
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Weekly Workout Re-cap!

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You will notice I did not run much this week. I still have a PIMA (pain in my ass). It is very small, but I am SOOOOOOO scared of it turning into something big! So I did a lot of lifting this week instead... Very frustrating, especially since the weather is so nice!

4/11- For some reason, I just did not feel like working out on Saturday. But I was due to lift back, so I dragged my butt to the gym. Once I got there, I did feel strong!

4/12- I was sick with a sore throat on Sunday, but the weather was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I had to get outside for a run, so I did. I didn't feel any worse after, so that is good. And apparently, the warm weather put some mojo in me. I don't understand this run. I was feeling SO LETHARGIC all day, yet I kicked ass during my workout. It doesn't make sense.

4/13- Why don't I feel like working out? Again, I had to force myself out of bed. This workout was done at home in my pajamas. I did put sneakers on. Oh, the reason I did 25 reps of dumbbell shoulder press is because my 25lb weights (Powerblock) BROKE after I did my shoulder press! I was too scared to use them for chest, so I just did more reps with lighter weights. Not ideal, but it was better than nothing.

4/14- Morning 5 miler. It was quite warm out and I ran in SHORTS AND A TANK TOP! I wore shorts and a long sleeve one day last week. This is the first morning in which I got to break out a tank top. I can't believe it!

4/15- I went to the gym... and did ALL THE PULL UPS!!! Oh, and I forgot my running shoes at the gym that morning. But my NEW running shoes arrived in the mail that afternoon! Talk about perfect timing.

4/16- I found my running shoes in the locker room. I was glad because they are still new looking, so I will just wear them for fashion from now on- not to actually work out in. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring a towel to the gym, so after my shower, I had to dry myself off with a single long sleeved dry tech shirt. Gross.

4/17- I walked a total of 7 miles! I've missed my walks.
Tell me about an awesome workout you had this week!


  1. I must have missed that you were having butt pain issues! Hopefully it goes away quickly!
    That is alot of walking for one day- awesome job!

    1. Thanks, I hope it goes away too, as I have no idea what it is or how it happened.

  2. Hey Congrats on your pull up PR!!!!!!!! You are so strong! I'm totally jealous of your tank and shorts run. If I wear shorts on Monday for the race, there may be some blindness happening from my pale skin.

    1. Thank you friend! Hope your travels are going safely. Don't worry I think there will be a lot of pale skin at Boston this year. You will fit right in. :)

  3. Looks like a good week of workouts! I am 2 weeks of doing TRX and loving it.

  4. Hope that the pain in you butt goes away soon!!
    Love that you push yourself to workout even on days that you aren't totally feeling it.

    1. Me too! I am only going to walk this week in hopes of it going away for good. It has "lingered" for 2 weeks. Time to pull out the big guns.

  5. I wish I could do a pull-up! I just never practice, so clearly I will never do one. Sometimes, the days I feel the most lethargic and almost skip out on a workout are the days I do the best. Why is that?! You look amazing!

    1. Well I know how strong you are, so if you practiced them I am sure you would do one. What kind of lifts do you do?

  6. When I used to go to the gym I would literally forget a towel every time! I was that disgusting sweaty girl who had to wipe down the equipment with a paper towel ha ha.

    1. I use a paper towel too! No one at Planet Fitness even wipes stuff off. That's why it's $10 a month ahahahaha! Free ringworm!!!
