
Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday 5

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Heather @ Girl Goes Running does a Friday 5, and today I am doing one too! Thanks for the inspiration, Heather! Not only are you an inspiring runner, but you're an inspiring blogger as well!

1. OH WELL. Well, I didn't win the Powerball. 

Luckily, I feel like I already won the jackpot because I have these 3 guys!

2. I GOT COCKY. On Monday night, I got cocky and didn't take a sleeping pill, "If I wake up in the middle of the night, I'll be able to fall back asleep," I told myself. (Famous last words, haha!) This is how my night ended up shaking out:

10:10-1:00 = Good sleep.
1:00-2:36 = Laid in bed and thought of every conceivable horrible thing that could ever happen
2:36-4:00 = Read my Marilyn Monroe book
4:00-4:?? = Tried to fall asleep
4:??-5:45 = SLEEP!!!

I felt like I deserved and award for dragging my butt out of bed and facing the day... A day at work with no plan period, 8 classes (40 min in length) and then home to teach 6 piano lessons.

At 7:41, when I finally hopped in the shower, I said to Paul, "I wish I could bring a lawn chair in here and just sit under the hot water for an hour."

Note: I will be taking a sleeping pill from now on!

3. HOW DID HE DIE? Whenever I talk about a famous composer in music class, (it doesn't matter what grade it is) their first question is always, "How did he die?" Seriously. That is what the students want to know. 

On Wednesday, I was talking about Pennsylvania composer Stephen Foster, and of course the students wanted to know how he died. "From a fever and a gash to his head," I told them. They were so curious and asked so many questions that the topic went from Stephen Foster's fever all the way to ORGAN DONATION!!!! Man, normally they get me off track when they ask about my cats, but that day they got me off track by asking medical questions!

4. THREE DAY WEEKEND! I am so excited for a three day weekend. Tonight, Paul and I are going out to eat. (He starts another round of chemo on Monday so he wants a good meal before that!) Tomorrow, we are going for a hike and then celebrating my dad's birthday. As for Sunday and Monday... I'm not sure what's going on but probably some combination of puzzles and Netflix.

5. LICKFEST 2016. When I was at work on Friday, Paul sent me this beautiful video. Try watching it without crying.

Happy Weekend, everyone! 
I hope it's a long one for you!
What are you up to this weekend?
Who is your favorite composer?
Teachers: What topic get you off track?


  1. I used to be an insomniac too. IT BLOWS. In fact, I hate even talking about it or reading about it in case it comes back to me like a contagious rash. So, shhhh... I'm going to tiptoe away from it now. Ha ha. Oh and I love that pic of you and Paul. It's a beauty.

    1. Thanks Suzy! :) I am sorry to hear you had trouble sleeping as well! Now never fear, I had great sleep since that night, so I don't think I am contagious anymore!

  2. That video makes me miss having multiple cats in the house so much!

    I hope you have the best dinner tonight! I finished Master of None last night :).

    1. WE DID TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! We actually did not enjoy the last two eps because they were too "relationshippy"

    2. That video is darling - they help each other stay clean! Looking forward to the 3 day weekend as well - running and cleaning and loving on my pup (oh and my kids!)!
      Favorite composer is John Rutter!
      All the best to your husband : ) have a great weekend! Kristen

    3. I hope you have an awesome weekend, Kristen! Save some cuddles for those kiddos. ;)

  3. Another round of chemo but NOT radiation so that is good. It's going to be a much higher dose so it looks like we are in for another adventure!

    Oh, fur was flying in the videos taken 2 min after the lickfest video. :)

  4. I did a Friday Five this week too! I love your video! I have two cats (not just Elly), but they don't really like each other much, and Sydney, doesn't even like me much. I wish mine were like that.

    1. Aw sorry they are not buddies because Lickfests are SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

  5. Wow, why are you not getting a plan period?
    Student have off school on Monday but we have in-service, womp, womp!

    1. Some days I don't get one. :(

      BOO for in-service!!!

    2. Oh, also I wanted to comment about your lawn chair in the shower thought! I felt like that last year when I had IT band syndrom. It took all I had to be
      able stand in the shower. I wanted to get one of those shower chairs for old Luckily Scott's shower in his bathroom has a built in seat in it so when things got too bad I would shower over there. But yea, definitely thought about the chair in the shower thing!

    3. A built in seat sounds way more glamorous than a lawn chair haha! That is cool you can shower in his shower if you want to sit. :)

  6. Sending all my positive vibes to Paul w/ his chemo treatment. I understand how nothing really tastes good for awhile after that, so enjoy an amazing meal tonight. The video is so cute. Love to watch animals take care of each other--very sweet. Rick is up skiing until Sunday so this weekend I am getting my hair done, getting a massage, meeting a friend and watching as many documentaries as I can (I watched 3 yesterday). Sunday will be all about watching the Bronco game.

    1. Wow enjoy your fun weekend with your girlfriend and relaxing on your own! :) That sounds relaxing. I will prob be on my own Sunday due to football.

    2. Wish we could hang out together this weekend and play real life Scrabble!

    3. I know! But I would miss the ads. Haha jk :)

  7. So many good things on this post! Okay, I always say (whenever I don't get what I want, lol) that I already win at life because I have my husband :)
    Second, I have NOT been able to sleep lately either!! I'm wide awake at 1 in the morning and don't know what to do! Even after taking Nyquil to drug myself, lol!
    Third, my students are the exact same way. I'm an English teacher and whenever we start reading a piece, we read the author's bio and they want to know how he/she died, LOL. Kids.
    Hope you have a great weekend!!
    @Helly on the Run

    1. Well I am glad it's not just the kids in my district being macabre! ;) Have an awesome weekend! Hope you get some sleep.

  8. My favorite part of teaching might be the tangents...sometimes you just get on such a weird topic and it's fun to see kids genuinely curious and interested!

    I can't wait to sleep in Monday! haha

    1. I do love when they ask about real life stuff. I am way more careful on how I answer that stuff than I am with the music stuff!

  9. When I used to take piano lessons, my favorite composer was Rachmaninoff. Kind of dark? It's how I roll...

    1. I only ever listened to him in college. I will have to have a listen again soon, maybe some of my students would like him.

  10. Favorite composer = Vivaldi. I hope you have a fabulous long weekend and Paul gets an excellent meal or 3 before chemo starts again. Love those kitties!

    1. I must admit I only am familiar with The Four Seasons, though I did have to write a research paper on him in college... Don't remember much. :O)

  11. LOL I love the "How did he die???" questions!! I can totally see that happening. That video was the cutest!!

  12. 1.) I'm sorry Paul has to go for more chemo. That sucks and let me know if I can do anything for you that you don't want to do.

    2.) I did my first " Composer of the Month " this week and the first thing my students asked me, "how did he die? " Lolz, it just must be kids. ..

    3.) This whole past week my motto was, "3 dress ups, 2 dress downs, then the 3 day weekend". Oooh, I needed it after this week. But! Friday was the end of our 2nd quarter, school is half over. So far I spent the weekend knitting, writing my grad thesis, and going for hikes.

    4.) Any good remedies for sore throats besides salt water?

    5.) Are we seeing you on Friday?

    1. 1. Thank you! I really appreciate that. :)
      2. Who was your composer?
      3. I am so excited the year is nearly half over! It will be summer before we know it.
      4. I have no idea on the sore throat thing. Sick day(s).
      5. Hellz yes I can't wait for Friday!!!! :)

  13. Oh my gosh you are a saint for going to school for a day with no planning period AFTER a night of no sleep. OMG! I would have been like "oh hell no". Ha! I hope you got some rest and relaxation over this long weekend!

    1. This is going to sound weird but maybe if I didn't have piano lessons the next day I would have taken off!
