
Monday, November 16, 2015

Podcasts I am Listening To

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My normally scheduled Weekend Wrap Up will be posted tomorrow! WE DID GET THE INTERNET BACK ON SUNDAY MORNING WOOHOO! I just didn't have time to write my wrap up, and since this post about podcasts was just chillin' in my draft folder, I decided to post it.
Hope you have a GREAT week!!

Who needs music on a run when you can listen to podcasts! Sometimes I feel smarter after listening to a podcast and sometimes I feel dumber. But I am always entertained! Here is what I am listening to these days...

I listen to this podcast for Rob's Survivor and Big Brother podcasts, but he also reports on a couple other reality shows I don't watch. The host of this podcast is Rob Cesternino from Survivor The Amazon. This is the best Survivor and Big Brother podcast out there! If you enjoy those shows, you will enjoy this podcast!

The gals who host this podcast do a quick recap of interesting things we never learned about in school. I don't listen to every episode, just the ones that sound interesting to me. They also throw in some historical crime, which is fascinating to me!

This is similar to the history podcast. Recent podcast titles include: How Donating Your Body To Science Works, How Vocal Fry Works, How Citizen Arrests Work, How Maggot Therapy Works... etc, etc. There is something for everyone!

This podcast is wonderfully produced and is top notch as far as podcasts are concerned. You will feel smarter after listening to this! Recent podcast titled include: The Dangers of Safety, Should Kids Pay Back Their Parents for Raising Them?, Is It Okay For Restaurants to Racially Profile Their Employees?... etc!

This is a show I used to watch on Youtube, but when I realized it came in podcast format, I switched over to simply listening to it since there isn't much to "see". They talk about old and new cases in the news. They often have former FBI agents and criminal profilers as guests who comment on the topics. Obviously, this is right up my alley! The host, Allison Hope Weiner, sometimes annoys me, but not so much that it deters me from enjoying the show.

Presidential Debates

I download audio of presidential debates from various sources. I listened to the Democratic Debate from CNN, but I am still looking for the recent Republican Debate. Debates are long, but I can get through one in just a couple runs!

These are 20 minute podcasts that cover a variety of topics which all somehow have to do with police, law, or crime. It is not reporting on anything, it is storytelling at it's finest!
What podcasts do you listen to?
Do any of these sound interesting to you?


  1. I don't listen to podcasts of the presidential debates, but I do pull the video recordings up on YouTube and listen to them as background noise at work. This usually leads me to saying, "Oh.My.God." out loud a lot which confuses my coworkers at first

    Coworkers: "what's wrong?!"
    Me: "Donald Trump is what's wrong!

    Repeat 10X!

    1. LOL Trump is a cartoon and a a straight up gift to the Democrats. I have to look on the bright side or I will cry. Yesterday I told my friend Bree that Dr. Ben Carson has surpassed Trump in the Republican polls. She had to lay down after hearing that!

  2. I am so addicted to running (and swimming and cycling) to music but I would love to listen to podcasts while I work. I need to check some of those out. I am really interested in nutrition and wellness. I have gotten really into learning about the best workouts for long term (think more weights, less running). I just love learning anything about the human body!

    1. I am sure there are great podcasts related to that! I love to listen to them while I drive, too. I never drive without my podcasts! I save some of the Survivor/Big Brother ones to listen to with Paul while we drive to radiation since it's a little over an hour to get there.

  3. I know a lot of runners listen to podcasts, but I don't want to concentrate on what I'm listening to. I need to focus on what's ahead of me, since I"m so prone to tripping. I do listen to music.

    1. I am the opposite, I like to not concentrate on the running haha

  4. I listen to all those podcasts except the "crime/criminal" ones--I wouldn't be able to sleep. I am such a wuss! I have to admit, I can only tolerate the "stuff you missed in history class" in small doses--the accents on the 2 drive me nuts!
    I listen to "Wait, wait don't tell me" from NPR--so funny. Almost too funny to listen to while running...

    1. LOL they do talk weird!! I think they talked weird on the Stuff You Should Know podcast as well.

      I know a lot of people who like Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. I could never get into that. I am a Fresh Air girl!

  5. I don't listen to any podcasts. I really should, and these seem so interesting! Thanks for the recommendations, if I venture into the podcast world I will definitely check these out!

    1. Cool! I know a lot of people would never enjoy them while running but they are good for in the car too.

  6. Lacey's been listening to podcasts but I really think I need to stick to music!

  7. I listen to running podcasts. I love Runners Connect with Tina Muir. I only listen to podcasts or audiobooks when I need a recovery run because it keeps my paces a lot slower than when I listen to music or nothing.

  8. Tell me! Is it the Savage Love Cast??? Dr. Laura???

  9. I don't listen to podcasts on the run but I did download a Bart Yasso one recently. I'm just wondering, if I download it on my iPhone, does it use my data to play it while I run???

    1. Paul says no, it will use data to actually download it but once it is on your phone, you don't even need data to play it. :)

  10. I've never listened to a podcast before but so many have mentioned it, I'm curious :)
    -Helly on the Run

    1. You can listen to them in the car too, if you prefer running to music.

  11. I should start listening to podcasts when taking Axel on long walks. I am more about music while running, but walking is slower and more relaxing. I like that you listen to educational podcasts. I should recommend a few of these to my husband - he is a trivia buff and loves to learn anything and everything.

    1. Pod casts + walks are GREAT. :) I bet there are a lot of mommy pod casts out there too!

    2. I'm apparently really picky about podcasts. I've tried so many but I only really can zone out and enjoy two of them on a run. I'm always trying others, but it's really hard for me to get hooked!

    3. What two do you like?

      I am picky too! There are other survivor/bb ones but I don't like them.

  12. I used to listen to Dr. Laura. I agree, sometimes I think she did give good advice but sometimes she was VERY crazy. I feel like I have read a lot of her books. This was 10 years ago. I don't think I could stomach reading it now.

    TWILIGHT!!! I liked those movies. :) No judgement here at ALL!
