
Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday 5

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Hey everyone! Before we get going with the Friday 5 post, I want to thank you all for your words of wisdom, insight, and suggestions in regards to yesterday's post about the Hansons Method. You all gave me even so much more to think about, and I really appreciate the time you took to comment and add to all of the thoughts swirling around in my head. You are the best!!!! I am so thankful for this community we have created.



Today's Friday 5 theme is Food & Drink. I thought I'd talk about 5 foods I eat almost every day. 

1. Cereal. Most of the time, I eat cereal for breakfast. On weekdays, I have my cereal after I run. On the weekends, it is before. I am on a Raisin Bran kick right now!

2. Chicken and broccoli. Paul makes me chicken and I take it to work for lunch. Lately, he has been making me BBQ chicken! I was really getting sick of it, so the BBQ sauce definitely makes me more excited about it. I also take broccoli to lunch. Yes, it gives me gas, but I work with kids 10 and under, so they don't care.

3. Peanut butter filled pretzels. These are a great snack to keep in my classroom!

4. Cheese. I never truly feel comfortable unless we have about four blocks of cheese in our refrigerator.

5. Wine. Okay, this isn't a food, but I have it every day!

What foods do you eat almost every day? Or do you change it up?
Do you have a go to snack you keep at work?

Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5!


  1. Greek yogurt and granola ( with the chocolate chunks) have been my "go to" lately. I've even been eating it for dinner! -M

    1. That sounds delish! I have't had Greek yogurt in awhile.

  2. Eggs! I eat them every single day for breakfast! On the mornings I run I usually eat them after I run, but I definitely eat eggs 7 days a week. I am eating them right now! haha

    1. LOL I love eggs too! I like dippy eggs the best. How do you like yours?

  3. Oh, yes! Cereal is a staple in my diet! Every morning.

    And wine every day. Thank you!

  4. I freaking LOVE Raisin Bran--and it even breaks my rule of "don't put raisins in things". Every day I eat: eggs, bananas, oatmeal, peanut butter and COFFEE. The rest of the food can change depending on my mood. P.S. you should try some different marinades for your chicken to change it up more often (teryaki, lemon pepper, etc). It really would open up a whole new world for you!

    1. LOL I like your raisin rule. :) I don't like when there are *too* many raisins. Sometimes I have to pick some of them out of my bowl.

      OOH TERYAKI! I think that should be our next batch of chicken. Thanks Susan!

      Today I was stuck eating a COMPLETELY plain piece. No salt, pepper, nothing. Just white slimy chicken. I lifted, then shoved it in my mouth in the car on the way to work. It was leftover from my chicken noodle soup that I didn't put in. That's why it was not flavored with anything.

    2. I like to marinade w/ different salad dressings. I have a soy ginger one that is SOOO yummy.

  5. I want peanut butter filled pretzels in my classroom. Except I am not mature enough to not eat the whole bag at one time! Instead I bring carrots (ugh) and an apple every day. I need to be better at adulting and have the willpower to bring tasty snacks and not mow down all of it!

    1. You know I used to bring fruit and stuff but that just does not fill me up anymore. I need the FAT from the peanut butter. Sometimes I eat carrots at lunch with hummus if I am feeling fancy!

  6. I eat oatmeal every day for breakfast, and I eat some sort of pasta every day. I like to follow the carbitarian diet. Haha! Green peppers probably make it in there too.

    1. lol fellow carbitarians unite! I mean, I eat a lot of protein, but I eat a lot of carbs too!

  7. Coffee & wine are pretty much daily. But, I guess technically those are not food. I eat oatmeal 5 or 6 days a week usually. But I can't think of anything I eat every day.

    1. As long as you have the coffee and wine in there, you are good to go, right??

  8. Whoa. I feel like we're twins right down to the gas although I don't need broccoli for that.

  9. I'm ADDICTED to cereal. I actually read somewhere it's one of the top binge foods out there and I'm not surprised because I could eat a box a day if I let myself. Lucky Charms just went GF so I got a little box and enjoyed it, but I mostly stick with Chex and Cheerios.

    1. Lucky Charms is soooo good. I could definitely house a lot of the "airy" cereals... like LC, fruit loops, fruity pebbles, etc.

  10. I feel very nervous when we don't have at least 5 containers of yogurt. :)~

  11. I'm on a Raisin Bran Crunch streak myself. Great stuff! For some reason my daughter no longer likes cheese. It's crazy!! Cheese is the best.

  12. I consider wine a food. Grapes, right? And coffee. I have coffee everyday. :) I also eat peanut butter and avocado (in some format - not together) almost every day.

    1. I love avocado! It is so expensive around here or else I would buy it more.

  13. Hmmm, I eat some sort of bread everyday, lol!!! I'm such a horrible eater but I'm super committed to getting it together when I start training for NYC (even prior, when I start to establish my base).

    1. Bread is good for you though! You're a runner. You need that bread. :)

  14. LOL on your ability to eat what you want for lunch! I eat eggs, toast, and salad most days - they rest may vary.

  15. I have a stash of Luna bars at work that I usually break into around 3pm, and every day I've been having a smoothie for breakfast-so nice now that it's warm outside!

    1. I get more motivated to make smoothies when it is warmer out!

  16. Some kind of fruit almost every single day for me!

  17. Definitely nothing wrong with having some wine everyday! :)

  18. Aw he better take care of you! I am sure he does. :)

  19. Matt and I are definitely creatures of habit and eat basically the same food every day. We also love cheese! Oh and peanut butter. There is a crisis if we run out of either.

    1. I go on PB kicks, but cheese is always in my heart.
