
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Some motivation for you on this GLORIOUS SUNDAY morning!

Today I was supposed to run the Charlie Horse Half Marathon with my brother. Unfortunately, due to circumstances I can't talk about right now, he is unable to run it with me. The whole point of running the race was so spend time with my bro, so I am not running it on my own. Maybe if my glute/hip was 100% I would, but it doesn't make sense to go run 13.1 miles if I know it is going to make my hip sore for days! If my bro was able to run it with me, I would suck it up and do it. But there's really no point in running it on my own. I'm really sad. I was looking forward to the race and running with my brother. Hopefully we can run something together soon.

Needless to say... I need some HAPPINESS today! These images make me happy. I hope they make you happy too!


  1. Sorry you and your brother won't be running today! Sending all good thoughts your way.

  2. Sorry to hear that Meg! I hope everything is OK. I love the guac image. So funny and true. I love avocado so the extra money it costs is worth it to me!

  3. Really sorry to hear that you and your bro won't be able to run together today, but hopefully there will be many other opportunities in the future.

    I'm with you and Tonya - take my money and give me the guac - and don't be skimpy about it. I hate when Chipotle gets skimpy with it! :)

    1. I haven't even been to Chipotle much but yah, guac is KEY!

  4. Sorry you had to miss the race--It is so fun to be able to do something like that with a sibling.
    I like the CS Lewis quote :)
    Just had a fun time with friends watching the Indy 500 (I was kind of bummed because all the rest of my family is there at the race...) So we had friends over, played lawn games, watched some of the race (OK last 15 laps, but it is nice out, who wants to be inside???) and had a great BBQ.

    1. I am glad you got some great family time in, Cheryl! It sure was beautiful weather. I too was outside all weekend.

  5. I hope everything is ok with your brother. I completely understand not wanting to run the race when you are not 100% and were primarily doing it to run with him. Hopefully you will get your chance to run together in the near future!

    The statement about the guac - so true. So unbelievably true.

  6. I am so sorry that the race didn't work out and that you feel sad ;(. I think you are very smart not to push it, though, given you are not 100% pain free yet. I hope all is OK with your brother, and that you were able to do some things that brought you joy today. This might be a little cheesy, but I love this quote: “Hard times never last. Let your hope keep you joyful.” I am not sure who said it, but I always repeat it to myself when I am feeling down or things are rough! Hang in there...

    1. That's a great quote, thanks for sharing, Eugenia. :)

  7. The liver one cracks me up. I hate the detox BS we see these's just an excuse to fast, which I don't think it necessarily a smart choice for most people.

    1. I agree. I can't think of any reason why someone should fast! I mean, I am sure there are reasons... like if you are getting a colonoscopy... or if you are competing in the Miss Universe Pageant and need to have 5% body fat the day of your weigh in... But for normal people who's goal is to be healthy? I don't get it.

  8. I hope everything is okay Meg with you and your brother. :)

    I think Running like a girl is cool. ;)
