
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Weekend Wrap Up! (PART TWO!)

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'Twas a wonderfully long Labor Day Weekend full of friends, family, running, and relaxation!

In fact, the weekend was so long and action packed that I realized no one was ever going to read a Weekend Wrap Up that was that long so I divided it into parts!

Here is Part 2- Sunday & Monday!

Oh my word I had crazy dreams on Sunday morning. I woke up at 5:30am to go to the bathroom and when I fell back asleep the dreams began...

  • I dreamed I was in jail.
  • I dreamed there was a huge storm and I had to walk across the ocean on a metal bridge.
  • I dreamed I had to dig a broccoli plant out of my garden.
  • I dreamed I was trying to save my fellow inmates by climbing over a fence that was right along an ocean bluff. My friend was there and she was trying to climb over "50 fences in 50 states" and this was her last fence. She wanted us to sing Camptown Races as she climbed the fence so we did.

Maybe I was having crazy dreams because I had eaten four pieces of cake over the last forty-eight hours!?

I ended up doing an epic chest workout in my living room- clad fully in pajamas and flip flops. Do you think it is safe to lift in flip flops? Probably not, but I do it all the time.

Oh, I did a chest press PR! FIVE sets of ten reps with 30lbs! Here is a video of my last set...

That evening, Paul and I splurged and got takeout sushi from Asian Empire Bistro. Their sushi is half price on Sundays! We got all of this for just $20!

6 rolls- spider, shrimp tempura, california, spicy tuna, salmon, and avocado

I never remember to take a picture of my sushi, so since I actually remembered, this photo is going to become a Meg Go Run stock photo and will be used every time I mention sushi, okay?


The first thing I did Monday morning was save a stick bug from certain death! Jelly was mesmerized by something outside the back window. I went over to investigate and found a stick bug stuck in a spiderweb! I went outside and got it out with a stick (haha!) and it flew away. I know I messed with the circle of life but I don't care. The stick bug lived to see another day!

Then we watched an awesome movie called Side Effects starring Jude Law, Rooney Mara, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. It's on Netflix so check it out! It's one of those psychological thriller/dramas.

After some crazy mileage on Friday and Saturday (10 miles then 8 miles) I decided to give my legs a second day of rest and lift back at home. I really wanted to run but I also wanted to give my legs some TLC.

Here are some vids of my pull ups!

I had leftover sushi as a post workout meal. If I'm ever rich, I am going to eat sushi for lunch every. single. day.

Much of the day was spent getting ready for the short work week ahead. Getting my oil changed was on my to do list, but luckily, Jiffy Lube was closed for the holiday so that errand was out of the question. Problem solved!

The evening was spent watching Survivor with Paul. For dinner I had a healthy salad with unhealthy jalapeno potato chips on top!

Do you have any lifting PRs you are proud of?
What's your usual sushi order?
Tell me something fun about your weekend!


  1. I am intrigued w/ the chips on the salad--looks yummy. Totally envy your pull ups! Maybe I should do things to get myself closer to that goal, but I just basically am jealous of anyone that can do them! Awesome.

    1. Normally I would do croutons but stupid me forgot to get some last time I shopped!

      You know me, I had to work for yeeeeeears to get to the point of doing several pull ups! I have actually been slacking which I why i can only do 4 right now- and that was a struggle! When I was running less and lifting more they came easier for me. Use it or lose it!

  2. I actually don't like sushi! I have tried it twice and almost gagged both times. Not sure what it is. However, a salad with potato chips sounds like a great idea!!

    1. It was sooooo good especially with the ranch dressing!

  3. Nice job!! I can't do pull ups. I try all the time...I can maybe do one. Maybe. I am envious! Also super jealz of your sushi. I had some of my own yesterday, but I have serious food envy when it comes to sushi. I want all of it!

    1. Oh it took me so many years to work up to several pull ups! It definitely was not something that came naturally. I used to be able to do more (when I was lifting more often) but now I have to work my way back up. They always make me feel like puking though!

  4. Ha ha ha... I love how you're all happy that Jiffy Lube was closed. I'm totally the same way! I haaaaate getting my oil changed, especially because I usually have a toddler with me that does the gingerbread man with his body in his car seat whenever we're sitting still in the van for longer than 30 seconds.

    1. Well that sounds just horrible having a toddler with you for an oil change!

  5. I love sushi--just not the occasional "eel" roll that is in there. My favorite is probably the yellow fin tuna...
    I don't know how many pull-ups I can do. Last I checked it was 1.
    I am a potato chip purist...Just plain for me.

    1. We tried eel a few months ago and it was fine. I love tuna, salmon, ANYTHING tempura hehehe

      I can appreciate a chip purist.

  6. Whoa - you can do pull ups?? I have weak little noodle arms and couldn't do a pull up if my life depended on it! I'm impressed.
    I listened to that Rob podcast on my last long run and learned all sorts of stuff. I didn't realize they were bringing back former Survivors. Love the twist with the idols too. Can't wait for the new season to start!

    1. I am so glad you checked out RHAP and I really hope you keep enjoying it! Rob is my absolute FAVORITE podcaster.

  7. Can you believe i've never had sushi? Scott gets it once in a while but I am afraid to try it.

    1. No, I cannot believe that! If you ever try it, I urge you to try it at least two or three times before you nix it. I actually did not like sushi for several years and then suddenly I liked it! What I think helped was that I was EXTREMELY restrictive with my food intake for awhile and only ate like 3 things and then suddenly when I finally allowed myself to eat, I craved EVERYTHING. (Although I obviously don't recommend going that route!)

  8. I always have crazy dreams when I wake up in the morning and then fall back asleep. It happens when I'm in that weird kinda asleep/kinda awake stage. I love putting goldfish on my salads instead of croutons!

    1. I have done goldfish too!!! SO GOOD! And honestly croutons aren't exactly healthy so it doesn't really matter what kind of fried carb is on top!

  9. Damn, that's a really good deal on the sushi! I don't eat fish so I always get vegetarian sushi, but I really like it. Now I think I'm going to have to get sushi for lunch tomorrow!

    I had a really weird dream this weekend about ocean bluffs too. I was driving near them, something about a homeless guy and then I was climbing then. The details are too fuzzy now! I will have to consult my dream book about what dreaming about ocean bluffs means. (Okay, I don't have a dream book, but I have the Internet)

    Apparently we are having strong emotions. That's not vague and/or applicable to my life every single day no matter what year or anything! ;)

    1. Hahaha you hit the nail on the head. My coworkers got me a dream book two years ago because I was having WEIRD dreams about them!

  10. I've never had chips on salad but that looks amazing!
