
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

12 Days of Exercises- part 2!

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I have new workout coming at you... just in time for Christmas!

(Check out Part 1 here!)

Perform the exercises in the style of the song "The 12 Days of Christmas".
As always, R + L = 1

For example:

1 inchworm push up
2 stability ball pass, 1 inchworm push up
3 burpees, 2 stability ball pass, 1 inchworm push up...

Until the last time, where you start with the 12 jumping jacks
and count all the way down to 1 inchworm push up.


If you do the workout entirely, you will end up doing...

12 inchworm push ups
22 stability ball passes
30 burpees
36 lunge + press
42 lunge w/ knee tucks
42 mountain climbers
40 squats
36 tricep dips
10 high knees
22 bicycle crunches
12 jumping jacks

(If I did the math right...)

Let me know if you try the workout!


  1. That's just a tease. Although I can sit down on the toilet now so my back is definitely making progress. Maybe I'll be able to work out again by the year 2017.

    1. Auuuuuuuuuuugh this workout was NOT for you! ;)

  2. These types of workouts are the best! I can't wait to try this one! When I'm stuck on the treadmill for a long run, I like to do these and add a mile between each round -- run a mile, do an inchworm, another mile, then ball pass + inchworm, etc. It makes the tready much more bearable!

  3. I'm going to workout tomorrow! I will have to check out this post again :)
