
Monday, December 14, 2015


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I told you I would be MIA this weekend! Yes, today counts as the weekend since I am traveling back to PA. I can't wait to go home- I miss my kitties!

Thanks for all the love you have already shown me about the race. I didn't meet my goal and it was not my best day, but I did the best I could considering the weather, side stitch, and seizing calves!

So you get a mindless post this Monday morning. Tomorrow I will post my BDR Race Recap and then Wednesday will be  my Weekend Wrap Up about my trip to Florida and meeting Ali and Kristina. So much to cover! But for now, I hope these make you laugh!

Do any of these memes speak to you?


  1. I had a great weekend and I am not going to give up on my PR goal! :)

  2. I love the Dalai Lama quotation, and the poem right after made me laugh! Funny juxtaposition lol. I had a great weekend despite the setbacks on race day; it was so nice to have you here!!

    1. It was a great weekend, race or not. We will prevail!!! :)

  3. The leggings one is bomb!!! Brilliant. I'm sorry about your race. I hope your calves are okay today! Looking forward to hearing about it tomorrow. Take care, Meg!

    1. I will break it down tomorrow for sure. As I type this comment I am wearing leggings as pants!

  4. I think you did a most amazing job and you got first place in your age group! Way to go. I love all the memes but I do like the one "I forgot to have children"....oh dang it!! LOL. Also the last one really is super funny. Made me LOL. P.S. how are your calves doing? I had some bad calf issues a few times this past year and it was not fun!

  5. I love so many of these!
    Sorry you didn't hit your goal but I hope you had a fun weekend! Looking forward to reading all about it:)

  6. Haha! I played the recorder (along with the oboe, the bassoon, the get the picture) and even was featured in our high school's Madrigal Dinner. Can you say nerd?
