
Monday, January 4, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Ah, my first day back at work in the new year.
Boy am I going to miss Paul and the kitties!
... And my puzzles, my bathrobe, my pjs, etc. etc...

After a late New Year's Eve, I slept until 10:17, which is only 18 minutes longer than a time that would have been deemed respectable in my standards. I was feeling "homey" and it looked cold outside, so I lifted at home in my pajamas.

Then we went out to do some shopping. We had to get Christmas gifts for our cousins who we would be seeing the next day at the holiday party for my dad's side of the family. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right!? In our defense, we didn't even draw names until after Christmas.

When we got home, we watched the movie Poseiden. I had seen it several several years ago and I remember really enjoying it. I could barely watch it this time! It was too sad, and I had huge amounts of anxiety watching the characters try to make it out of the ship alive!

All in all, this was a pretty relaxing day!

I ran a race with my dad! It was in Mifflinburg. Race report coming at you tomorrow!

The whole morning was a whirlwind, and the excitement didn't stop when I got home because I was late for my family's holiday party! I quickly showered and changed, then headed to my cousin's house to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins.

My mom and dad.

My brother and his crazy family.

Paul and I being silly.

Grandma and her great-grandchildren.

Cousin Steph and Ken and their beautiful family.

This was my last day to do nothing before being smacked in the face by reality on Monday morning. I declared I would do nothing, but what I ended up doing was getting up at 6:00 and putting away all my Christmas decorations and cleaning the house. All of these odds and ends were completed before noon and it felt GOOD.

The rest of the day, I did NOTHING!

Nothing includes:

watching Jodi Arias trial coverage
petting the kitties
... and other odds and ends!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Did you take your Christmas decorations down yet?


  1. Looks like a fun ending to a terrific break for you! It's back to reality for me today, too. I told Rick "I am really going to miss hanging out with you every day". We always take down our decorations on the 1st. Now our house looks empty and no pretty lights to sit by while I drink my morning coffee. Have a great first day back! We can do this.

    1. I said the same thing to Paul! I left him a little Honey Do list that said: 1. Kiss Chrissy, 2. Kiss Jelly. :) I agree that the house looks empty now. :( Hope your first day back went well! I made it to lunch so far without any breakdowns!

  2. I took down aaaalll of my sisters Christmas decorations the day after Christmas! I was home alone while she, her hubs, and two kids were up skiing in New Hampshire. I put some music on and just zoned out, putting everything away. Super fun 😊

    1. WOW you are a nice sister! I did something similar, zoned out to a podcast and just got 'er done.

  3. I still have all of our stuff up. Because I don't have our "normal" stuff out, I feel like the house would be empty if I took them down. So I will wait a few more days before I "exchange boxes". You and your cousin look a lot alike, and your Grandma is too cute!

    1. Aw thanks I think my G-ma is cute too! I was thinking you probably want to leave the decorations up a little longer since you didn't really put them up until you moved into your new place, right?

  4. Our weekend sucked because Andrew has pneumonia. Booooo. I always take down the decorations on Boxing Day but because my back was so sore, we took them down on the 29th or something. It feels to cluttery for me! Hope your first day back at work goes okay! Looking forward to hearing about how your race went.

    1. Oh poor Andrew! :( I hope he feels better soon. I understand the decorations getting cluttery. Sometimes they feel homey to me but then when I have to clean and dust around them I look at it as clutter. Thanks for the well wishes today! I made it to lunch and got several 1st grade classes out of the way so the worst is over. ;)

  5. I wish I knew your race was in Mifflinburg (I must have missed that somewhere), I would have come to cheer you on. Was it at R.B winter state park?

    1. Yes, that's the park! Do you live near there? It was COLD. I didn't really announce I was doing the race as I didn't make the decision until 6:15 that morning haha.

  6. Looks like the perfect break! I love how your kitties are holding court at the puzzle table. Yes! My decorations are down for the win! Boom! Feeling very accomplished, can't you tell?

    1. YES! GOOD JOB! I understand your feeling of accomplishment! I bragged all day to Paul yesterday... "Can you BELIEVE I took that all down!?" Hahaha. I swear, podcasts is the only reason I do housework.

  7. Yep, the decorations are down.

    Which makes me sad, because I finally got to enjoy them! I've resolved to get ready for Christmas earlier next year. This one was so stressful!

    1. That is a good resolution. Christmas decorations can be so warm and homey. :)

  8. We made it through the first day back to work!!!! I'm exhausted!!! Zzzzzzzzz!!

    No Christmas decorations to take down at home, but I still have decorations up in my office including my tree fully decorated with candy canes I never ate! I don't want to take it down!

  9. I think you had the perfect last weekend of break. I wasted mine and then spend five hours on Sunday grading short stories that made me want to laugh and cry...mostly cry. And drink.

  10. The kids were TIRED yesterday. At first I loved it, then I was like, come on we have to LEARN! ;)

    I am so worried about my run that I am bout to take in 10 min... my thermometer says 18!!!

  11. Oh. My. Gosh. The picture of you working on the puzzle while your cats spectate is priceless. My cat would NEVER just chill and watch me do a puzzle. He would probably take off with the pieces.

    We took Christmas down and our house is now clean and spacious again (the tree took up so much room). The only thing we have left to do is take down the rest of our outdoor Christmas lights.

    Hope your week back to work is going well. Oh, that first week back…

    1. The cats were hungry and just WILLING me with their eyes to feed them! :)

  12. My Christmas decorations just came down last night and I already miss them. :(
