
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Weekly Workout Recap!

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You may have noticed I started listing my paces and averages for my runs. It's because I feel like lately I have only been sharing paces if it was a run I was proud of, or was "good". I want to make sure I share the good, bad, and ugly of my running!

This was a good week, mainly because my runs went well AND I lifted 4 times! I really want to get back to lifting 3 times per week. I am sure the impending FREEZING weather we get in January/February will help me to do this!

Saturday: I lifted back at home

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Dumbbell Row- 5x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 5x40
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 5x15
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb
Plank w/ Row- 5x10x10lb

Sunday: I lifted chest at home.

Chest Press- 2x12x25lb, 3x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Push Ups- 5x10
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 4x15
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Tricep Dips- 5x15
Plank w/ Knee Tuck- 4x20

Monday: I wanted and needed a good run. I wanted to WANT to run. I did 7 miles which you can read more about here.

Tuesday: I had another great run! I was relieved. I wasn't dreading my run but I wasn't all gung-ho about it either. The weather and podcast helped, I believe. I completed 5 miles.

Splits: 8:16, 8:17, 7:54, 8:04, 7:41
Average Pace: 8:04

Wednesday: I did not feel good at all. I stayed up way too late the night before (past 3:00) and ate way too many potato chips with French onion dip. Augh, game night. So fun, but it can really wreck me! Around 2:30, I decided to go out and just see what running felt like. I actually didn't feel half bad. I only did 3 miles because I wanted to get one more lifting session in by the end of the year!

Splits: 8:25, 8:04, 7:59
Average Pace: 8:10

Chest Press- 4x8x25lb
Chair Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 4x15
Push Ups- 4x10
Dumbbell Row- 4x10x25lb
Shouder Press- 4x10x20lb
Chair Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 4x15
Bicep Curls- 4x10x15lb
Tricep Dips- 4x15

Thursday: My last run of 2015! I did 7 neighborhood miles.

Splits: 8:02, 8:23, 8:40, 8:14, 8:13, 8:14, 8:13
Average Pace: 8:17

Friday: I was feeling "homey" and it looked cold out so I was chicken and stayed inside! I lifted upper body in my jammer jams- aka, my jammies, aka, my pajamas. I was sweating and it felt good! I did lower weights with higher reps and rested minimally in between. It was a different kind of lifting workout than I am used to.

Chest Press- 5x15x20lb
Dumbbell Row- 5x12x20lbb
Bicycle Crunches- 5x40
Push Ups- 5x10
Chair Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x15
Shoulder Press- 5x15x15lb
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 5x15
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Bicep Curls- 3x10x15lb
Tricep Dips- 3x15
Plank w/ Knee Tuck- 3x20

Do you ever workout in you pjs? 25% of the time when I lift at home I am in my pjs!
Ever go to the grocery store in your pjs? I have gone into gas stations in straight up reindeer pajamas for coffee.


  1. I have done workouts in my PJs but usually I try to change because I feel like I get in a better workout when I am in workout clothes for some reason. Maybe the PJs make me feel like its time for bed or something? Ive never gone to the grocery store in pajamas but definitely all kinds of sweatpants.

    1. I definitely understand feeling like you get a better workout when you are in workout clothes vs. pjs. I feel the exact same way! But for some reason, some days, I don't change!

  2. Heh I only go out in pjs if they're "normal" looking. Aka sweat pants, not my onesie. Most of the time I sleep naked anyways, so if I went out in my "sleeping clothes"..... I'd be arrested/committed hahah

    1. LOL !!!! Yes put some clothes on before going out! Yeah I prob only went out in my reindeer jammy pants like twice. Otherwise it was like sweats. :)

  3. No PJ workout for me. If I am not running or swimming then I am usually weight training at the rec center. I actually don't love to hang out in my PJs that much. I put them on about 2 hours before bed. I am one of those (weird) people that generally likes to be fully dressed in jeans/pants and a shirt/sweater--I think because I work from home so much that I like feeling normal and put together most of the time. I think I am definitely in the minority on this one!

    1. I think you ARE in the minority, but I definitely understand that it may make you more productive if you are dressed in actual clothes to work at home. I know I would still be in my jammies though!

  4. I'm glad you are feeling good about your running, and like your paces. I actually do like to see people post their paces - it's give me inspiration that I can be running faster!! Was there anything in particular that helped your TFL hip issue, or did it just go away on it's own. I'm thinking I should continue to run on it, slowly... but it seems like it needs movement so I don't want to just sit around and "rest" it. Your thoughts?

    1. Not to scare you but mine hung around for like 5 months! But it never hurt when I ran, only when I bent over to the side and stuck my hip out. And when I say it hung around for 5 months, it was very faint the last couple months. It never got worse, just took awhile to get better. I tried doing hip exercises but that actually bothered it. Weird.

    2. Sounds like my knee problem last year, it was just there, and annoying, but no major worry really. And then, it was gone. That is good to know that mine might still be feeling tight, so I won't need to worry about it so much every day and carry on instead!

    3. Oh, one thing I did was stretch it a lot! Pigeon post, figure 4 and couch stretch.

  5. I work out in PJs if I'm doing yoga/pilates/weights at home! I don't go out in public in PJs though...I'm too nervous about running into students.

    1. Ooh I understand that fear! I am more nervous about seeing students when I am wearing booty shorts vs. pjs.

  6. I hate working out in my PJs. I always change into workout clothes, even if I'm just working out at home. Going out in public in PJs is a different story. I'm more than happy to run out on a quick trip in my PJs... although I usually come home and change into different PJs because then I feel like the PJs I went out in are contaminated :D

    1. SAME about the contamination factor! You are hilarious. :)

  7. I have done basically everything around the house in PJs including taking Lola for a walk around the neighbourhood, lol. I get that homey feeling too in the winter. It made me feel cozy even when you mentioned it. :)

    1. Aw I love feeling homey! Glad I could convey that feeling to you. :)

  8. Same- I either run more or lift more! Rarely on the same day, but once in awhile.

    Oh yeah pjs + drive = TIME SAVER! Why should i put on clothes, go through the drive thru, then come back home and put pjs BACK on??
