunes during speed work, but it is usually just podcasts for me. I know it is strange being a music teacher and not really listening to music. :)

  3. So, so happy the glute/hammy "issue" resolved itself. Wishing you an awesome run today. This week I had 4 runs, 1 OUTSIDE cycling session (before our blizzard) a swim and 3 sessions on the weights (one of which left me sore for 2 days!)

    1. I heard about your blizzard on the news! Do you think it is done dumping snow on ya? You had some awesome workouts this week Susan! Why did you get so sore from your weight workout?

    2. No, we are not done. We get more next week (Denver is getting hit today but we escaped that one). March is our snowiest month so there's that :( (#overit). I went to swim on Thursday and did a few upper body weights before. Then the pool was closed due to HVAC issues from the blizzard, so I went upstairs and did the rowing machine but then hits the weights hard (some upper body repeated and the rest + lower body just a good solid workout). Makes me think I shouldn't rush through my routine as much as I sometimes do!

    3. Augh! But March is soon over! No wonder that road in RMNP doesn't open until like May or something!

  4. I'm glad to hear your feeling better. I have a very hard time running without music, not sure how you did it.

    1. Well my podcasts are normal people's music so it WAS hard. I just had to suck it up. :)

  5. I'm glad things are going well for you! I often feel those "niggles" and worry about how the run will go but so far since i've got back into running those "niggles" haven't turned into painful runs!

    1. Thanks girl! Here's hoping we both stay healthy!
