
Sunday, July 19, 2015

8 Things I'm Loving RIGHT NOW!

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1. Reading. I do not make the time to read during the school year. Summer is the time I rediscover my love for reading. I recently read Amanda Knox's memoir, in which I loved. I am currently reading a nonfiction book by criminal profiler Pat Brown. It is very scary. I stay up super late reading it in bed and then I'm too scared to go to sleep, so I end up having to read something else to get my mind off the book!

2. Big Brother. Thank goodness this show is on during the summer when I can spend waste a ton of time watching the three weekly broadcasts, Big Brother After Dark (7 days a week), and of course, keeping up with the live feeds via message boards. 

3. Summer. I love the lazy days. I love catching up with friends. I love taking my grand 'ol time doing my workouts. I LOVE THE HEAT!

4. Wearing the same outfit three days in a row. Do you do this? If you only wear an outfit for an hour or two, do you wear it again the next day if you're not going to see the same people? I am the queen of doing this!

5. Singing. One thing I miss about work is singing daily! Even though I am singing kids song at work, I still miss the act of singing. Once in awhile I try to sit down at the piano and play/sing some musical theater songs to keep my voice strong. Before I know it, it will be back to singing/talking all. day. long. Speaking of the piano...

6. Playing piano. I always forget how much I enjoy playing the piano until I sit down and practice songs my more advanced students are playing. Then it's like... "Oh yeah, this is really fun an therapeutic!"

7. My new dumbbells! I don't think I will ever go to Planet Fitness again! Just kidding, I was there yesterday.

8. Daydreaming about all the fitness goals I have! My long term goals are lofty and my short term goals are conservative. But it is super exciting to be creating a fitness plan for myself that includes more than 2 weekly runs and lifting upper body. I can't wait to share it with you! Here is a sneak peek... I don't even know why I am sharing because there is no way you could decipher my chicken scratch and strange abbreviations!

Do you ever wear the same outfit a couple days in a row?
Tell me something you're loving right now!


  1. Super excited about your new training plan! I am loving all the summer fruit. Truth be told, I think I ate my body weight in red grapes yesterday. Also falling back in love with swimming (why did I take a month long break from it)?

  2. I love being "lazy" in the summer too, although I'm sure your experience feels different because you're a teacher. Yes, as a freelancer I often wear the same thing for a couple days since no one notices. :)

    1. Okay be honest... do you ever just wear your pjs all day!? :)

  3. I'm loving the warmer temps of course, but it's been so extreme here (either super hot and humid or frigid) that it's tough to really enjoy it! Looking forward to my week off next week...

    1. Great I hope you have a wonderful relaxing vacation next week with some COOL runs :)

  4. I can't wait to hear about your long term (and short term) goals! I love when you're in training for races. I know you don't like to do them often, but I hope that you have one or two planned for the future :)

    I always think about wearing the same outfit two days in a row if I only wear the outfit for a couple of hours, but I get too nervous that I WILL end up seeing the same people randomly. Instead I just throw the clothes back on hangers in the closet as if they had never been worn so that they're ready for the next time whenever that is!

    1. Nothings is planned yet but I definitely WANT to race sometime within the next year. Lol that's a long time frame!

      I do throw clothes back on the hangers too if they are not sweaty! I figure they will last longer.

  5. All of our laundry is workout stuff too!

    Heat is BAD during a run but fun otherwise I think. :)

  6. Because I work from home, you can guess how many times I will wear the same outfit… no shame. Now that I am in the huge stages of pregnancy, I have like two shirts, a few dresses, and a couple maxi skirts that I rotate through. Otherwise I am all about cozies and loungewear.

    That’s awesome that you are setting some new fitness goals. I am really looking forward to being in a place where I can begin setting some new goals.

    Amen to Big Brother. I really enjoy the social dynamics and interactions between characters. Sometimes I feel as though they focus on some more than others, but that is likely because the same people keep winning HOH. It will be interesting to see how some of the underdogs do in the coming weeks.

    1. I am so sick of Shelli's side of the house winning HOH! What do you make of her and Clay's relationship? I know you are a psychologist so I am wondering if you think it is creepy like I do!

  7. Hm...I don't need more scary non-fiction in my life, but now I'm tempted...
