
Friday, April 3, 2015

What A Difference A Week Makes!

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Last week was horrible. I could tell you all the reasons, but they are the normal reasons someone’s week may be horrible, so I don’t feel like boring you with all the details.

But this week? This week I felt rejuvenated!

I don’t know why. There was nothing special about this week. It was the same stuff, different day. But for some reason I was patient, kind, productive, and relaxed. (I try to be a patient, kind, productive, relaxed teacher every day, but I am human and it doesn’t always happen.)

Next week is a big week for me. My 3rd and 4th graders are performing a huge musical on Thursday night. It is going to be an extremely busy and extremely stressful couple days. But it will be worth it, and on Friday, a huge weight will be lifted off my shoulders!

My “spring break” has been shortened significantly due to all the snow PA got this winter. We have make up days to get in, so we only have Good Friday off for Easter. I’m not complaining. It all evens out. I work 189 days a year, it is just a matter of when I work them!

Even though my break is short, I have some fun plans! Today (Friday) I am doing my first trail run in MONTHS. My brother and I are doing a trail half marathon at the end of May, so I know I better get my arse out on the trail to train. Tomorrow I am hanging with some girlfriends (yes, I actually have friends, I just never hang out with them!), and on Sunday I am going to my mom’s house for Easter.

Don't worry, I also plan on doing a lot of writing so that I have some interesting posts for you next week! Because I know I won't have any time to write once the week begins.

I hope you have a great weekend, and check back tomorrow for my Workout Recaps! I have been doing a lot of lifting... Incredible Hulk type of stuff... just kidding.
Do you have any fun plans coming up?
When was the last time you were out on the trail? (For me I think it was June... Yeah, I will be sore tomorrow!)


  1. So happy to hear it's a better week, Meg! Enjoy the trail run w/ your brother today. Sounds amazing!

    Today is a "rest yo ass" day for me so I am going to do some baking (banana bread, cookies) and work (from home which is nice). Tonight is dinner out downtown w/ the family. Looking forward to it.

    Can't wait to hear about the lifting. We just got TRX so at some point today I need to kind of go and figure it out a bit as tomorrow I will be doing it after my run. Hope I don't break my neck.

    1. Ooh have fun with your TRX! I only do inverted rows on them but I see people at the gym doing all kinds of crazy stuff!

  2. Yay, I'm happy to hear you are having a much better week. :) Sometimes I really feel that life is testing us just to see if we will crack, lol. I was thinking that as I was washing my hair the other night...don't ask. I guess I was having one of those weeks too. Either way, enjoy your trail run! Trail running intimidates me but I would love to try it with someone who has some knowledge about it one day.

  3. I know what you mean about just a week making a world of difference! Honestly I feel like as soon as it started to warm up I was just instantly in a better mood. Have a great weekend!!

    1. That could be it. I am wearing SHORTS on my run today. It is going to feel really weird....

  4. I hope you have aa great easter weekend and are able to rest before your super busy week! I can't wait to get myself out on the trail!

    1. Thanks! I hope your weekend is awesome as well. :)

  5. Life happens that way – one week is great, the next is not – and for no specific reason. I probably have one so-so week every month, but the rest are typically good.

    Have fun running the trails this weekend. I went on a trail run a couple days ago and it was a nice change. I’m not sure how much longer I will be running the trails however, and might have to stick to pavement soon.

    No huge plans for the week – running, movies, dying eggs, celebrating Easter with the family. Should be pretty mellow which is exactly what I need. ☺

    1. I am glad most weeks are great for you. :) Same here. I mean, even a boring, normal week is fine as long as it is not stressful!

      I bet the trails in Oregon are beautiful. Maybe you can still get out on hikes with your hubs even if your runs you stick to the pavement.

  6. Glad the week was better!!! I have a friend who teaches elementary school music and I know that program weeks are beyond stressful. One year the admin scheduled 2 in one week for her - that was horrible!!!

  7. He seriously love those weeks when I feel like I'm on top of things and everything goes smoothly in class and I feel like I am the best superhero teacher in the world! I'm glad that you've been having one of those weeks!

    1. Thanks! I needed it. Not too many weeks left in the school year.... :)
