
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Currently Part 1 (VLOG!)

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I'm due for a "Currently"... and I thought it would be fun to VLOG it!
I also divided it into two parts because it started to get long!
Check back for part 2!

Tell me something "current" about you!


  1. I love when you decide to do a vlog! It does make sense that you might need a break from music after hearing it all day. Currently getting ready to head up to Winter Park for the Labor Day Weekend! I'm excited and this is probably the last time I head to the mtns. until next spring (I am not a skiier and would rather not be in so much cold and snow if I can avoid it)

    1. Yay I am glad someone likes it! I Vlog when I am lazy! Enjoy your time in the mountains! I wish you had a blog so we could hear all about it and see pictures. :)

    2. guys are sweet. No, I don't have a blog and I really don't plan on it. My job + my life keep me busier than I would like on most days. But I so enjoy connecting w/ the group on Meg Go Run and sharing our thoughts, experiences + stories. I always say, this is my favorite blog and my daily comments are my "mini blog".

    3. Well we appreciate all we can get from you Susan! :)

  2. You're so cute! Love your American accent. :) Happy for your upcoming paycheque! Yippee!

    1. Haha thanks! I know I sound like I am 16 but I swear I am 33.

  3. I could see why you wouldn't want to listen to music after doing it all day. I need music to run though! Gets me motivated. My guilty pleasure is Americas Net Top Model. I watch it on Hulu when I eat my lunch. The contestants are deplorable as per usual, but I can't look away. :)

    1. I used to watch that show and LOVED it! I don't know why I stopped. I found it fascinating and it really made me appreciate how hard it is to model. I don't have Hulu but I should see if I can find it on Netflix or something. Would be fun to watch while I do my puzzles. :)

  4. That stinks! I guess ours figure it's the money they owe us for the work we did during the school year so they give us the option. The challenge is to not blow it by the end of the summer!

  5. I really need you to teach me how to keep a beat in December. I am HORRIBLE at it and when I am in a situation where I need to clap along with a beat I have to obsessively watch other people clapping to make sure I am clapping at the right time!

    And thank you for vlogging! I love it! We will have to vlog together at the race :)

    1. You can't keep a beat? That surprises me! Most people can, so you should feel very special because you are a rarity!!! :)

      YES let's vlog. You're in charge though you're the expert.

  6. This was cute! I hate when football (yuck) bumps my shows!! Why are people so obsessed with it?!

    1. I have no clue! I wish I liked it because there is so much coverage of it, so it would be cool to follow- if you like it.

  7. Everyone I know loves Big Brother...I feel like I'm missing out??? Great vlog! I feel like I'd ramble if I did a vlog, and Lola would definitely video bomb me.

    1. YES YOU ARE MISSING OUT!!!!!!! :)

      Do they watch BB US or BB Canada? I have not watched Canada but would like to.

      I would love if you rambled on a VLOG (all I do is ramble!) and would love a Lola photobomb! :)
