
Friday, May 22, 2015

"No thank you!"

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"No, thank you!" is one of my favorite things to say.

Cashier at craft store: Phone number, please?
Me: No, thank you.

Person from car dealership who calls and tries to get me to trade in my Chevy Cobalt: Ms. Michael, I am calling from Sutliff-
Me: No, thank you. (Hangs up.)

Volunteer outside my polling place: Are you here to vote?
Me: Yes.
Volunteer outside my polling place: Can I have a minute of your time?
Me: No, thank you.

People from (fill in the blank church) who knock on my door: Hi, we are from (fill in the blank church)- 
Me: No, thank you.

Second grader who brought me a birthday cupcake: It's my birthday! Do you want a cupcake?
Me: No, but thank you for thinking of me!
(You see, I am nice to second graders.)

I feel like I say "No, thank you!" every damn day. But I don't like my time being monopolized. And I don't like giving out private information (like my phone number) to businesses and things like that. Just because a stranger asks for something, calls me, or knocks on my door, doesn't mean I have to engage. Of course it doesn't mean I have to be rude, either. But seriously. Don't call me and don't knock on my door UNLESS YOU KNOW ME. Or if my house is on fire. Yes, then knock on my door and let me know!

Why does the craft store need my phone number?
Do you like to take control and say "No, thank you!"


  1. LOL--I know...why does any store need your phone number?! It's so annoying. If I ever "have" to give a phone number and I don't see why it's necessary, I give our old phone number that we gave up about 4 years ago :)

  2. When I was younger I was terrible at saying no, but the older I've gotten the easier it's become. I try to be nice to cashier's, waitstaff, etc. because I think they generally have thankless jobs and don't get paid enough, but if you call my cell phone - especially while I'm at work I will hang up on you! I am sure those people have thankless jobs too, but don't spam call me during work hours!

    1. Yes I am always nice to cashiers and wait staff as well! I would be annoyed with spam during work.

  3. I ALWAYS say no to the phone number/email thing. The cashiers are so funny, "are you sure, you could save $5--"
    Living in NH--POLITICAL CALLS ALL DAY on the land line. I would like to say that I say no thank you, but I really just hang up on them...

    1. Ooh why does NH get so many political calls?

  4. I also used to be very timid about saying "no thank you" but I have gotten better about it. I actually don't get asked this kind of stuff too often, except at Target when they ask if I want a RedCard (no thank you!! hehe). I never answer my phone if it's a weird number I don't recognize - I figure if it's important they'll leave a message - so it cuts down on the amount of spammy calls I have to deal with.

    As someone who used to work as a cashier and telemarketer, I can tell you, saying "no thank you" actually helps them too. Chances are, they don't actually want to talk to you either, and you can't really argue with a flat out "no", so it saves them some time too. Don't give them a reason for your "no" - that will give them an opportunity to engage you on it. Just a polite "no thank you" usually works wonders!

    1. Good to know! Because I think just hanging up is rude, but I do interrupt them with my "no thank you" and then just hang up. Because if you don't interrupt... it's over.

  5. I think the phone number thing is just so the stores know which location their customers are from ( I think). When I was in college, I had to by batteries for something and the clerk at Radio Shack ( remember those) asked for my zip code. I told him 90210. I felt like such a

    1. The zip code makes sense because that more pinpoints location, but phone number doesn't do that unless they are giving their home- in which case, just ask for their area code.

  6. I know and I always feel bad because it's always for a charity and I have to say in front of everyone, "No thank you" haha.

  7. I, too, have learned the power of no thank you, when I first realized I could turn down cashiers wanting my email address, I felt so powerful!

  8. I cannot stand it when people come knock on my door! I've been known to just not answer... even when I know they can see me inside. But seriously, if I wanted to go to your church/buy your cable service/whatever, I'd just do it.

    1. I try to hide so they don't see me! Next time I will think of you and not do that. :)
