
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Things I get sucked into on the internet...

Sorry I have not had many running posts lately. I just have not been running! Yes, it sucks. I am making the most of it by lifting and walking. But I am so anxious to get back out there! My new running shoes even came in the mail. The good news is, since it was 85 degrees yesterday afternoon, I was actually dripping with sweat at the end of my walk! Oh well, here is a random post for you since I don't talk about running anymore...Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

1. GOMI. I blame Ali and Kristina for this one because I never even knew it existed until the other day. And now my life will never be the same.

2. IMDB Survivor message boards. You know I love me some Survivor.

3. Facebook. I am one of those people that even if I don't check it for a day, I still have to scroll down and at least skim my entire news feed. Luckily, I have a lot of people hidden so I only see the stuff I want to see. Like cat pictures. NOT pictures of overnight oats and smoothies.

4. New blogs. If I find a new blog I like, I will literally read it FROM THE BEGINNING. Ali, I did this to your blog a couple years ago. Is that creepy?

5. Vacation stuff. I could just plan and plan and plan. I have planned REAL trips and I have planned IMAGINARY trips. It's funny, sometimes after I plan an imaginary trip I actually feel like I went on it! I can't tell you how many cruises I have researched and "booked" in my head.

The 5 reasons listed above are all the excuse I need to NOT get on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. I'd like to keep my list to 5 things and not 8! Although, my husband recently started to do some social media work for my uncle's company and he has almost convinced me that Meg Go Run needs to be on Twitter!

Is there anything on the internet that just SUCKS you in?


  1. I wonder how much stuff I could get done if I didn't always check Facebook and read blogs? I also watch too much YouTube. Never gotten into Twitter or Instagram and I need to keep it that way.

    P.S. I love your blog no matter what you write about. I always look forward to it first thing in the morning!!

    1. Thank you! :) There are blogs I really look forward to reading too. But most people don't post every day. :( But I get it. It's time consuming.

      What do you watch on youtube?

    2. Seriously your posts are the perfect content, the perfect length and the fact that you post every day makes me very happy!

      I watch some cooking channels and beauty channels on YT. I also get my yoga workouts there! But just like FB, I sometimes find myself watching things on YT and all of a sudden I am like "wow, how did I get here?" The latest occurrence of that is REALLY weird.

  2. I can get sucked into new blogs too. Lately I have been trying to avoid clicking on new blogs because I don't have that kind of time these days! But facebook will always suck me in.

    1. Me too! But this summer I am sure I will be reading blogs more often.

  3. I spend a lot of time reading blogs...too much time, probably!

    1. It's hard for me to write every day AND read every day, so I think this summer I will expand my blog roll!

  4. I had put off twitter for SO long because I didn't see the point in it, but it's actually fun. Try it!

  5. I get sucked into blog reading too. Facebook, sometimes - I go through phases. Like you, I have "hid" a lot of people on my feed. The "unfollow" button is, in my opinion, one of the best things to ever happen to social media. It was hard to do to some people, because I do love them, but I just can't deal with the asinine memes and "articles" they share ALL DAY LONG.

    Is GOMI the blog that had the photoshopping debacle recently? I looked it up and couldn't find anything on there about it, and it doesn't even look like a health/fitness blog. I must be missing something.

    1. I agree, the unfollow thing is the best invention ever!

      Yes, GOMI is the place with the photoshopping. I am not quite sure exactly what all GOMI encompasses, but what I found were message boards about blogs and they were divided up by category. So you could click on the healthy living blog msg board or the running blog msg board. Then people start threads basically about how they hate certain blogs. It is funny.

  6. Lately reading blogs, and writing my blog, has been keeping me quite entertained and taking a lot of my time! And then I found your blog... add a few more minutes to my morning (ah hem, all day) blog reading time! :)

  7. Haha well I don't do that with EVERY blog I read. But I remember when I first started reading blogs and I found one I liked, I just had to go back to the beginning. What can I say, I'm an overachiever.

  8. I LOVE GOMI. I come home and refresh my favorite threads and spend like 30 minutes catching up. Which ones do you follow most? I feel like I really learn what NOT to do on my blog. (I never comment on GOMI though.)

    I am mildly embarrassed that you've read my blog from the beginning. I hope it wasn't as awkward and lame as I remember it being!

    1. Oh my word do not be embarrassed, take it as a compliment!

      I will private msg you what I read on GOMI, just don't judge me.

    2. I read GOMI more than I read blogs. I will admit it. It keeps me in a healthy place, I think. I never ever comment. I don't even have an account. I'm interested in knowing which threads you follow too! My running partner and I discuss GOMI on our runs. It's pretty amusing.
