
Monday, June 29, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up! (It's good to be home!!!!)

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It sure has been awhile since I did a Weekend Wrap Up! In summer, sometimes all the days run together, so the weekends don't always feel like "weekends". Ah, the life of a teacher. But because we did a lot, this weekend did feel weekend-y! Here's what we were up to...

On Friday morning, I was treated to a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes and coffee with my friend Bree and her lovely daughter, Alice. Then we went for a walk to the park. 

On the way, we saw two beetles having sex on the sidewalk!!!!

Alice was shocked!

"Come on guys, right in the middle of the sidewalk!? Where do you think you are- Vegas!?"

Bree and I hung out so long that by the time I got home, marriage equality was legal in all 50 states!
WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday was fun because Paul and I went on a Planet Fitness date. The last time we went to the gym together was... ummm.... 2 years ago!? I did chest/shoulders/core and he did a little bit of everything.

Later that night, Randy and Michael came over for game night and so did my brother, Tyler. We had a blast!

The rest of the night BLEW. It was one of those nights I couldn't sleep. I was still awake when Paul's alarm went off at 6:00am. At some point I finally managed to fall asleep....

... and didn't wake up until 1:18pm on Sunday afternoon. Insomnia sucks. It really depresses me. However, I did get up and take on the day. Well, what was left of it.

I went for a 5 miler around my neighborhood. My knee felt great the whole time and continued to feel good the rest of the day. It is really the days I don't run or I am in the car for awhile that it hurts. So weird.

Then we went to visit Paul's family who was visiting from Delaware. He got in some quality "nephew time".

That evening, we hung out with our friends Geoff and Bree... but I forgot to take pictures, which means it DIDN'T HAPPEN! (Just kidding, it totally happened and we had so much fun hanging out with them!)
Did you do anything fun this weekend?
I hope you had a good run!


  1. Sounds like such a fun weekend and nice job on the 5 mile run! We spent our weekend in Steamboat watching my nephew play in a baseball tournament. Steamboat is my favorite mountain town and we lucked out w/ perfect weather. Oh, and on the drive up I heard on NPR about legalizing marriage to all and it MADE MY DAY!!

    1. Woot woot!!!

      I had to google Steamboat- that looks like a long drive from Loveland!

    2. It takes 3.5 hours but SO worth it. I just love it. I think you guys would too!

  2. We had family visiting--always a good time! I will be getting ready for the next group today!
    Love the pic of Paul with his nephews--goofballs!

    1. They looooooooooooooove Uncle Paul! When we left, they jumped on his back. I said, "Why don't you jump on my back!?" hehe.

  3. OMG Alice's face is HILARIOUS. Was that really in response to the beetles?!

    I slept in late Friday and when I woke up my newsfeed was rainbows was seriously such a great day!

    1. It was taken immediately after the beetle picture but if I am being honest I don't think she knew what was going on. :)

      That is awesome waking up and POOF marriage equality!!!

  4. It was cool here yesterday too! I want some scorching hot weather, though. :) It is okay to be lazy on weekends. Ya work harrrrrd for the money! So you gotta take time on the weekends to relax. :)

  5. Over the last couple of years I've been defriending people on Facebook whose moral compass is off point. Last week I realized I had finally weeded all the negative people out because I didn't see ANY confederate flags in my newsfeed *and* it was full of rainbows! That's a pretty big deal for me because my high school was full of confederate flag waving ... people. Idiots. Whatever you want to call them ;)

    1. That is great that you got all the ASSHOLES weeded out. ;)

  6. It sounds like all is well on the home front. I always enjoy being home from vacation and settling back into my routine. Vacations are great, but nothing beats home. :)

  7. Okay, that's super weird about those beetles because a friend of mine posted a video on facebook of two junebugs in her pool doing the same thing, eew. lol. My weekend was exhausting between packing up my office, entertaining my family and working out.
