
Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Workout You Should Do Because I CAN'T!

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One thing I miss about really being able to push myself is designing fun, high intensity workouts for myself! Just to further torture myself, I made up one I wish I could do. I mean, I could do it, but my knee would be screaming at me later on! 

Since I can't join in on the fun, I think you should! Grab your jump rope... or just pretend you have a jump rope... and get going!

Note: You can alter the number of reps for the exercises to fit your fitness needs!



  1. Dang! This sounds like a good one!

    I can't do it either though because I stupidly caught bronchitis :( :( I feel like one of my coworkers must have brought the germ in from their kid. As a teacher, how do you stay germ free all year?!

    1. Aw I am sorry you got sick, that stinks. Rest up and make Cecil and Adam take care of you!

      You would think I'd get sick more often. This year I did have one week where I was down and out.

  2. We put in sod yesterday, and I was just thinking about how much fun it will be to do workouts like this in my backyard once it's established! So I'm pinning this to do in three weeks or so when the sod is tough. :)

    1. Yeah! Warning: Burpees will ruin your grass!!

  3. This does sound like a fun workout! I actually own a jump rope which is so weird since I don't actually use one. lol
