
Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Monday! It's almost October!
I like the beginning of the month. It's when I get paid for all of the piano lessons I teach. Who doesn't like pay day!?

Here is what we were up to this weekend...

I had a great speed work session before work. I wish I could say I did speed work because I wanted to, but I really did it because my mp3 player wouldn't work and I needed to keep myself preoccupied during my workout. The math involved with speed work gave me the distraction I needed.

Even though I felt fine in the morning, as the day went on, I started to feel sick. My voice was scratchy, I was getting hot and cold flashes, and I was just so tired. It bummed me out because I had a lot planned for the weekend and wanted to feel my best. Luckily, around lunch time, my symptoms stopped worsening which was good.

After work, I ran a million errands, including finally getting a new mp3 player!  I was getting some serious road rage and my anxiety levels were through the roof! Luckily, I had girls night to look forward to.

My friends Karen, and Andrea are all music teachers and we all get together about every two months for some girl time! We talk about life, teaching music, our pets, and anything else we feel like! Karen taught Andrea and I a goodbye song for music class and then Karen and I taught her a finger play for kindergarten. We recorded it because we are silly! (I'm trying to keep up with Karen and Andrea because I am still learning the uke!)

I slept until 11am!!! Chrissy and Jelly were with me the whole time. It was magical. I really needed it.

After fiddling around and catching up on blogs, I went for a 10 mile jaunt around my neighborhood. I was feeling pretty bad ass with my new mp3 player.

This is how I run 10 miles without ever being more than 3/4 of a mile from home...
lots and lots a loop dee doops!!!

Since I slept half the day away, no sooner had I gotten home, stretched, and did half a puzzle, did I have to go get ready to meet my mom. We had a big night out on the town planned! First, we'd have dinner at Ad Lib. They specialize in the whole "small plates" thing, which I think is pretty froo-froo, but the food was GOOD!!!

It's in the Hilton. VERY chic!

Olives, feta, and bread. Why not!?

Chickpeas with tofu, eggplant, cauliflower, and carrots. It was all divine!

Then we walked to the Whitaker Center to see Joy Behar's one woman show called Me, Myself, and I. I have watched The View for years and have always loved Joy. I even went to The View once and was asked back to be featured on a segment

Obviously all my Joy Behar dreams had already come true, but little did I know I was in for another Joy Behar surprise... When we picked up our tickets from the will call, they informed us that since we had orchestra seats, we would get to do a meet and greet with Joy afterwards. "You're kidding!?" I shrieked to the ticket man and I started jumping up and down. My mom laughed and laughed, and then we both called our husbands to share the good news!

If I look crazy, it's because I just found out I was going to MEET JOY!

Joy's show was a mixture of her stand up while she told the story of her life. I learned a lot of things about her I didn't know. And I laughed. Oh boy did I laugh! If you like Joy Behar, you will like this show. If you don't like her, stay far away!

After the show, we got to take pictures with her during the meet and greet. Her skin is FLAWLESS up close. She is 72! HOW??? She has less wrinkles than I do! HOW????

I had so much fun out on the town with my mom. We should go out an meet celebrities more often!

I had THE PERFECT SUNDAY! It involved running, lifting, blogging, minimal cooking, and puzzles! This puzzle was tough at first but it ended up being one of my favorites to do!

Just the right amount of wine makes me focused.
Water keeps me hydrated.
I think I am ready for the puzzle Olympics!
Describe your perfect Sunday!

Do you like Joy Behar? I know she is polarizing... especially since #nursegate!

What do you like to do for Girls Night?


  1. I actually really like Sundays when I have absolutely nothing to do! Maybe a run, but that's it. I feel like those never happen anymore.

    1. Same! I like all the exciting stuff to happen on Saturday.

  2. When I see your couch I miss having that same couch. I hope you never get rid of it because it is literally THE BEST couch ever and I regret replacing it! Actually if you ever decide to get rid of it let me know and I will buy it from you!

    I had no idea Joy was in her 70s! Wow, she looks amazing! The nursegate thing was ridiculous. I know I sometimes say things without really thinking them through and I don't have the added pressure of being on TV. I don't know if Joy apologized or not, but I don't think that one comment makes her gender/career biased!

    1. I totally agree with your analysis of nurse gate!

      I forgot you had the same couch! Jelly and Christmas have scratched up the corners though. :)

  3. I wish I had a mother that liked to do anything but complain. I never have had a girls night. I just don't mesh well with women. But,I love watching other people have girls nights. Thanks for sharing your amazing weekend

    1. I usually have more fun with women who are older than me but I have a couple close friends my own age too.

  4. Awe, what a fun weekend for you! I'm so glad! I could never do puzzles. I don't have the ability to sit still for that long. It's a cool-looking puzzle though. Love it.

    1. I love to put on my murder shows like Dateline and just listen to them while I puzzle. :)

  5. Perfect Sunday = run, baking & cooking while watching football w/ Rick and perhaps a bit of an art project in the afternoon!

  6. If I'd known that you were going to meet Joy, I'd have sent you a stethoscope! I used to think she was hilarious, until that whole nurse debaucle!

    1. There was a woman there in her stethoscope and she got her picture with Joy. I was wondering if anyone would show up in scrubs too but I didn't see anyone. It was an older crowd- like, past retirement age. As soon as we walked in I was like, well I should have known I'd be the youngest one here!

  7. I was really disappointed in Joy over the Miss NJ/nurse thing. She's usually someone I tend to agree with! Still cool you got to meet her!!

    1. I definitely agree with her politically. She put her foot in her mouth. I don't think she really has anything against nurses, but she said something stupid when she was trying to be funny. She is certainly feeling the wrath now!

  8. When I use to watch the view Joy was pretty much the only one I liked! I am so out of the loop these days that I still have no idea what she said about nurses! I can't believe she is 72!!!

    Oh, and you call 10 miles a jaunt?..haha. After I do 10 miles i'm done for the day!

    1. Haha well I called it a jaunt because there was no serious goal for the run, it was just like "la la la"!

      She made a stupid comment about nurses that really pissed some people off. I think it was blown out of proportion.

  9. Glad to hear you fought off the cold quickly. I started feeling a twinge of sore throat a couple days ago and battled that sucker away as fast as I could. Being sick with a newborn is no bueno – thankfully it went away within hours.

    I love the route map and all the loops you ran around your neighborhood. I wonder if any of your neighbors see you out there and wonder how many miles you are running. Have you ever thought about creating a picture or something fun with your route? It looks like your neighborhood has lots of potential for a fun course map design! :)

    1. lol I think it does have potential as well! I am sure my neighbors think I am crazy. This morning I ran around my block 8 times and that equaled 5 miles. The same loop... over and over. I was in podcast land so it didn't matter!

  10. Some things are taken too far, but of course that is the risk you take being on TV speaking your mind every day!

    She does look GREAT for 72... and up close too. Not fake at all!
