
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Fabulous Fitness Survey!

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Soon after I started my blog, I filled out this Fitness Survey. It was fun to go back and read my answers from almost three years ago. I decided I would fill out the survey again because a lot of my answers have changed!

What do you eat for breakfast?
Shredded wheat or Raisin Bran. Sometimes, dippy eggs.

How much water do you drink a day?
Not as much as I should. I was doing well for awhile but then I got lax about it. I do make sure to carry my water bottle around with me so that water is available. If I choose not to drink it, that's on me.

What is your current favorite workout?
All I do these days is run and lift. I enjoy both, but lately running has been making me very happy... up until the FUNK I just got in!

How many calories do you eat a day?
I do not count my calories and I am soooooo happy, proud, content, and OVERJOYED that I have gotten to the point where I do not have to count calories to feel like I am in control. I never thought I'd just be able to freaking EAT like a normal person, but I can.

The best I can do is guess how many calories I eat per day. It's more than 2,000 but probably not more than 3,000 unless I do a super hard workout like a long race pace run or something like that. Then I'm not going to lie... it could be 3000+.

I don't weight myself, so I am not sure if my weight fluctuates. I do know my clothes have been fitting me for the past several years. The only things that get tight are my tank tops at the back and shoulders but that is from lifting, and I won't complain about that! :)

What are your favorite healthy snacks?
When I snack, it is usually not healthy... unless I am at work, because I am better at controlling what I have on hand to snack on in my classroom. I always have apples and peanut butter filled pretzels.

What do you usually eat for lunch?
Chicken, broccoli, and sweet taters. That is what I pack for lunch 95% of the time. I did a VLOG about healthy lunches you can watch here. Or, you can imagine me, dressed in pajamas, dumping broccoli, sweet taters, and chicken into 5 different Tupperware containers and save yourself some time!

What is your favorite body part to strength train?
Back. Always and forever. My back.

What is your least favorite body part to strength train?
Anything isolated like tricep dips or bicep curls. It's boring.

What are your "bad" food cravings?
Oh man, well lately it has been french fried onions straight from the can! Why do I have those in my house you ask? I was supposed to make a green bean casserole for Thanksgiving, but then I ended up not having to make it. Don't worry, the onions are almost all gone.

Do you take vitamins or supplements?
I do the occasional scoop of protein powder.

Do you eat fast food?

Who is you biggest supporter?

How often do you eat out?
Sadly, we eat at Wendy's like once every two weeks! It was up to once a week a couple months ago... BUT we haven't been to DQ in months so that is good.

Do you have a gym membership?
Yes, Planet Fitness, but I haven't been there since July 3rd.

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Anywhere between 7-9. For me, the more the better.

Do you have a cheat day?
I "cheat" every day.

Do you drink alcohol?

Do you have a workout buddy?

What is the best thing that has changed in your life since adapting to a healthy lifestyle?
Feeling confident.

What is the last healthy thing you did?
My pee was clear.

Share some of your answers in the comments, or write your own blog post answering the questions!


  1. Cutest workout buddy ever! And yay for clear pee. THis was fun to read.

    1. Thanks Marcia, I'm glad you enjoyed it. He sure is the best buddy ever. He loves when I lift!

  2. I love the survey! Always interesting to see your answers and then consider my answer. I will say this, I have always had a healthy lifestyle thanks to my mom and dad who got very into wellness when we moved to Colorado when I was 5. I value that so much. My biggest supporter, as you know, is Rick. I just came in from my swim and weights and he goes "look how stinkin' cute and also bad ass you are". I was flexing my guns.

    1. Awwwwwwwwwww that is so sweet that he said that!!! :)

  3. AH HA HA HA HA HA! I love your last answer. Omg you are the best. Made my day. I'm curious about a couple things though, what are dippy eggs and sweet tators?

    1. Dippy eggs are eggs sunnyside up. "Dippy" is a Central PA term, I think. :)

      Sweet taters are sweet potatoes. I just called them that for some reason! Could be a southern US thing but I am not from the south!

    2. Oh, then I love dippy eggs. Sweet taters, ah makes sense. I was thinking they were sweet potato tater tots. It's all yum.

    3. Sweet tater tots sounds really good too. Way better than the sweet potatoes I make!

  4. What a cute workout buddy!

    Clear pee is d finitely a healthy sign haha.

  5. I just try to pack the healthiest thing possible because I am forced to eat whatever I pack! There is no time to go anywhere and grab something else.

  6. Glad someone else asked about dippy eggs. That term hasn't made it over here to Ohio yet! ;)

    1. Dippy eggs is definitely a Central PA/PA Dutch thing. :) That's just what my mom always called them!

  7. I like bicep curls because they require minimal effort even if you are maxing out. Adam tells me not to do them because they are a vanity workout... but I can't even lie, I like feeling my own bicep.


    1. Hahaha I like what Adam said! I go back and forth. I will do them and I won't do them. Right now I am doing them and I just increased to 20lb so I feel pretty bad ass.

    2. That is badass! I only use the 15s but I sometimes go for 30 reps if I want to feel like a badass. Really brings on the buuuurrrnnn by the end. Then I flex in the mirror! And if Adam is at the gym too I make him come over and "feel my bicep baby!"

    3. Awww haha that is cute! I make Paul look at my muscles too. 30 is a lot of reps I am sure you are SHREDDED by the end!

  8. I love this!!! I definitely plan to do a blog post with my own answers. And how fun to look back to see how your answers have changed (or not!).

    1. Yes! It is a good reminder that when we think we know all the answers, we really don't. I though I knew a lot 2 years ago and comparing my answers, I realized I was a little too rigid back then. I am glad I am more balanced!

  9. Kind of weird, all the Wendy's around here are closing.

    I'm partial to Jimmy Johns, Chipotle, and Culvers.

    1. I know you told me the Wendys near you are closing! That is sad. I don't know of any Wendy's here closing. I have never even heard of Jimmy Johns or Culvers. I enjoy Chipotle but rarely eat there because there is only one near us and it is at a place that is a real bitch to pull into/out of.

  10. I love this blog post. I am going to do this on my own blog. Thanks for posting

  11. I love your answers! This was a good set of questions- I don't think Ive seen this survey anywhere else!

    1. It is an old ass survey. Maybe more people will do it and it will make the rounds!
