
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

9 Miles w/ my Daddio!

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I don't know what it is about the 9 mile distance. The last time I ran with my dad, we were on the Appalachian Trail and we did 9 miles. This past Saturday, we did another 9 miles, except this time it was on the road and it was very hilly.

On Saturday morning, my dad picked me up and drove us to Lower Allen Community Park. From there, we completed one of my favorite 9 mile routes that is full of HILLS! The route starts off on McCormick Road, which runs along the Yellow Breeches Creek. Then you cross the creek via a bridge and run up the first big hill- Wharf Road. From there, there is a nice downhill in which our legs could recover! The next couple miles are in the sun and are made up of rolling hills and a few short but steep hills. Then the most bad ass hill of all- Moore's Mountain! After Moore's mountain, the bulk of the hills are over and the last 3 miles are a little less challenging- accept for one more annoying hill. 

"Was that the annoying hill you were talking about?" my dad asked me as we crested our last big hill. 

"YUP!" I replied. 

My dad said he was interested in what I considered to be a "hilly" run. He concurred that the route I picked was indeed hilly!

I think it is awesome that I get to run and be active with my dad! He thought he was slowing me down, but he was not. We were both running at a pace that had us working hard but we were able to keep it up for the entire 9 miles. We ended at a 9:16 average pace with 1,096 feet of elevation gain.

We plan on telling my older brother (who is a very fast runner) that we did a 7:16 pace and see if he questions us... Haha!

I didn't take any pictures on this run, but here are some pictures of the route that I took a couple years ago.

Do you ever run with your mom or dad?


  1. That is wonderful and that route looks so pretty! Both my parents were so active and growing up we always took walks and bike rides together. My mom passed away but my dad (who is 77) still rides his bike about 100 miles per week! I don't cycle w/ him but Rick and I meet him at Lake Loveland in the summer and we all swim. My dad seriously does not slow down--I hope I can be that way when I am his age, too!

    1. I can totally see where you get your active and healthy lifestyle from- your parents! I hope I am going nonstop at 77 as well!

  2. Nope, my parents do not exercise. :( . My Dad does things like cut the grass, chop wood and is always busy with projects....I do run with my kids though!

    1. I am sure your kids appreciate the fact that their mom runs with them. When they grow up they are going to realize what a great role model you are. :)

  3. Beautiful route! Hills are so brutal and I can't escape them around here, but I guess they make us stronger, right? I used to run with my dad years and years ago but I can't anymore. He's had cancer and a stroke. Poor guy. He still supports me and loves hearing about my running though and he reads my blog like it's his job. :)

    1. Hills definitely make us stronger! I am sorry to hear your dad has health problems but I am sure his support is very meaningful. My parents read my blog too :)

  4. I would love it if my dad ran with me! My mom used too but she broke her back years ago and running irritates it the most so she doesn't do much running with me any more. She hates that she can't though. We go do weights instead now.

    1. That is awesome that you and your mom can do weights together.

  5. My parents like to run/walk and have both participated in races with me! Neither of them really "like" to run but they agree its good exercise and sometimes enjoy a fun race.

  6. That does look like a beautiful route! Yes, I often run with my mom and dad. My dad is going to run a race in September! I've decided i'm not ready to run it yet, but I will be there to support him!

    1. I am glad you are going to support your dad! That will be a fun day. :)

  7. My mom is a runner, but since we live in different states we never really run together. She only runs shorter distances (10K and below) and she is FAST. Her 5K PR is still faster than mine. We are running a 10K together next weekend and hopefully I can finally beat her at a race!

    1. Ooh I hope you both have a great race but I hope you beat her. :)

  8. So much elevation gain over 9 miles!!!! That is so hilly! You and your dad are total champs!

    My parents don't run at all. My dad is a recreational biker and my mom doesn't really do anything. She used to power walk but she stopped a long time ago. I need to get her back into it!

    1. Ooh that would be something fun for you two to do now that she is so close by.

  9. That is a very pretty route to distract you from all those hills! I know I already told you how much I love that you run with your dad. My parents are not active in the least bit and their sedentary lifestyle has taken its toll.

    1. You are right, the scenery makes up for those horrible hills.

  10. You are so very fortunate that you can go on long runs with your dad. That is AWESOME! Does he do many races? My mom can't run, unfortunately, but she is a great cyclist and we go on lots of rides together during the summer months. My dad was a runner (a great one at that) but I could never keep up!

    1. Now I know where you get your athleticism from! :)

      I don't think my dad has ever done a running race. He has done many road and mountain biking races though.

  11. I'm so jealous. Unless I take up golf, my dad and I won't ever exercise together. I'd like him to come to a race someday, but it's just not his scene.
