
Monday, January 12, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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This weekend was much needed, but of course it went by way too fast. I spent a lot of it alone, due to all the football games. I can't wait until the season is over and I can force Paul to watch Survivor with me all weekend!

Friday night by the numbers...

3 episodes of Survivor
2 games of Jeopardy
1 takeout dinner from El Sol

That is NOT diet soda it is seltzer water! 
(It's not as good as diet soda. I won't lie to you.)

... all events were enjoyed in our robes!

No filter, no makeup, and a random light beam shooting through our heads...

I love the way the sun shines through our front bay window in the morning. Jelly always finds a sun square.

For some reason, he likes to face the wall.

I got out a towel because I figured if I did, he would lay on it. He did.

Chrissy looks beautiful on the bay window!
Don't let the sunshine fool you- it was freaking COLD out!

Paul and I spent much of the morning watching Survivor. Then I went for a negative degree run. I was soaked with sweat by the time I came back but my face was numb. Here is an overview of what I wear in negative temps...

1st layer: shoes, socks, warm Reebok tights, Underarmour long sleeve, sports bra (the tights and the long sleeve are my 2 most expensive pieces of running clothes and I wear them several times in a row during the winter because they are that good!)

2nd layer: fleece vest, headband, Adidas lined wind pants from high school

Layer 2 gives me "Mom Butt"

3rd layer: blue puffy gloves, insanely warm Free Country jacket that I can really only wear if it's less than 20 degrees outside. (That jacket normally runs over $100 but I got it for less than $30 several years ago at Marshall's.)

After my run, we watched more Survivor and then I spent a lot of time blogging. I really don't have time to blog during the week, so I try to make sure all my posts are ready to go before Monday. I'll do little tune ups to the posts during the week, but the majority of the work needs to be done by Monday.

The highlight of Saturday was discovering these sea salt pretzel thins.

Sunday was a lonely day because Paul was away at various friends' houses watching football. I went for a run and then did some shopping. I didn't buy anything, but I did try on a beautiful $300 Calvin Klein jacket. It was on sale for $125. I probably would have bought it if it was $75.

I love the long down jackets like this one with a fuzzy hood.
It's an insanely warm winter coat that you can still wear with dressy clothes.

On Sunday afternoon, started to get really overwhelmed and anxious for the work week ahead. There is just so much to do at school and not enough hours in the day. I ended up laying on the couch and writing all of my lesson plans for the week so that I wouldn't feel so overwhelmed on Monday.

Once that was taken care of, I planned my workouts for the next couple days, packed my lunches and gym bag, and kept plowing my way through Ready to Run.

Ready to snack and Ready to Run!

Boy do I miss Paul when he's gone all day!
Tell me something fun about your weekend!
Do you have one of those long jackets?
Teachers, how do you calm the eff down on Sunday nights!?


  1. Those Adidas pants! I forgot how popular they used to be! I never liked them but I wore them so I would look cool!

    You look like a badass spy from a movie in your all black running outfit!

    1. I don't ever remember wanting them, but my neighbor gave me a bunch of hand me down clothes and those were in there! They were actually big on me in high school which is the only reason they fit me now. But they are freaking PERFECT for a 2nd layer of pants when running.

  2. That is a lot of Survivor right there.

    So glad I don't have to bundle up like that for my runs, just as much to get ready as it is to actually run lol.

    1. We are obsessed with Survivor!

      Yes, and it is a lot of laundry too!

  3. That running outfit is pretty hardcore! I feel bulky when I have to wear a second layer (which is only when I am running outside at sunset). I spent time with some family in town from Connecticut this weekend and they were in t-shirts because of our balmy 55 degree weather!

    1. Dang that is warm!

      I feel bulky too and I tense up my shoulders. It is not fun running in several layers!

  4. I love those pretzel thins!! I think if I had to wear that many layers to go running I probably just wouldn't run so props to you!

    1. Yay! They are soooo good! :) Especially with wine...

  5. I wondered how you had time to blog during the week - I keep thinking that I should try to write some posts ahead but the weekends are the time I have with the boys so I need to find a different time I guess.
    I remember the Sunday "feeling" way back when I was a teacher - not dread just knowing that it was going to be 5 LONG days!!!
    Hope this is a great week and that the kids listen and don't interrupt you too much.

    1. lol thanks Kim!

      I am sure having kids makes it difficult to devote weekends to blogging. Heck, I don't even HAVE kids and I struggle to find time. I don't know how moms do it!

  6. Okay, this post made me think I should call my mom to see if I have any old track pants from high school laying around! I love those pants! You watched as much survivor as I watched the Good

    1. Hahahahah they are definitely not a fashion statement (the good kind, anyway) but they keep me warm!

      Snow day today... MORE SURVIVOR!!!

  7. The superbowl is Feb 1st so it is over soon, thank goodness!!

    What is recruiting week? January is soooo busy!

  8. So wait, you don’t watch football? Really?

    Oh, and how are you watching Survivor? Are you watching previous seasons? That is actually a genius idea because although I have seen every season, and LOVE the show, I probably would not remember much from the first few seasons.

    Haha, my cat does the SAME thing. He will lay in the sun, but be sitting in the corner, facing the corner.

    I’m glad you soothed your Sunday afternoon/evening anxiety with a glass of wine. Works like a charm. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t enjoyed a glass of wine while grading. Sometimes you just need it. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, I HATE football. :) Not into it at all! I know I am in the minority.

      We are watching Survivor on youtube! There are entire seasons on there! We just watched Pearl Islands- LOVED it. Now we are watching The Amazon. I know you are my Survivor Sista so you totally have to go on there and binge watch.
