
Friday, July 24, 2015

Dang, I felt like MYSELF!

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Yesterday, I did my longest run since the end of June. I'm just going to cut to the chase: I FELT GREAT! More importantly, I felt like myself.

The plan was to do at least four miles, but I secretly knew I would do five. I dropped Paul off at his parent's house to hang out with his dad and then headed to a nearby rail trail for my run.

The Conewago Trail is a flat trail made of packed gravel and is mostly shaded. It was the ideal terrain for me, and considering the weather was much cooler than it has been, it made for extremely pleasant running conditions.

During the first mile, I felt a little sluggish. The thought of doing five miles seemed daunting. But I told myself to chillax, enjoy my podcast, and just get into a groove.

And get into a groove I did! As my run progressed, my legs warmed up and I started to slowly pick up my pace. At first it was a natural progression, but I have to admit that I purposefully pushed the last two miles.

My knee felt strong the entire run. My glutes were sore during the run (due to kettle bell swings the day before!) but it wasn't anything that hindered me from running my normal gait.

When I was done and checked my splits, I was pretty darn happy with myself! I was worried I lost some of my speed over the past couple months. My most recent runs hovered between 8:45-9:30 pace and those runs felt like an effort. But my run on the Conewago Trail really made me feel like I still have some speed in me, even if it doesn't show it's face as often as it used to!

I attribute this great run to 3 things:

1. A flat, soft surface. There were no hills at all.

2. The weather was much cooler than it has been and I was rarely in the direct sunlight.

3. I was able to calm down and just go with the flow!

After my good run yesterday, I am feeling more confident than I have been, but I know that I have a long way to go. It was just nice to feel like myself for about 45 minutes!
Do you ever tell yourself just to CHILLAX on a run?
Are there any rail trails you frequent?
When was the last time you had a GREAT run?


  1. That is great! I hit some flat trails about once a week--it is great for those days when you need some shade! My trail runs are when I need to chill--I am able to do that on the trail!
    I haven't had a great run in a while, but they haven't been bad either. I guess I am due!
    Good splits!

    1. I think being out in nature on the trail makes it easier to chill then a normal road run through the streets. I hope you have a great run just around the corner!

  2. Hells yeah!! That is so awesome! All your efforts and hard work are paying off, Megan. You should be VERY proud of yourself.

    1. Thank you, Sue! I have not felt like an athlete at all this summer but yesterday I did. :)

  3. Yay! That had to feel great! I love those comeback runs.

    1. I was due for one. :) I hope I am patient and keep working hard so I a run like that is the norm, not the exception!

  4. Nice job!! Glad you are able to get back out there again and feel good! Here's to many more of these runs to come!

  5. Great job on your run. Glad to hear that you had no pain. I love trail running. So much less impact that road running.

  6. That is awesome, so happy to hear that. I tell myself and the wife tells me more so to chilax...I have a problem lol.

    1. Haha my husband is always chillaxed, he tells me to calm down. I get hype easily.

  7. YAY! I am so so so happy for you! Welcome back Meg Go Run and Meg Go Lift Lower Body :)

  8. This post made me soooo happy!!! I'm so glad you're feeling like yourself again!!!
