
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Back on the TRAIL! (Round 2)

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This post is going to be a little bit different...

On Easter morning, I stopped by the Appalachian Trail on the way to my parent's house to get a training run in for the Charlie Horse Half Marathon. When I was done running, I still had a little bit of a drive until I got to their house, so I recorded my thoughts about my run on my mp3 player so I would remember them for when I wrote a post later on.

Well, after listening to my notes, I decided to do something different. Instead of actually writing out my thoughts, here is the recording of my notes! Is this a pod cast? A car cast? I run cast? A voice cast? I don't know what to call it, but it is the 6 minute version of how my run went!

Here is the short version in case you don't feel like listening to all of that...

Terrain: Part technical/rocky, part rolling and flat
Miles: 6:09 miles @ 10:49
Knee: Pretty good
Snakes: 0
Falls: 0
Bathroom Stops: 1
Murdered? No.

And here are the pictures...

The beginning was rocky! I was not expecting that...

Always follow the white blazes.

 The picture does not capture the beauty!

Much of the trail going south is single track but it was wider when I went north.

Ankle twisters!

I didn't make it to any of these destinations today but I have before.

Cool walking bridge over the highway.

A parking lot full of cars always makes me feel safe!

What fun!

This was a HARD run!
Do not let me average pace fool you. It was an effort.
Have you ever run on the Appalachian Trail?

I may do more voice blog type things. What do you think I should call them?


  1. I can't wait to listen to your audio later! I'm excited. Sounds like it went great. I think you should do more audio and call them "Meg-casts".

    I haven't done any trail running. Unless it was a very smooth trail, I am confident I would find a way to fall.

    1. MEG CASTS. I LOVE IT. No more suggestions needed, your idea is the best! :)

      Can you believe that I have fallen on the road just about as many times as I have fallen on the trail? The thing is, you get bloodier when you fall on the road.

    2. Yay for Meg casts. I still need a break in my work day to listen to it but I will listen to it by end of today! I am sure I am going to want you to do more. I was in Mexico for a yoga retreat and was running on a dirt road through the jungle and fell (like over nothing). I got a really bloody knee that is now a really nice scar (I look like I am about 10 w/ this scar on my knee now).

    3. I wanted to ask you if you carry any pepper spray or mace or even a pocket knife w/ you when you run? Also a whistle? Not complete protection but something just in case you encounter any funny business. I carry pepper spray & a whistle (and my phone) when I run because it makes Rick feel better (he wishes I would carry a gun but that's not gonna happen). Anyway, something to think about. Thanks for the Meg-cast. Loved it.

  2. OK, I listen to podcasts on my longer runs...Care to make them, I don't know, about an hour long??? You could have guests...
    I am anxious to get back on the trails. It looks beautiful. I have hiked part of the AT, I don't think I have run any of it.
    I am too chicken to do most trails on my own. I get my husband to go with me, and I just follow. They are a GREAT total body workout!

    1. I would LOVE to do a real pod cast. I think that would be so fun. I just don't know when I would find the time. Maybe this summer I could try doing it. I do have a lot of interesting friends who have run all kinds of crazy races in which I could interview...

      Trail runs are a great total body workout. This run was Sunday and my ankles are still sore from it!

  3. I think the views are gorgeous too. :) A look down into the valley with all the fields...

  4. I have only been on the A-trail once but I am somewhat familiar with the terrain. It's nice to mix it up once in a while. I am glad to hear that you ran a few miles and then back to your car and then went a different direction and did the same thing. Being out in the woods is kind of scary, even if it is a nice day and there are people around!

    1. Yup I agree. And I watch Forensic Files and I don't want to be THAT stupid girl that gets murdered doing something stupid hehe.

  5. I saw a lot of people running steep and scary trails on my trip to Utah and my knees and ankles hurt just watching them! You should come try the beach! :)

    1. Omg running in the sand is HARD. Way harder than trail running. :)

  6. Oh - that trail looks hard but the pictures are amazing!!!

  7. I am not feeling very creative right now, as it is late and I'm tired, so I don't have any input about what you should call it...but I really loved it! Never ran the Appalachian Trail, but I have hiked most of the major peaks in the PNW, does that count? (Mt. Rainier, many times/different routes, was one of the greatest experiences of my life). I am so thankful that my running is naturally returning to what it was before my injury, and I have been able to run several trails around my house. Love the trails ;) And I was not fooled by the average pace-my trail running speeds are always slower than road running, especially with all those rocks!

    1. Next time maybe I will make it a little more organized and not just record my voice into my mp3 player on my way home! :) That is sooooo cool that you hiked Mt. Rainier. I am glad you can get out on the trail again!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  8. lmao @ "murdered: no"!!!!

    What great pictures! And I love hearing your voice...Is that weird? It's just nice to put a voice to the blogger!

    1. No it's not weird, I love hearing voices and seeing videos of bloggers. :)

  9. If I ever get my shit together, I am going to do a blog post about my weekend of trail running. I've been so busy and I just got back from a week-long adventure through the South West. But there's nothing quite like being on the trails!

    You crack me up! Murdered? No. I was running around the lake at my sister's house last week while on my adventure and I thought, "Wow, I could be murdered right now and no one would know. This is not safe at all." It's always a good day when we don't get killed on our runs! ;-)

    1. Well girl, I can't WAIT to hear about your trip because we are doing the South West thing this summer and I need running tips!
