
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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Hey hey hey! I hope you are having a good weekend!
Here is what I was up to on the workout stuff...
I decided to keep my runs shorter so I can hopefully run more often.
It is working so far!

A 4 mile run/walk.


Chest @ HOME

A very rainy 4 mile run/walk. After being very unmotivated to run, I decided incorporating walk intervals would make the whole concept seem not as daunting. It worked! I loved my rainy workout!

Back @ HOME

Chest @ Home. Yes, I stayed in my PJs! It was my BIRTHDAY and I did what I want!
My power block weights BROKE after my first set of chest press.
It was actually very dangerous and I am never using them again!
Time to invest in some 20lb and 25lb dumbbells... oy that is going to be expensive!

4 mile walk/run. I was surprisingly excited to run! I wanted to keep going, but I made myself stop while I was ahead!

3 mile run with a good amount of walking for my warm up and cool down.
Then we went to Knoebels Grove with my family (it's an amusement park) and we did SO much walking. When I got home, I was so excited to shower and STRETCH! Is that how you know you're getting old? That your back, legs, and feet hurt from walking all day?
Tell me about your best workout this week!


  1. This is awesome news! Way to go. Just know the weights are a great investment in your health and will be totally worth the $. Is this the week you see the new doctor?

    I had some nice runs and today and I am planning a 15-18 mile bike ride, but my best workout was my mile swim on Wednesday! I had not been in the pool since June 2nd. I was worried the swim would be super hard (it was challenging but not too bad). I felt so wonderful when I got done I told Rick "please don't let me go that long w/ out a swim again" which is a dumb request since I basically do what I want. But I am hoping this starts me back to 1/week lap swimming!

    1. Yup I see him on Tuesday!

      LOL "Because I basically do what I want" haha love it. I hope you can get back at swimming regularly too because clearly you love it!

  2. Glad you had a good week of workouts! I love how your write out your strength training and take a picture. Thats a great way to make sure you get in a good workout and also remember what you did!

    1. I used to use picmokney but it has been soooo slow lately. Just taking a picture of what I write down to begin with is faster- except it forces me to write neatly. Unfortunately, what you see is "neat" for me. I have horrible writing!!

  3. I missed your birthday?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <3

    I'm sorry that your power block broke, but thankfully it's your birthday and you can invest in some new weights as a gift to yourself!

    1. That is how I am convincing myself that it is okay to spend the money... BDAY! :)

  4. I want your ab muscles! I hope you had a great birthday! My best run this week was probably my long run today because the air was much cooler than it has been and there was a little breeze. I don't mind running when I feel like I'm not going to roast to death.

    1. I am glad you had a great long run today. I am sure I will be reading about it soon. :) The heat can be brutal in the summer! I have been trying to just not care about pace at ALL when it is scorching.

  5. I am getting dumbbells TODAY!!!!

    A happy run is right around the corner, I am sure Karen. :)
