
Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Now that it is warm out, I am LOVING the weekends! It also helps that this is the first weekend in awhile that I didn't feel crappy! I got a lot of grown up stuff done, yet had a lot of fun, too! Here is what we were up to...

My day started off super early because I had a chiro appointment before work. I did a 4 mile walk and sincerely enjoyed every second of it. Halfway through my walk (around 6am) I chilled with Paul on our front stoop while he waited for our friends to pick him up. He was going with them to Cape May, NJ and wouldn't be back until late that night. I was looking forward to having a day where I didn't need to be on call for him in the case that he had a seizure. It is my pleasure to take care of him, but sometimes I mentally exhaust myself with worry. Today, I didn't have to do that because he would be with people all day!

Work was WONDERFUL because I took my 4th grade chorus and show choir to the high school to participate in Share the Music Day. This is a day that every music ensemble in our district performs for each other. At the end, we all do one piece together. I was so impressed with our high school indoor percussion ensemble, and I loved seeing my old students all grown up. It's really strange when you see your former elementary students as 16, 17, and 18 year olds! I mean, am I that old?

After work I had a shit ton (yes, that's an actual amount) of errands to run. Bank, post office, Aldi, Wal Mart... Then I mowed the lawn, even though it was extremely hot outside. (85 degrees today. Just last week I wore gloves on a morning walk!)

Fun Fact: I wrote the above paragraph of my blog before I actually did everything. I thought writing out all that stuff I had to do would motivate me to do it.

I got 4 pairs of running shorts for $7.96 each! 
They actually fit correctly and have a drawstring.
Danceskin brand.

I was missing Paul a lot, but it was fun to eat pizza alone on a Friday night and do girl stuff!

Chrissy missed his daddy so much that he started opening kitchen cabinets.

Then he went on strike and just laid by the sink until he got home.

Jelly found solace on my laptop. It keeps his butt warm.

Saturdays in our world = disc golf/running date! Or a run/walk date, like it was today!

I wear a visor now.

Couch stretching on the tree after my walk/run.

I felt great during my workout. My hip was a little tight later on- tighter then it was beforehand, but only when I did the little teacup pose where I stick my hip out. I'm definitely not cured, but luckily I have two chiro appointents next week!

That afternoon, we went to a street fair in Palmyra with friends. It was smaller than anticipated, so we spent most of our time together playing games at their place.

When I got home, I had what I call an "Adult Lunchable".

Jelly was curious about the cheese. He LOVES cheese.

Sunday began with a couple of episodes of Jeopardy with Paul and Jelly.

Then my momma came over. I made her a Mother's Day brunch, and she showed me how and where to plant the veggies in my garden. (She brought all the plants too. Ya can't beat that!) This is my second year for the garden, so I knew a little more about what I wanted. This year, I did 4 tomatoes, 4 peppers, basil, parsley, cilantro, and rosemary.

Due to hanging out with my mom, I got a late start on my workout. It was SUPER hot out. I walked a total of 3 miles. During the walk, I did 10 sets of 10 push ups (yes, I got right down on the sidewalk) and 5 sets of 5 pull ups at a nearby jungle gym. No, I don't care what people think of me. When I got home, I also did a short upper body workout including row, chest press, shoulder press, and bicep curls. 

Then I did all kinds of house stuff... including switching all of my winter stuff with summer stuff. My closet is finally summer-ized! 

My reindeer pants have been replaced with rainbow shorts!

Chrissy is in heaven because we turned the A/C on. He loves laying by his cool fan.
If you had all the hair he has, you'd be happy for the A/C too!
How did you celebrate Mother's Day?
Have you put your garden in yet?

Can your fur babies open cabinets?


  1. What a fantastic weekend. Gardening w/ your mom sounds awesome. And doesn't it feel great to get all that stuff done around the house? Rick had to work all weekend and we've been socked in by rain so after my run/workout Saturday I also did a bunch of house stuff and went to Sam's club. Otherwise, super lazy and that felt awesome too. Since Rick had to work again yesterday, and we got SNOW (yep, snow on May 10th) I lingered in bed watching TV and drinking coffee, then did some more baking then took a drive up to Fort Collins to attend our old church (which I miss a lot). It was a great service. Got home mid-day and he was done, too so just another super lazy afternoon watching baseball and golf.

    I bet seeing the kids perform is kind of emotional--seeing them grow up like that is always a little bittersweet (mostly sweet, though...)

    1. I am glad you had such a relaxing weekend. Boo for rain!

  2. What a productive weekend...WE got a lot done here too! I haven't switched out my clothes yet--I think I am afraid I will jinx it! Here I am Monday morning typing, thinking that weekend was fun--but SHORT!!

    1. Weekends are always too short. :( I would say you are good to go with switching the summer clothes buuuuuuuuuuuut I know you are farther North than me. ;)

  3. LOOK AT THOSE FLUFFY KITTIES!! What is it with cats and cheese? Cecil literally goes crazy for it! He can open cabinets and doors. We actually keep his litter box in a closet with the door closed and he just opens the door when he needs to use the bathroom! It cracks me up!

    Gardening with your mom sounds so nice! Now I am remembering how jealous I was last summer when everyone started talking about their gardens! I really should look into doing an indoor garden this year, for real!

    1. Cecil is awesome!!! And lucky you, you get to keep the litter in a closet. Ours is in the dining room hahaha.

      I am lucky that my mom knows how to garden or else I wouldn't know what to do at all. But since she picks everything out for me and tells me how/where to plant it, all I have to do now is water it!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend! And I am so glad the hip is improving. I am loving the warmer weekends as well!

    1. I just hope it continues to improve as I start incorporating some runs. I don't want this to be a chronic problem! I can't only deal with one chronic problem at a time...

  5. Sounds like a great weekend! I need to get my garden planted super soon, but waiting for my husband to build it for me first. Slight timing issue :) Like you I'm in the process of rotating the crops, of clothes, and getting those shorts out. Love those "adult lunchables". We have "wine & cheese" night at our house sometimes and that's what dinner consists of!

    1. Haha you better get that whip cracking on your husband! Your wine and cheese dinners sound great! Unfortunately, when I have wine and cheese, it is my pre-dinner snack hehe.

  6. Your garden sounds amazing! I can't wait to move into a house so I can start growing my own veggies. I'm glad to hear your hip is improving with each day!

    1. It is a fun little project. :) I love having oodles of tomatoes.

  7. I am so jealous of your garden! My diet includes so many herbs-mint, cilantro, basil, dill, parsley, etc...and I want nothing more than to grow all these...unfortunately, I don't have much space ;( My mom has a huge, gorgeous yard, and I am thinking about doing a garden over there. She only lives about 20 min away, so I could with a little more motivation ;)

    Mother's day was fun. We went out to brunch, but it ended up being more like "first dinner". The restaurant was not impressive. I am not a fan of pork belly or duck sausage, and it seemed like the menu had so much of that stuff. Plus, the service was SLOW! 2 pm reservation, didn't get seated until 3 pm, and no food until 4 pm. They didn't even have any appetizers or bread. I was starving! Enough complaining...the time with family and friends was wonderful, and it was gorgeous weather. At least the restaurant had lots of natural light.

    My chihuahuas can't open cabinets, but the 4 pound one is pretty clever. I did have a kitty growing up that could open doors. We had to change all the door handles on the doors we wanted to remain closed. Before we figured it out, he would let himself out at night if we forgot to lock the door!

    1. See, cats are the superior species!!! ;)

      I would have been so ticked to have reservations and then not get seated until an hour later. I totally would have left, deciding that the restaurant purposefully overbooked. I get really sassy about people wasting my time!

  8. Thank you :) I think they are beautiful too but I know I am biased.

    Plant tomatoes. They will grow no matter what you do! Just plant them in good soil.

  9. Hey my new PT gave me this exact stretch to do~!!! I'm going to tell you again that i love your kitty pics. :) I'm so glad you guys had a lovely Mother's Day!

    1. I know I have cats but I am a dog person too! That is why I love Lola! COUCH STRETCH IS AWESOME!!! I was so unflexible but after several months of it I am getting better.
