
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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After reading your comments on my Re-Cap last week, I decided I should switch my lifting up a bit more than I do! Sometimes higher reps (12-15) with lighter weights and sometimes lower reps (6-8) with higher weights. I was able to do that more this week since I actually forced my ass to go to Planet Fitness one day! When I am at home, I am stuck with the weights I have, but when I am at PF, I have allllll the weights! So anyway, as always, thanks for the motivation you all give me each and every day!

4/4- 2 Deck of Cards workouts. I was feeling soft, and the only thing that was going to fix that was push ups, pull ups, kettle bell swings, and planks!

I WAS SO. FREAKING. SORE. from the kettle bell swings.
Like, "just ran a marathon" sore.
KB swings get me every time...

4/5- My second trail run of the year! You can read (or listen) all about it here.

Since this run was more technical, my ankles and calves were SUPER sore for several days after this one.

4/6- Lifted back at the gym! It is a miracle that I actually got my arse to the gym. I am seeing a lot of girls lifting there in the morning. It is great! (Although of course I don't talk to anyone.)

4/7- Chest at home. I really should have gone to the gym but Tuesdays are my long day and I just wanted to be home a little longer than normal.

4/8- Finally, after two days off, a run! I wasn't fast, but I sure did feel good out there. AND I ran in shorts in the morning for the first time since probably October.

4/9- Annnnnd back to cold running gear again for this 5 milers.

4/10- REST!!!! I slept in until 7:15 and was out the door for work by 7:32. Wednesday and Thursday I was on my feet all day long rehearsing for our elementary show as well as performing three shows. It was exhausting!
Tell me how your workouts went this week!


  1. Nice job! Looks like a great week of workouts. BTW, your slow is my SUPER fast! As in "I never go that fast". Just FYI in case it makes you feel any better :) Have an awesome weekend!!

  2. You got to run in shorts?!?!?!?! What was the temperature? It's going to be 5 Celsius here today and I'm tempted to wear shorts just to freak everyone out...LOL.

    1. I did! It was about 45 F... so, probably 14 c... is that a correct conversion? (Forgive me, I am American, and we have our OWN system for it seems like everything that is measured hahahahah....)

  3. I love trail running pics! The sound of leaves and twigs crunching underfoot is one of my favorite sounds in the world - so satisfying!!!

    You were a champ last week getting in all those workouts even during a busy week!!

    1. Well as I am sure you know, workouts are a good stress relief so in a way it is still really important to get them in if ya have the time. But notice on Friday, when all the stress was over, I was like "eff this!" and I slept in!
