
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Randomy Randomness!

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1. I'm over St. Patty's Day. I guess it is a little late to comment on St. Patrick's Day, but I'm going to anyway. I don't get all the hype! Why does everyone suddenly become Irish on March 17th? It's annoying. 

Also, the kids at school were wild because "leprechauns" come into their classrooms and leave green foot prints, green toilets, play all kinds of other "tricks" on the students. 

The kindergarten students asked me, "Why don't the leprechauns visit your room?" 

I wanted to roll my eyes and tell them leprechauns aren't real, but of course I didn't do that. Instead, I was as honest as possible without spoiling their fun. 

"Leprechauns only like to visit people who think their jokes are fun," I explained. "I don't think their jokes are fun, so they leave me alone." 

They seemed satisfied with that answer.

2. We eat kale now! Okay, so we're about 10 years late on the whole kale phenomenon. Paul started making "kale chips a'la Paul" when he went on chemo this last time. (Apparently it's good to eat a lot of fiber when on chemo.) He tosses the kale in oil and seasons it with salt, garlic, and parmesan cheese. It is sooooo good! But of course you know that because you are a normal person and already knew how yummy kale can be.

3. Our Christmas lights are still up. We hung them in November. They only worked for 2 days. They're just chilling up there until I find them time to take them down. 

4. Vodka DOES have carbs. On Sunday night, I decided to have a dirty martini instead of red wine. With no sugar and no carbs, it would be the *healthier* alcoholic beverage full of empty calories. But I forgot that vodka makes me eat EVERYTHING, so I ended up plowing through half a box of this crack!

All things considered, I think I would have had less sugar and carbs if I just would have went with the merlot! Hey, at least I got my Vitamin D.

5. Reason #116 to shop at Alid. Cat Forts.

Are there any holidays that you are just not into?
Do you have any Christmas decorations up?
What is your favorite way to ingest kale?
What alcoholic beverage makes you eat EVERYTHING?


  1. I was having these "why is this a holiday" thoughts last month. I was out for a run and people had pink and red lights on their house. I had to think about it for a while and realized they were Valentine's Day lights. Seriously? Why are all these non-holidays so celebrated? Just call me scrooge...

    1. Haha! Then there are people like me who don't even have their Christmas lights down yet!!! I think at this point we should aim to have them up until April.

  2. OK, so about the Christmas lights, a few weeks ago when it was like 70 degrees out, I wanted to put a post on FB that said "okay central PA friends, this week would be a great time to take down your Christmas lights". But I didn't cus I didn't want to offend anyone especially since my neighbors still have theirs up. It's okay though cus I sstill have a snowflake table cloth up and a pic of Baylee with Santa on my end table which I seriously thought of removing last night. I thought of it but still didn't do

    1. LOL you know what when it was 70 degrees I DID say to Paul, "I guess this would be a good time to take the lights down!!!" Hahaha. I don't think anyone can get mad at the suggestion to take the lights down when it is the freaking end of March. :)

    2. Oh and can I tell you i've seen pumpkins on people's porch when it was Valentine's day? No kidding!! There was one house that literally had a Christmas tree and a pumpkin on their porch at the same time.

  3. UGH I am so not into St. Patties Day! The closest I got to "celebrating" was running a 5K in a green (really more yellow actually) shirt. I did not make corned beef and cabbage, and I didn't even have one Shamrock Shake (although I do kind of want one before they go away).

    I still have a mini christmas tree up in my house. It's in my makeshift kitchen. We are remodeling our real kitchen and I have my kitchen set up in our sunroom. It works perfectly as a night light so I can sneak in and mow down food without having to turn the lights on. If I don't turn the lights on and no one sees me, the calories don't count. The tree stays.

    1. You know, I have NEVER had a Shamrock Shake! It's more because I am not into mint flavored things, not because I'm not into St Patty's day.

      LOL @ your diet Christmas tree. :)

  4. Your comment to the students about leprechauns is hilarious! I love it!

    I don't really get into any of the small holidays. Actually, I don't really get into the big holidays too much either. I don't think I listened to any Christmas albums last December, not even the NSYNC one (which is very unlike me)!

    This St Patrick's Day I had to make an exception for Finn, but that was really a one off, haha!

    1. I totally understand you making an exception for Finn. :) That is so sad you missed out on the NSYNC Christmas album. You know what song I hate from that CD? "Merry Christmas... Merry Christmas... Merry Christmas and happy hooolidays." It's just so simple and silly.

  5. Cat forts rule! How cool. OK, don't get mad :) I do enjoy Christmas, but I sort of am over people going over the top about it. I know that sounds awful but I am perfectly happy to celebrate the holidays from the 24th to the 1st. When people post on FB in July about the countdown to Christmas I just roll my eyes. But you know I still love you! P.S. not on the kale bandwagon--not sure I am even trying to catch it.

    1. Susan, do not worry. We are still friends!!!! :)

  6. Awe! Cat forts! Mine would love that. They make their own forts using my blankets. I don't like little holidays like Valentine's Day and St. Pat's Day. They are dumb and just an excuse for more consumerism. I do love Christmas (even though I'm Jewish) because of all of the lights and tree decorating. I could probably do without the gifts though.

    1. I love Christmas too and I am an atheist haha! I can't help it! I love the warm fuzzy feelings and the giving and caring and peace, love, joy, and all that jazz people feel around Christmas time.

      Paul sometimes makes the cats a fort with a blanket. It is so cute to come home from work and see a blanket set up as a fort. I know Paul was playing with the cats. :)

  7. You and me both, sister. I am not a holiday person in general, so I feel the same way as you about St. Paddy's day and pretty much every other small holiday. Valentine's, St. Paddy's, 4th of July...meh, meh, meh. I think it's just an excuse for people to drink and to be a little overindulgent in something for a day. I think if any little holidays or any days have personal meaning to someone then that's cool, but none of them do for me so I just don't really care.

    If I had Xmas lights or any decorations I would probably still have them up too, because I am a huge procrastinator like that.

    1. Well clearly I don't need an excuse to drink and I just feel bad for people who need to wait for a holiday to do that. ;)

  8. You are so hilarious. I can't eat kale unless it's cooked, otherwise I end up having major stomach cramps and farts. Farts are fun, but the stomach cramps aren't worth it. I don't care about Halloween. The kids bug me nonstop about their damn costumes or can I please go buy them fireworks, and they start whining about all of this in the MF summer for crying out loud. Drives me crazy. And then they stay up too late, and mess with my quiet time. Ha ha. I'm a grouchy old troll.

    1. Nah you're not. It's like you don't have enough to deal with, add costumes and sugar on top of that! We used to have Halloween parties at our school AND a parade but we stopped that. Some parents were mad but you know what? It's not our job to provide a Halloween party and parade for your child. The township has a parade and if you want a party, throw your own party! I think secretly most parents don't like Halloween, so they want us to deal with it, but WE don't like it and we want THEM to deal with it! I mean could you imagine having a Kindergarten class full of 22 students and after lunch, have to help them all into their costumes and then feed them sugar? I would just die. Man, I didn't realize I had such strong feelings about this!!!

  9. I feel the exact same way about St. Patrick’s Day. I didn’t wear green, drink green beer, or dance around like a leprechaun all day. Heck, I didn't even know it was St. Patty’s Day until someone pinched me (don’t get me started on the pinching).
    We don’t have any holiday décor on display, but my husband has already started shopping and planning for Halloween. We turn our house into a haunted land (as you might recall). ☺

    1. Ew someone pinched you!? I hate tapping. Like if a student taps me I flip out.

      I do recall your haunted lane!!

  10. I don't give a crap about St. Patrick's day but I AM Irish by marriage now so I wore green. I spent the holiday in 2007 IN Ireland and that was awesome.

    I have never had kale and don't plan to. I just...don't really care to? I like spinach haha.

    I'm cringing a little at your Xmas lights! I'm so judge of our neighbors who still have them up. Maybe you can just call them patio lights and leave them up all year!

    1. Man I would love to go to Ireland. Paul's parents went and had the time of their life. I guess I am Irish by marriage too!

      The only reason I tasted the kale when Paul made it was because it smelled so good. It smelled like friend chicken. I know that's weird, but that's the best way to describe it!

      HAHA judge away! I am sure my piano students' parents judge me every week! There is no excuse for still having them up.

  11. I used to love St Patricks day, until I got old and didnt want to go out celebrating anymore. Now I just find it all kind of annoying. But I am 25% Irish so I do like the holiday in general. You are too funny with your drink choice! Don't you know wine calories don't count!? ( I drink my glass of red wine tonight...)

    1. Don't worry I had wine tonight!! :) Not about to go through the whole cereal debacle again.

  12. My husband and I never thought twice about St. Patrick's day until the kids started school and we learned about all of the mischievous leprechaun stuff. That's pretty funny you told your class that!! Love it! I do get hungry after a strong beer. That's when I grab a handful of chocolate chips that I store in the freezer. It's my "anytime" treat.

    1. That makes sense, I really think it is the school's fault for doing those dumb tricks. When I was a kid we didn't have leprechaun tricks at home or school. But then by the time I was teaching at an elem. school, it was a "thing". They even make TRAPS to try to catch them!

  13. I've never been into St. Pattys Day. It's an excuse to drink. Whatever. Really? Apple Jacks come with marshmallows now?

  14. Getting rid of alcohol sounds like a great line of defense for you! Not only get rid of the empty cals but the snacking involved. The funny thing is, I don't like to drink on a full stomach, so I will always want to snack!

  15. OMG, yes to the cat forts! As if I needed another reason to love Aldi!
