
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Putzin' around the mall...

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Thanks everyone for your comments yesterday! It seems like most of my readers have the attitude that they don't let fear control their lives. They do their thang and run their runs and don't let anything hold them back!

I probably don't say it enough, but I really appreciate everyone who visits my little corner of the internet each day. Sometimes I talk about running, sometimes I talk about life... Sometimes it is serious and sometimes it is "fluff" (like today!). You get a little bit of everything from me.

Thanks for reading Meg Go Run! I'm so glad I started a blog and I am so glad I met so many interesting, intelligent, FUN people via that blog-o-sphere!


Sometimes I enjoy just wandering around the mall. The mall closest to my house has a lot of great stores I enjoy looking around in. I am notorious for spending an hour or two looking and not buying a single thing.

That's what happened this past Saturday.

Now, there were a lot of things I wanted, but nothing I needed. Sometimes I have trouble allowing myself to buy things I don't need... which is actually ridiculous because even when I think I need something, I don't actually NEED it.

Let's talk about the things I saw at the mall on Saturday (or just things in general) that I want right now, but I don't need. In fact, I will never NEED them. I will only ever WANT them!

1. Colored Soho leggings from NY & Co. I actually would have bought these if they had my size! They were on sale for $20. You can't beat that!

2. Tahiti Island Dream fragrance from Bath & Bodyworks. Kristina always raves about this, so I finally popped into the store to smell it. I was immediately in love. I didn't buy it because I didn't have a coupon and refused to pay $14 for 8 oz of the stuff. I have now signed up for the mailing list and hope to score some coupons!

3. Brown heeled booties. I'm still looking for the perfect pair at the perfect price. I do have a 30% off coupon for Kohl's so that probably will be where I end up getting them. Here are some examples of the styles I like:
4. This ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS DRESS I saw at Express. I don't even know why I went into Express. The prices are way over what I would ever spend on clothes. However, this dress was only $88. That is not bad because it is a really fancy dress and clothes from Express are very well made. I still have a pair of capris from Express I wore during student teaching. THAT WAS 12 YEARS AGO!!! They are still perfectly good pants!

Note: The dress is not as short as it appears in this picture since normal people's legs are not as long as this model's legs!

May I also mention that THE GIRL IN THE PICTURE IS NOT REAL!
Can't they show a "normal" person in that dress? It is a beautiful dress and would look absolutely gorgeous on a normal body.

5. A chunky gold watch. I want to be "the girl who wears a chunky gold watch". For just $7.99, I could have been that girl! (They were on sale at NY & Co.) Alas, I am still not that girl.

Example watch only. Not the one from NY&Co.

6. Jennifer Aniston's hair color. I have a lot of grey hair. I dye my roots every month with whatever boxed dye is on sale at Dollar General. The dyed color is darker than my natural color but at least it is not grey! But what I would really like is a beautiful hair color like this:

What are some things you "want" right now?

Do you like putzin' around the mall?

If I splurged on ONE of these items, what would you recommend? I am leaning towards the booties because it will be a one time purchase. The hair is going to be UPKEEP... It will be like the splurge that just keeps on splurging...


  1. I do not have your discipline when it comes to going to the mall. I wish I did. I have that B and B lotion too! It smells so fresh. :) But I agree, super pricy!

  2. I'm going to NYC this December for a few days and want/need to get some winter clothes. The heaviest jacket I own is a light running jacket and I only own two long sleeve shirts (both running shirts). I really WANT to get a gorgeous peacoat but all of the ones I want are outrageously expensive for something I will wear for a few days and never be able to wear again. I am hoping I can find something on sale as it gets closer to Black Friday/Cyber Monday! I also need to get a pair of boots to go with my peacoat!

    From your list I think I would get the dress. It's really pretty and would make a great Christmas party dress!

    1. It would make a great Christmas party dress! Now I just need to get invited to a Christmas party. :)

      Did you look at secondhand stores for a nice coat? That may be a dumb suggestion because would they even have heavy coats like that in secondhand stores in FL? Another suggestion: Try Kohl's with a 30% coupon, or Marshall's or TJ Maxx!

  3. Hi Megan - I kind of hate our mall - I was there over the weekend and couldn't find one good thing, but I am extremely picky. I do like Anne Taylor Loft and their sweaters, they are usually on sale!
    I would splurge on the hair color! I get my done about every 2-3 months (bright blond highlights to hide my gray) and it is worth every penny - makes me feel awesome! But you are correct in saying it is a lot of upkeep and if you don't have gray to cover, don't start until you have to.
    Love those boots!

    1. I have some friends who love Anne Taylor sweaters. :)

      I am sure highlights would make me feel awesome too! I'm glad you let yourself splurge on that. I'm frustrated because I am only 33 and have soooo much grey to cover!

  4. I don't enjoy going into the mall. It makes me confuse "needs" with "wants". (If I don't see it, I don't need it!) I don't enjoy trying things on either...
    I would splurge on the leggings or boots--that is me, pretty practical! I need to get a pair of shoes that aren't running sneakers...
    I am the girl with the "chunky" Garmin watch!

    1. Yes! It is like I didn't know I needed colored leggings until I saw them. Then suddenly I NEED them. No, want them. I don't think there is ANYTHING at the mall that I will ever actually NEED.

      Girl with the chunky Garmin watch! LOVE IT!!!

  5. I'm lucky because Andrew's sister does hair and she does it for me for cheap, but even still, I can't afford to keep going to her to get colour done. Not even so much the money factor but I have NO TIME. I need brown boots too. They're so cute. I need to check out that BandBW fragrance! I'm always looking for new smells. Yay!

    1. That is cool that you have an "in" for hair color! It sure does take a long time to do, doesn't it? You will love the fragrance, it smells like the BEACH. :)

  6. hahaha i totally feel you on the "shopping"! I really want/need some BLACK boots/booties. I have a bunch of brown but no black!

  7. I used to be a mall putzer but I haven't done that in years. I've got a 30% Kohl's coupon too. Thanks for the reminder to USE it! Very cute dress and I love me some boots!

    1. Yeah don't let that go to waste! Maybe you could get some new workout gear. :)


    Matt said I've bought a new dress for each wedding we've been to in the past 3 years, so I need to start rewearing. But...I want THAT one!! haha

    1. I love your dresses! You would look great in this one too. The back is totally cut out. :)

  9. Tough choices. I do like those booties. I bet that fragrance smells so good. Maybe they have the knock of brand at Walmart for half the price.

  10. Love this post cus I hate going to the mall but I actually could use all those things you mentioned (especially that watch since I can't seem to find a battery for my original watch). Actually I don't need any bath and Body products and actually have banned myself from Bath and Body Works. I love the scents but I refuse to pay $14 for -M
    PS that was my sister who just commented above!

    1. Haha I KNOW B&BW is so overpriced. But the stuff DOES last awhile, I have to keep reminding myself that. I bought some 3 body sprays over two years ago(must have been a sale because there NO WAY I went out and just dropped $30 on body spray- I don't smell that bad!). Okay the moral of the story is I wear it every day that I leave the house and I still have like 2/3 left in every bottle!

  11. Like you, I am on the hunt for a perfect pair of brown booties! Now that I have a little one, all of my shopping is done online (which is very deadly). I tend to order a lot of clothes and shoes with the hopes of keeping one or two. I also wait for the free shipping and returns deals to pop up. I love Jennifer Aniston's hair color - it would be fun to see you wearing that style! Maybe you should splurge one day and have it professionally dyed! :)

    1. I think I will definitely have to splurge one day and get a "real" cut and color. :)

      I remember you like doing the online stuff! You are right it can be deadly. One morning I spent like $150 on Amazon before Paul even woke up! It was all on Christmas gifts or like one or two things Paul and I were going to have to go out and buy anyway, but it was like, "Wooooah... I'm still in my pjs and I just spent a lot of money without even getting off my couch!"

  12. I got an Apple watch recently. My parents gave me a gift card to the Apple Store which took care of about half the cost. My husband's comment was that I didn't need it. Nope. I wanted it! Now to find some booties...

    1. Oh cool how do you like your Apple Watch??

      You will look great in brown booties!
