
Friday, July 31, 2015

7 More Miles

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I recently decided I need to RUN MORE. On Tuesday, I focused more on time than mileage. I ran for an hour, but kept going for a few more minutes to bring myself to 7 miles. It was so hot out and the whole run basically sucked.

The good news about such a sucky run is that the next one just had to be better! So I decided to tackle another 7 miles on Wednesday morning. If at all possible, I wanted to get it done early before it was too stickin' hot out.

Somehow, I managed to drag myself out of bed at 6:28 and I was on the road by 6:50. It wasn't cool out by any means, but it was at least twenty degrees cooler than it was the day before! Because of the vastly different temperature, I was able to finish the 7 miles at a pace almost 30 seconds faster than the day before. 

The entire run was much more enjoyable. My knee felt strong the entire run and it did not ache the rest of the day. My glutes felt a little tight afterward so I did mucho stretching while watching the ladies cackle on The View.

I ran more miles these past two days than I did all last week! Don't worry, tomorrow I plan to lift upper body so my legs will get a rest. But the day after that, I think I will tackle at least 5 miles!

Operation RUN MORE is in full effect!

Do you get up early and beat the heat, or do you sleep in like I usually do?
What's on your workout agenda today?

Thursday, July 30, 2015

7 Mile Run: The bad, the good, and the cake!?

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I have been doing some thinking about the amount of running I have been doing and decided I need to suck it up and run more often. It is hard because I like to lift and usually I refuse to lift and run on the same day. But I have been focusing a lot on my upper body these past couple months, so I decided that this week I am going to chill out a little on the lifting and run MORE.

The plan for Tuesday was to run for an hour. I wasn't going to worry about mileage or pace. All I needed to do was run for an hour without stopping.

I reached my goal, but it wasn't pretty! I didn't feel good at all. I mean, after the first two minutes, the whole thing sucked.

Yah, if something was chasing me on this run, I would have LOST. Big time.

Here's why it sucked:

1. It was REALLY FREAKING HOT OUT! The real feel temperature was 95 degrees and I picked a route that had no shade. This was my own fault. I could have picked a shadier route or *gasp* got up earlier. But I didn't.

2. It was Day #1 of my period, AKA the day everything aches. My back felt tight and all I wanted to do was streeeeeeeeeeeeetch.

3. My knee felt weak from the get go. This is strange because usually my knee feels strong while I run. I think it was still recovering from walking all around DC the day before. Walking really bothers my knee.

There were some good parts about my run...

1. Hydration! I took water with me so I could stay hydrated.

2. I changed up the route. Even though the route was sunny, it was different from my normal neighborhood run, so I had fresh scenery.

3. I passed a piece of cake. It was laying in the grass! WTF!?

Have you ever seen such a perfect piece of chocolate cake just laying on the grass!?

4. I finished without giving up. The grand total was 7 miles @ 8:59 pace. I know that's a little over an hour of running but when you only have to run a couple more minutes to make it an even 7 miles, it's hard to stop!

That mileage at that pace was an effort. I should have gotten up earlier and run when it was cooler. So I'm not leaving myself off the hook! Tomorrow, I plan to run the same mileage but I am going to get it done before my first piano lesson of the day. Which means I'm going to have to be out on the road by 6:30! Do you think I can get up that early? We shall see!
What's the weirdest thing you saw on a run?
Do you ever run for time, not mileage?
Who else gets lower back period pain? All I want to do the whole first day is just bend over. All day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Our Day in D.C. - a "rest" day...

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On Monday, Paul and I finally took our first day trip of the summer. We went to our nation's capitol! 

D.C. is only about two hours away, yet we rarely ever go. Paul and I took a tour of the White House several years ago but all my other school trips were so long ago. It was time we made some new memories!

So as not to overwhelm ourselves, we picked two places to visit that day. The National Zoo and the Museum of Natural History.

We left at 7:30am. I decided not to get up earlier and workout because I figured we'd be walking a ton. Boy was I right! The grand total on my Garmin by the end of the day was over 8 miles. Talk about an active rest day.

We parked at the Shady Grove metro station (about an hour and a half from our house) and took the metro right to the zoo. Admission to the zoo is free. How awesome is that?

Here are some of the cutie pies we saw...

Paul loves prairie dogs. He calls me his little prairie dog because I can never relax
and I'm always popping my head up and looking around when we are out places. He always says, "Quit prairie doggin'!" "Prairie doggin'" is a verb in our house.

This zoo had the best lion exhibit I ever saw. They were active- even running around at one point. It was a little scary!

It was extremely hot and we were literally soaked with sweat by the time we were done at the zoo. We were also getting pretty hungry. We shared a blue slushy at the zoo but that was it. (We love getting slushies when we go to zoos. It's like a tradition!)

We took the metro to the Natural History Museum. Before we went in, we treated ourselves to thick slices of meat lovers pizza from a pizzeria and a 32oz diet coke. Apparently we were not in the mood to eat anything healthy!

Natural History Museum

"Just the tip" of the Washington Monument.

Paul in some ancient shark's mouth.

Me learning about how the world is basically going to end if we don't start taking care of the ocean.

Every time I go to a museum, I am convinced that humans are going to become extinct very soon. Hopefully I will be dead before that happens.

The museum was beautiful and there was a lot of interesting exhibits. I particularly enjoyed the Hall of Human Evolution. However it was extremely crowded and it seemed like every adult and child left their manners at home. I can't believe more fights don't break out at the museum because there were several times I almost flipped the eff out on someone.

We could have spent more time at the museum than we did but we were just too tired. My back hurt, my legs, hurt, and my feet hurt. I couldn't wait to sit down. It was time to head home.

While we didn't hit any traffic or encounter crowds on the way into the city, we probably left to go home at the absolute worst time. We almost didn't fit on the train because it was so crowded and poor Paul had to stand almost the whole ride back to Shady Grove.

When we got home, I showered the funk off of me, poured myself a dirty martini, and got some serious stretching done while I read Big Brother message boards and caught up on what was happening in the house all day.

I can pigeon pose, read message boards, and drink a martini all at the same time!

I was so sore and tired from walking around that I was thinking maybe I needed a rest day to recover from our D.C. adventure! All in all, it was a fun day and we realized we need to take advantage of the fact that we live close to such a cool city with a million things to do.

Have you ever been to DC?
What's your favorite zoo?
Do you take advantage of cool cities around you?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Race Dreaming...

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I don't race a lot. There are several reasons...

1. I am a commitment-phobe. The thought of signing up for something months in advance? Eek!

2. They cost money! Except trail races. Those buggers are cheap! Or free.

3. Racing/training can be stressful. But that's the whole point, right? Running can't be all fun and games. Wait I minute, yes it can!

4. I feel like I need to "prove something" with every race. I put a lot of pressure on myself. THIS IS STUPID. Who do I think I am? Kara Goucher? I seriously need to get over myself.

5. I love the feeling after a good race, but I thoroughly enjoy running just for the enjoyment.

That being said, I am dreaming of running a race right now! It's been quite awhile since I nosed around online for something fun to run. But that's what I have been doing the past few days. A fall marathon is out of the question, but a late October half could be in the cards. Trail runs are also an option. I love a good fall trail run. 

I am not at the point where I am ready to sign up for anything. Remember, I am a commitment-phobe. I could wake up tomorrow and decide I don't feel like racing at all. But I am dreaming of getting back in the game!

What websites do you use to search for races?
PA Friends: Any ideas for races within an hour or so of me?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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This wrap up will be in LIST format... because I feel like it!


Apparently I like to go to the doctor when nothing is wrong. (Or I just really like paying co-pays or something...) 

Example 1: A little over a week ago, I found out there was nothing wrong with my knee. 

Example 2: A few days after that, I woke up with searing eye pain and was convinced there was something in my eye. I went to Urgent Care to find out there was nothing in my eye.

Example 3: (Warning! This is where the poop talk starts! Skip if it's TMI for you!) Then on Friday I went to the doctor again because I have had diarrhea for TWO WEEKS! Once again I was told there was nothing wrong with me! I'm supposed to try over the counter meds and if it persists for another week, try eliminating dairy from my diet.

Couldn't the boxes be a little more discreet!?

(Poop talk DONE!)


On Friday evening, Paul and I went to see Jurassic World at the Harrisburg Mall. There was an armed police officer patrolling the premises and popping into each darkened theater from time to time. Armed officers do not normally patrol the theater. It was clearly in response to the theater shooting in LA.

It's sad. We live in America. We should feel safe. We should not need police officers patrolling our movie theaters. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH OUR COUNTRY? Why are there so many random mass shootings? This doesn't happen in other developed countries. Why are our citizens so violent? Why do so many bat shit crazy people have access to guns? WHY DOES THERE NEED TO BE SO MANY GUNS?


There is a New York & Company OUTLET STORE at the Harrisburg Mall! (I discovered it on our way into the movies.) Every single thing in there is CHEAP. I tried on a bunch of things but didn't buy anything because I really don't need clothes right now. But I can't wait until I do need clothes, because this is where I will go! The general style of clothes in NY&C is a little too preppy for my style, but I am usually able to find some things that are a little "fun", or some basic pieces that I can add my own personal flare to.


Saturday morning was Pride in Harrisburg. It was my first time attending Pride and my first time attending a drag show! I can't tell you how moved I was to see everyone out and about being who they are.

Later that night, we went to the Shippensburg Fair where we traded rainbow flags for Confederate flags. That's right. I live near places where apparently people drive around in pick up trucks with huge Confederate flags flapping in the breeze. Hey, I am all for freedom of speech and expression. Keep waving those Confederate flags and make it easier for the rest of us to know who the idiots are!

Despite all the cigarette smoke, we still had fun at the fair eating junky food and listening to a band play.

I'm bulking up for the beach.
That popcorn chicken was 40% chicken, 60% "fried". IT WAS AWESOME.

Annnnnnnd that was my weekend! Or at least, the parts that are worth mentioning!
What's your favorite crappy fair food?
What outlet stores do you like?
Ever attend Pride?
Are there many Confederate flags waving in your neck of the woods?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bug Spray, Running Selfies, and Babies at Movies

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I am one of those people who gets EATEN by mosquitoes. Unless I generously cover my entire body with bug spray, I can easily suffer 11 bug bites in less than ten minutes. (That's what happened to me a few days ago when I dared to go outside and do yard work without bug spray!)

I use the spray with 7% deet. I know deet is controversial but nothing else works for me. And after some research, I found out it is generally considered safe and the most effective/safe amount of deet is 20%-30%. Looks like I am well within in "safe" deet range!

Do you get bit by mosquitoes like crazy? Any strong feelings for or against the use of deet?

Running Selfies

The other day while I was running, I decided I should try to take a running selfie. I suppose it would have been easier if I had a selfie stick, but I already looked like an idiot trying to snap a picture of myself mid run, adding the selfie stick would have taken it to a whole new level!

Do you take running selfies?

PS I think that is cruel but funny!!
Babies at Movies

On Friday night, Paul and I saw Jurassic World. (I know we are probably the last people in the world to see the movie.) We really enjoyed it! However, the one part I did not enjoy was the fact that there was a screaming baby in our theater! A couple brought their 1(ish) year old kid to the movie. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? It's no wonder the kid was screaming. Two hours is a long time sit. Adults can't even sit through a whole movie without checking their phones. Then there's the noise factor. Oh, and the fact that the movie is freaking scary! I don't blame the kid. I blame the parents. I feel it is completely reasonable to expect that at a PG-13 movie you will not have to listen to a screaming baby. I would have complained but I am not sure what the theater would have/could have done.

Babies at a PG-13 movie- yay or nay?

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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Hey hey hey! I hope you are having a good weekend!
Here is what I was up to on the workout stuff...

My first workout with my new weights!


4 neighborhood miles. I had to take two a/c breaks in which I stopped my Garmin.

A scorching hot DoC workout I wrote about here!

Paul and I had a fishing/running date. I ran on paved trail and dirt trail.
It was VERY hot and my Garmin died halfway through.
My pace was slow for me... around a 9 minute mile. I ran 4 miles and walked 1 mile.
Here are some scenes from my run...

Back and Legs @ Home with my big girl weights!
(Big girl weights for back, minimal loads for legs!)

My knee did NOT like the lunges. I do not think I will be doing lunges again anytime soon... my knee felt very weak during and after.

5 miles @ 8:13 pace on the rail trail.

Chest @ home... in my PJs...

Whatever. It was just that kind of day!

Chest @ Home

Warm Up- rotator cuff, shoulder press, chest press (light weights)

Chest Press- 3x8x30lb, 2x10x25lb
Stability Ball Pass- 4x8

Push Ups- 80 total (in random sets)
Bird Dog- 3x10
Cat Camel- 3x5

Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Medicine Ball Sit Ups- 4x15x8lb

Tricep Dips- 4x15
Lateral Raises- 4x5x8lb

Planks- 4x60sec

All in all, it was a good week for me! Except for the lunges...

Do you LUNGE?
Do you workout in your PJs?