
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Meg Go ___________???

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... When I started my blog, I thought I would talk about running, fitness, and food 90% of the time and "other things" such as my personal life the other 10%. After a quick scan of my blog posts from the last two months, it looks like slightly less than half of my posts were running or fitness related. At least half the time, I just pop on here to shoot the shit with all of you!

There are several reasons my blog morphed into so much more than just a running/fitness blog. For starters, I love running, but running is not my LIFE.  I am a runner, but that is not my identity. There are so many other things I have to share! Also, I love writing and trying to be humorous in my stories, and that is easier to do when I have all kinds of topics to choose from!

I'm sure another reason I branched out is that I blog every. damn. day. I don't think I could talk about running and fitness every day! Well, maybe I could, but it would be boring.

I used to give a lot of advice in the early days of my blog. I feel like over the past year especially, I have stopped giving advice. The older I get and the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know ANYTHING. All I know is what works for me. I know that sounds stupid coming from a personal trainer, but it's truly how I have been feeling these days!

My blog is called Meg Go Run and I will never change the name! But in honor of all of the other things I do on any given day besides running, here are some honorable mention titles for my blog!

Bloggers: Is your blog the same blog it started out as?
If you had a blog, what would you call it?


  1. I love your random blog--definitely love when we can all talk about running but it's fun to get a peek into everyone's lives and thoughts and comments. Don't ever change anything. If I had a blog I would call it "Waking the Sun" because when people ask my why I get up so early, I tell them it's because I have to wake the sun :)

    1. I also enjoy peeking into people's lives. At this point, I have to be honest, I am so nosy that I more often enjoy the posts about people's lives and what they're thinking than posts about running. But I like hearing about their running too because it is important to them and I like to read their accomplishments in that regard!

      Walking the Sun would be the PERFECT name for your blog!! I wish you had a blog but chatting on here, FB, and Scrabble will have to do because I know you are not going to start one!

      Things I know Susan will never do:

      1. Start a blog.
      2. Sleep past 5am.


    2. And I am totally OK w/ number one but not sleeping past 5 am can be a struggle if we go out late. But 99% of the time I love waking the sun!

  2. Ha, I love how you make blog posts out of the most random things and yet they are still interesting! We thought long and hard about the name of our blog because we didn't want it to "pigeon hole" us into a certain topic. I feel like maybe we have out grown the blog but don't think we would ever change it as it took a lot of work and it's kind of become a part of us. Besides, we are essentially "storytellers" and isn't that what a Fairytale is?
    Also, over the years I have noticed many Running and fitness bloggers have morphed their blogs into other things and they've kept the same title.

    1. I am glad you still find them interesting! Sometimes I write something and think "who the hell is going to care about this?" but then when I look at my page visits, a ton of people apparently care! Well, they clicked on it at least, it doesn't mean they read it. :)

      Your blog title is great because you are right, you aren't pigeon holed at all. Even with the word "fitness" instead of "running".

  3. Your blog mix is the best and it's why I read it every single day, even if I have a long day like yesterday and am reading it in bed right before I fall asleep. I don't think I could follow a blog that was written about the same topic every day. It's so helpful to get to know the full personality of the blogger. In the case of run bloggers I think it helps readers get to know how and why they approach training the way they do and also how they react to their race results. It also puts the running in context - was the blogger recently injured, did she/he just come back from vacation and was jet lagged, is this her first race after having a baby, etc. I like to have all the facts, haha! #nosy

    1. Well color me nosy as well!! Like I said to Susan, at this point I like a peek into people's day to day lives as much or even more than a running post because I care about the blogger! Like when you do a day in the life vlog, I love watching your day! Kristina walking into her office? Yes please! Kristina telling me about her beautiful candles? I could listen to you talk about candles all day! I don't care if that sounds creepy. I am invested and I care about your running and I care about your candles!!! :)

  4. LOL Meg Go To Aldi!

    I meant for my blog to be about lots of things, hence why it has a generic title. I like my title and I don't want to change it, but I find myself gravitating toward mostly only one topic these days. I don't want to be just a running blog, but I just haven't been motivated to write about much else lately. But then I figure, I'm a hobby blogger with only a handful of followers, I'll write about whatever I feel like! Just ebbs and flows, I guess, I'm sure one day I'll gravitate back toward variety. I'm in training now so it makes sense that I'm more focused on running.

    1. You definitely have a cool name and you can write about anything with that name! Now what is your definition of a Millennial? I have always wondered that. Is it strictly someone born between a certain set of dates, or is there more to it?

      Ebbing and flowing is a good thing. It definitely works for you. I like that when I go to your blog, I don't always know what to expect!

    2. I think the most common definition of Millennial is anyone born between, roughly, 1982 and the late 90s. Right now, a big chunk of this generation are 20-somethings, so it's more about life as a 20 something but Millennial sounded catchier than 20 something. Because really, even if we are both millennials, how much do I really have in common with someone who was born in 1998 and is in high school right now? The irony is that I generally reject this whole "generation" stuff but again, Millennial is catchier :)

    3. It is catchy :) I was wondering if I was a millennial and it looks like I *just* made the cut!

  5. Meg Go Take Cat Pictures. LOVE it!!! Honestly I get bored of someone telling me how I should be doing my workouts (and where I'm failing!) all the time, so I enjoy random stuff! Even during random stuff there is always something to learn so keep it going. I used to blog everyday and then I realized I spent too much time doing it, so I cut back to (ideally) 3 days a week. So now I use that time to just sit around and READ blogs, instead of writing them. My bad. haha!

    1. Haha hey whatever makes you happy. Wasting time doing something you enjoy is NOT time wasted. :)

  6. I definitely try to stick to my running theme. Sometimes (and you'll see my post tomorrow) life comes into my posts. But there's always running in there...

    1. I like reading your running stuff but your life stuff interests me too. :) Like it was cool seeing that clip of you on the news you posted once! Mrs. Cratchett or whatever you call yourself. ;)

  7. Meg Go Jammer Jams LOLOL. That's my fave. Mine would be Suzy Go Poo, but I guess my blog name already says that.

  8. Meg go to Aldi. I die!
    I started as a running blog but at the end of the day, I'm a storyteller. Yeah I can give out running advice and sometimes I do. But I don't take myself or my blog too seriously. It's all about fun and you are fun!

    1. Hahaha! I go Aldi today. Can't wait! :)

      Thank you for calling me fun! You are fun too and I agree that you don't take yourself too seriously. I think your readers can identify with you, and that is what matters. Glad I found you this year. :)

  9. Haha! I like this. My blog is often lots of cat pictures too. When I started, I had intended to do a lot more yoga than running posts, but after a while, I feel like it's just morphed into a training log. I don't have too many friends who run around where I live, so I guess my blog became a way for me to connect with runner friends... and to hold me accountable to my goals.

    1. I have heard a lot of people starting blogs to connect and be held accountable. I was definitely not expecting that I would connect with so many other awesome women from my blog, but I am so glad it happened! Blogging holds me accountable too- not to others, but to myself. I am forced to think through things I might not think through so thoroughly if I weren't writing about them.

  10. I have to rethink everything I've ever done in the blogging world geez lol. My purpose was to write about running adventures and experiences to connect with other and hopefully help other runners. I don't think I put too much out there that isn't running and perhaps I need to do more of that. Hmmm we will see, I don't like change lol

    1. No Richard, you should do whatever works for YOU. Your blog should be what you want it to be. :)

  11. Love it!!

    Meg Go Be My Hero! Often after reading your blog, it makes me want to blog too! I've been thinking about creating a blog for our new house/hobby farm and renovations we are going to do... but then there are so many blogs already talk about those things. So then I think I should make a sewing/knitting blog, but there's a lot of those too. I should just make a blog called, "shit I like and sometimes do" or "honeybadger don't care". What do you think??

    1. I think you should make one and hit all the topics to wish to hit! It doesn't matter if there are already blogs out there there cover those things. There are blogs that talk about the same stuff I do. But people will read because they will like your stories, your writing style, and get invested in you!

  12. haha! I love this! I think blogging about running EVERY day would be hard. Some bloggers do it 2x a! Like, how is your life that interesting?!

    I sometimes want to rename my blog to "the average runner" or even "the mediocre runner" but Hit the Ground Running is going to just stick around I think. Plus, it's a little more positive and all-life-encompassing than the alternatives! I do wish I could get the url though...someone else has it!

    1. Let's start a petition so you can get the URL!!!

      2xs a day... these must be the people in which blogging is their job???

      I like the name of your blog too because it IS positive and it is motivating.

  13. Ha ha ha. I LOVE the Meg Go Take Cat Pictures title. That is hilarious and awesome!!! Mine is funny because when I picked Inverted Sneakers, it was because I had a serious yoga practice and loved to run. So it was meant to mainly be about my ashtanga practice and running. Over time, my yoga practice was less intense and my blog was more about the sneakers. But then I found pole fitness, and I'm always "inverted". I think it's a good fit for me because I tend to gravitate towards weird activities and running, so it pretty much sums up who I am at any point of my life! LOL!

    1. I always wondered what the inverted part meant! But it totally ties in with the pole class! I get it!

  14. Karen I would read your blog no matter what you talked about!

  15. That is awesome! I think you should mesh them all into a photo collage!!!!
