
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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Sorry for the lack of pictures in my workout recaps lately. I am trying to remedy that this week!

Saturday- 8 neighborhood miles. Finally starting to feel like myself. I also lifted back at home. I did the usual- pull ups, row, bicep curls, etc.

Sunday- 8 more neighborhood miles. Even though my pace was basically the same, today's run felt better. (The first 1/2 mile didn't clock.)

Monday- Lifted chest at home. I forgot to write down what I did, but it was the usual: chest press, push ups, shoulder press, tricep dips, etc.

Tuesday- Speed work! 8x563s. I know that is a weird number, but you can read more about that workout here!

Wednesday- 5 pokey miles. I needed to recover from my speed work.

Thursday- 5 neighborhood miles. I started out pretty slow, but as I warmed up, I started to kick it into gear a bit.

Friday- Back at home. That's right, I did 3 strength days this week AND speed work! Maybe I can keep this up!?
How were your workouts this week?


  1. I had ZERO workouts this week. Partly because I wanted to take 2 weeks off before jumping back into marathon training again. That was only made possible because I have a head cold. Bleh.
    Good job on the workouts!

    1. Boo for the head cold! I guess it is forcing you to take it easy. I hope you start feeling better soon! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Yay for the workouts and weight training sessions. Do you have a long run planned for today or tomorrow? My week was pretty standard w/ 3 runs, 3 weight sessions, 2 swims and 2 rest days! I have totally changed up my weight training and am loving it.

    1. I did 13.1 today and I crushed what I was aiming for! I am so happy! :)

      How did you change your weight training?

    2. Oh, I know....saw your FB post. Um, hells yeah!! I started cutting my swim by about 10 minutes then after I change I go upstairs at the rec center and use their weights (do this 2 x per week and the other day I lift at home). The rec center has SO much more so I am able to get a better full body workout. My favorite is the assisted pull up and dip machine! Amazing how much fun I am having and I am feeling sore .... but in a good way! Loving it.

    3. ...I end up doing about 30 minutes of weights as opposed to about 10 minutes at home!

    4. WOW GREAT!

      Oh and that machine is the best thing ever. Try cable lat pull down too if they have it. Cable row is good too but you prob get the same thing with your TRX.

  3. Nice job with your workouts! I've had a pretty good week this week, too...I'm waiting to get my long run done before I congratulate myself too much!

    1. Oh you are going to ROCK it! Can't wait to hear about it. :)

  4. NIce week! I was supposed to go back with my coach this week but she ended up getting sick. With the holiday coming up, we're finally re-starting in 2 weeks. Its about time!

    1. I bet you have a lot of pent up energy to get out! :)

  5. It was a great week, it took me awhile to feel normal after that horrid race!

    I bet your bus loop misses you!
