
Friday, November 6, 2015


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When Paul was recovering from his first brain surgery, his doctors urged him to go for short walks. We got into the habit of going for evening walks together and it lasted for several months... until it got cold out. I'm not a fair weather runner, but back then I was definitely a fair weather walker!

Now, two years later, we are committing to evening walks again. This will be a good opportunity to to get some fresh air and keep our bodies moving. Paul is unable to work or do a lot of strenuous activity, so most of his days are spent inside. He needs to get out more! Walking together will help him do this. He is totally on board with my idea. I hope it brings us closer! Not that we need to be any closer... we spend quite a lot of time together. But going for walks and just shooting the shit with each other can only make our relationship even better.

I am not sure how long Paul will feel like walking. He started radiation and chemo a little over a week ago. So far, he has not experienced many side effects, but as the weeks go on, we are told the side effects will gradually present themselves. To what degree, we don't know! As slowly as the symptoms creep up, they will slowly go away after his six weeks weeks of treatment are over. So it is definitely possible that he will begin to feel too tired or sick to walk. Maybe then we could still get some fresh air by chilling on the back porch and watching our cats scream at us through the windows. (They get very indignant when we are outside without them.)

It is going to be a crazy couple weeks as we are traveling to Baltimore for Paul's treatments. Luckily we have some wonderful family who is going to help give him rides so I don't have to take many days off work. Walking could be a great way to relieve some of the stress and enjoy the beautiful fall weather together.
Do you enjoy walking with your family?

How do you like to relieve stress? Besides running, of course!


  1. Oh Meg, I did not know about Paul's surgery/treatment! Big hugs and healing vibes to you guys. The Caveman and I walk at least once a week. He was a runner before I was but has retired from it, haha. The walks are nice!

  2. My prayers are with you both. I watched my mom go through chemo and was prepared for the worst and guess what? She did amazing. She would also make sure to get fresh air each day w/ walks and when it got too cold, she would ride a stationary bike inside. He is going to do fabulous, Megan and so are you! I love your ideas of walking together and even sitting outside and taking in the backyard scenery with a nice cup of hot chocolate (with our w/ out alcohol....depending on your needs) For me to relax I turn to baking, doing art work and watching documentaries or TED talks online. In fact, that is my plan for this Sunday. We have really been quite busy so I have 3 recipes to make, a project to work on and football to watch (with one earbud in watching something online while I watch the game). It's my total therapy! Love ya girl.

    1. I am glad your momma did so well with chemo as far as side effects were concerned. I know she has passed, but did the chemo help at the time?

    2. Yes! She was very responsive to chemo every time she got it. She quickly got into remission. She was due to have a non related donor stem cell transplant but her immune system was just so shot that even though it was a match, her body would have rejected it.

      I have no doubt Paul is going to respond well and put this behind him. He's strong, healthy and has a great attitude plus the love and friendship of an amazing woman!

    3. Oh good I am glad your mom responded so well to it. :) Again though, I am so sorry for your loss. :( Paul and I have no reason not to hope this radiation and chemo help. He feels pretty good so far. He has a little nausea, threw up today, his hunger is weird, and is a little tired. lol. Basically doesn't feel great but doesn't feel HORRIBLE either. It could be worse!

  3. Oh Meg, I actually had no idea that Paul needed chemo and stuff. I'm not sure how I missed this, but I feel like I haven't been reading your blog as well as I should have been to miss something like this. Focusing on simple things like walking together is so healthy for everyone! I wish we could go back to the old way of life, how years ago people did more of the simple stuff like evening walks and sitting down to dinner with each other. You two are a power couple. Lots of love from me to you. <3

    1. I am sure you didn't miss anything- I don't talk about his healthy on here much because I don't want it to be the "my husband has a brain tumor blog" because that would be depressing! So once in awhile I'll just update when something big has changed. We discovered he had a brain tumor 3 years ago when he started having seizures. I year after that he had surgery to remove some of it. A year after that surgery to remove more. Now a year later (because it seems like a year can't go by without SOMETHING haha) it's time for radiation and chemo.

  4. Thanks Karen! I too am sad Paul has to go through all this. I wish I could take the burden from him and go through it FOR him.

  5. Oh gosh, I didn't know you had all this going on. The walking will be so good for you guys. I wish my husband would walk with me. He's gained so much much weight and has high cholesterol...

    1. I am sorry to hear about your husband's health problems. I am sure it is frustrating for you!

  6. Walks really can be the little bit of movement you need to just feel better all around. I hope Paul's chemo and all goes well.

  7. Wishing Paul smooth sailing through chemo (and you, too)! Let me know if you need anything.

    1. Thanks Andrea :) Girls afternoon on the 22nd!!!

  8. I did not realize Paul was receiving chemo right now! I cross my fingers and pray that everything goes great for him. :)

  9. I hope Paul is able to walk through most of the treatment. I always find fresh, cool air to be really energizing, and I bet going on walks with you takes his mind off of the treatment because you are a good storyteller!

    Adam and I don't go on walks very often, but I really like it when we do! :)

    1. Haha I like to regale him with stories about the kids at school. ;)

  10. Will keep Paul (and you) in my thoughts. I know he may not feet like it but walking during treatment may be the best thing for him. However, the cold weather would keep me inside ! LOL! Hence why we moved to Florida! Sending him positive thoughts and healing vibes!
