
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Holy shit. I signed up for a half marathon in Florida.

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You read that correctly. I signed up for a freaking half marathon in Florida! I can't believe it! I can't believe it for several reasons...

1. I have never traveled this far for a race.

2. I barely ever race.

3. I have only run 2 "road" half marathons in my life, 
the last one being 7 years ago!

4. I am going all by myself- 
Paul is staying home.

5. I have to FLY. 
OMG I HATE FLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. I have never been to Florida! How exciting!

The race is called the Best Damn Race Cape Coral and it is on December 13th. There is a full and a half marathon that day. 

What led me to sign up for this race? Well, my friend Kristina commented on my post about Race Dreaming and said I should come down to Florida and do the race with her and Ali. Kristina will be doing the half and Ali will be conquering the full. After Kristina and I are done running the half, we could turn into cheerleaders and cheer/crew for Ali as she finishes the marathon. The thought of meeting two of my favorite bloggers and cheering on Ali was something I couldn't pass up! I looked around online for some budget friendly flights and finally found what I was looking for.


I am extremely nervous. Not for the race (I will just be running for "fun"... although I am sure in the back of my mind my goal will just be to not have it be my slowest half marathon yet), and not for meeting new people, but for the flying part.

You guys, I hate flying so much.

As I was booking my flight, American Airlines allowed me to choose my seats on all four of the flights (there's a connection in Charlotte). I was literally shaking as I was choosing my seats on the map of the plane. I also Googled "safest place to sit" before choosing the seats. Row 1-7 are the death seats, but that's okay because I am not flying first class anyway. The safest seats are on an aisle in or near the exit row so you can escape quickly after a crash and before an explosion. The exit row seats are more expensive (I guess because of leg room) so I picked the row right behind the exit seats. I will just have to move quickly if the plane crashes. Yes, these are the things I think about.
I normally take Ativan to help me calm down on flights, and it seems to help a bit. But I have never flown without Paul. This is scary, but at least if the plane crashes, we both won't die and the kitties won't be orphans. That is one of the biggest things I worry about when Paul and I fly together- what will the kitties do if we die?

This is so over dramatic and has turned into more of an "I'm afraid of flying" post than a "I'm running a half marathon in Florida and I get to meet Ali and Kristina!!!!" post, but hey, that is where my rambling has taken me!

So the bottom line: My excitement to meet Ali and Kristina trump my fear of flying.

Are you afraid of flying or do you have another irrational fear?

Have you ever met one of your favorite bloggers? I also met Heather at Boston in 2014!


  1. What a fun time y'all will have! I know you can do the flight by yourself--stay strong. Good to know the aisle is one of the safest because that is where I always want to sit (mostly so I can get up and down like 500 times per flight....).

    1. ^ Hahaha ME TOO! I always select the aisle seat so I can get up and down 500 times!

      Also good to know about the exits because Adam and I frequently upgrade and sit there since he has such long legs!

      Do not worry about your flight though - you are going to have a great flying experience! Bring something to read or listen to that is super funny and it will hopefully take your mind off of what's going on around you!

      Can't wait until December!

    2. I like to be able to get up too and not bother people!

      Okay, so I will bring something funny and lots and lots of Ativan!

  2. Oh wow that is incredibly exciting! My excitement for you is trying to trump my jealousy that you girls will all be hanging out together, but whatever, LOL. ;) That sounds so fun! You will rock a half Meg!

  3. I m so excited for you to experience the race in Florida! I can't wait to talk about it with you. Are we still on for Sunday? I hate to fly too. I do it but I hate it. I try to drive when I can but that always depends on who i'm traveling with. Most of my family would rather fly. I don't know how Lacey can stand being a flight attendant! -M

    1. We are still on for Sunday girl. I'll FB message ya. I am surprised you hate to fly but glad it doesn't hinder you from traveling and doing what you want. You'll have to tell me Lacey's reasons for being confident flying so much!

  4. Now I want to go to Best Damn Race!!! Oh man that's so exciting and you three amigos will have so much fun!

  5. Good for you! I can't wait to hear all about it! Blogger friends are the best..

  6. LOL - If I were you I'd be more concerned about the real perils involved (during the race, "don't poop yourself!") haha! The flights will be great, and it will be an awesome trip for you. What fun! Congrats on making the commitment!

    1. Oh Lisa you are hilarious! But no one has ever DIED from pooping themselves, right!?

  7. LMAO I love that quote about the Greyhound bathrooms! I'm glad your desire to go to Florida trumps your anxiety. That's all we can ask for right? That at the end of the day, fear takes a backseat. Happy for you!

    1. Thank you! :) As long as I have enough Ativan I should be good. :)

  8. AAH I'm so excited that you're coming to this race!! I used to fly all the time as a kid so it was so easy, but as an adult we're more aware of potential risks...I'm a super nervous flyer now and I squeeze the crap out of Matt's hand during takeoff and turbulence. I've found bloody marys really help lol!

    1. I have never tried drinking on a flight but maybe I should! It's only a half, right? Anyone can run a half hungover.

  9. The race sounds awesome! I have never been afraid of flying. It just does not even occur to me to be scared up there! Bc I know the chances of getting in a car accident are like a billion times worse! But I have a friend who is just as terrified as you and she also takes Ativan. It seems to help Bc she usually passes out!

    1. Haha I usually can't remember most of the flight after the fact when I use Ativan. :)

      I definitely understand the illogical nature of my fear. I know I am definitely more likely to die in a car accident. It is still so scary to me! That's what makes it illogical.

  10. I take Ativan for flying too! except I do it because I get bored on the flight and dont want to talk to anyone, so I pass out for the duration heehh. I used to be scared of flying, but then I was working as a sober transport (flying people to and from treatment centers, interventions, court dates, etc) and i didn't get the ability to be scared, since i was focused on my client. that helped a lot! also, flying 3-5 times a week for several months with that job helped too haha

    1. Wow what an awesome job you had to be able to help people in that way. I can understand how that would make you not afraid to fly. I think about parents who fly with their kids and they can't act scared because then their kids would be scared too and they probably wouldn't want to pass down that fear to them. I bet that would help someone get over flying as well.

  11. I hope it is uneventful as well. :)

    I thought of you this past weekend because our friends are going to Montana. Glacier Park I think?? Does that sound right?

  12. That is so awesome that you A) signed up for a half marathon, B) are doing it in Florida in December (hello, much needed vacation) and C) are going to meet a couple of your favorite bloggers. I'm still kicking myself that Kristina and I didn't connect when we both ran the Portland Marathon last year. It would have been so fun to meet her!

    1. Kristina is such a cool woman. I am very excited to meet her! One of the cool things about blogging is connected with people, even if it is just over the internet. But if blogging and real life collide, well I think that is super cool! I am seriously going to feel like I am meeting celebrities when I meet Ali and Kristina!

  13. I read this last Wednesday and couldn't stop smiling! I am so glad you are getting back to racing and the fact that you will be with Ali and Kristina is just the icing on top of the cake! You ladies are going to have so much fun!!

    1. Aw thanks for sharing in my happiness with me! :) Seriously I am more excited to meet Ali and Kristina than I am to run the race!
