
Sunday, August 16, 2015

How was your summer?

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I go back to work tomorrow. I am excited to see my coworkers, but I am not excited to say goodbye to all the things I get to do in the summer that I can't do during the school year. I have a great job, but nothing beats lazy summer days and spending lots of time with Paul and the cats.

The big question teachers get asked (of each other) on the first day of work is...

“How was your summer?”

Well my friends, here is my answer:

“My summer was a little more lazy than I envisioned it being, but I enjoyed every second!”

We went on a wonderful 12 day vacation in June. We got to spend a couple nights at the beach in August. I reconnected with so many friends. Paul and I went on several fishing/running dates. We hit up a handful of local carnivals. We spent time with both of our families. I read so many good books. I figured some shit out in regards to my knee. I somehow managed to blog every day, even though some days I was out of ideas.

Summer seemed long this year, and I am glad for that. Our vacation feels like it was six months ago, not six weeks ago.

So that about wraps up my summer! Tomorrow I will be back at work and I'll be posting my Weekend Wrap Up so you can see what I did during my last couple days of freedom.

I made the conscious decision to not think about work at all this summer. I am stressed enough during the school year, so why should I let that feeling creep into my summer? Tomorrow I will be entering a classroom that has seen zero TLC from me over the summer. (Don't worry, there will not be any students in my room for a full week. Plenty of time.) I've got a lot to do. Our schedule got completely overhauled and I have to seriously contemplate how I am going to organize my lessons. I have some classes seeing me equally spread out throughout the cycles and other classes who will see me four days in a row and then not again for over two weeks. I am going to have to think about my lessons and units in an entirely different way. Ugh, now I am stressing myself out and it is still summer! I should be enjoying my last couple hours of zero stress! Time to wrap up this post!
How was YOUR summer? Did it go the way you planned?
Teachers, do you think about work a lot over the summer or do you try not to?


  1. Wow--that is crazy that not all classes will see you on the same schedule. I am not in education but why would they do that? I think you guys had a great summer and it's been fun having you "take us along". I can relate to all the little dates you take and how everything just becomes an adventure simply because you are together. That is what life is all about. I am very happy to hear you didn't think about work while you were off--that is so needed.

    1. That's the funny thing, you don't have to be in education to realize that is a CRAPPY way for students to be able to retain knowledge. I guess there are like 1,000 things to consider when creating a schedule, and since music is not a mandated subject, other things take priority. Who knows?

      I know that you and Rick are a lot like Paul and I, and you described it so perfectly. "everything just becomes and adventure simply because you are together". That is like our LIFE! I mean, sure we go on real adventures too, but last night we were laying in bed playing some stupid trivia game on his phone just laughing our FACES off for a good 20 min. Stupid things like that are just so much fun when you have the perfect person by your side!

  2. Looks like you accomplished a lot this summer (personally). Getting questions answered about your knee was a HUGE deal and all those trips are special too! I am definitely not ready to say good-bye to summer!

    1. Well luckily you have a few more weeks! Soak them in. :)

  3. I cannot believe summer is almost over. We have 2 weeks left, but sports practices begin, and all the driving craziness that goes with it. On one hand, I am ready for a bit of structure, but after maybe a week I will be longing for vacation.
    This was our first summer in a LONG time that we didn't "go away" anywhere. Yes, we camped etc (I don't count that, :) ). We still had fun. We are saving up to go away during winter or spring break.

    1. Saving up will be worth it for sure!

      I can't imagine all the driving you have to do for beginning of the year sports practices!

      I am like you, part of me will enjoy the structure, but I am sure I will be OVER it in no time!

  4. That schedule sounds crazy! Class four days in a row and then no class for two weeks... I'm sure there is some theory about how that helps kids learn better but it just sounds difficult! I know in school I would have LOVED to get two weeks off from math, but I would probably have forgotten half the things I learned during the 4 days if I did get to take that long off. Heck, I forgot half the things I learned in 24 hours. Math sucks ;)

    I hope you're able to ease back into the work routine during your week with no kids! I know after I take vacation at work I try really hard not to schedule any client meetings the week of my return!

    1. It is definitely nice to have a couple days without kids to get in the swing of things. :) Yeah, I am the same as you- I would forget everything after 2 weeks! I fear my students will too. :(

  5. I feel like I didn't really have a summer. I mean, it as super hot, so I know it was summer... but I was working two jobs most of the summer, and didn't really do vacation type things. I went to the beach once, went hiking as much as I do during the winter here, and don't go on a real vacation trip until the 31st. Soo.... it wasn't a vacation summer! I'm going to try to do better with vacation feeling weekends this fall haha.

    1. Well I hope you have a great vacation! Usually by the time August rolls around, I feel like going to the beach. I don't know why. I'm not even a huge beach person!

  6. That's the best answer. Lazier than I envisioned it to be but I enjoyed it!! Love that. I go back to work one week from today, and I am NOT looking forward to it at ALL! I don't think about school for one second over summer. Nope. I hope you have a good first day back!

    1. Good! I am glad you compartmentalize like me and aim for no thinking about work during the summer! :) Enjoy your last week off!

  7. This sounds familiar. My summer was much lazier than intended. I took more time off running than I expected and didn't get anything productive done. Now that school's back in session, I finally feel ready to make headway on running and personal projects. Why does that motivation not come back until I'm busy again?!

    1. Because when it rains, it pours! I as teachers, we are either summer lumps or SUPER WOMEN during the school year!

  8. I am so not ready to go back. Teachers report back on the 26th, kids come back on the 31st. I taught summer school, so I have had a little bit of a break. The paycheck for summer school is a nice bonus, however.

    1. I am sure the bonus paycheck was nice! Our school has "Summer Acedemy" so I could have worked for 2 weeks this summer, but I just didn't want to! I teach piano lessons throughout the summer, though on a very paired down sked because a lot of students miss here and there due to vacations, camps, etc. I am proud to say I was "good" and didn't cancel any lessons accept for our June vacation that was planned way ahead of time.
